Astrology FAQ's

If you’re here, then you’re either really interested in astrology or just trying to get started. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back.

Astrology can be quite daunting at first glance due to its many concepts and it can be difficult to wrap your head around them on the first try, especially without guidance. After all, every concept is interconnected and can only be understood when you already have some appreciation of the basics.

Thankfully, there’s an easy way to get started.

Below are some of the most common questions that people ask regarding astrology, numerology, chakras, crystals and other related topics. In this ultimate starter’s guide, you’ll be learning the basics and giving yourself the headstart you need.

The answer to the question of which Sun sign you are is always perplexing. The date of your birth always determines your Sun sign. As a general rule, the signs are classified as follows:
  • Aries: March 21 to April 19 (Spring Equinox)
  • Taurus: April 20 to May 20
  • Gemini: May 21 to June 20 (Summer Solstice)
  • Cancer: June 21 to July 22
  • Leo: July 23 to August 22
  • Virgo: August 23 to September 21 (Autumn Equinox)
  • Libra: September 22 to October 22
  • Scorpio: October 23 to November 21
  • Sagittarius: November 22 to December 21 (Winter Solstice)
  • Capricorn: December 21 to January 19
  • Aquarius: January 20 to February 18
  • Pisces: February 19 to March 21 (Spring Equinox)
You’ll notice that the equinox or solstice’s beginnings and endings are chosen rather than a set calendar date. How do you know when these events will take place? That is where determining your Sun sign becomes difficult because equinoxes and solstices depend on the movement of the Sun. This varies slightly from year to year. Let’s say you were born “on the cusp”, which means you were born between the signs. The only way to know which sign you are is to have your chart read by a reputable astrologer. Because the charts are created using complex mathematical calculations. It is critical to have your place and time of birth if possible.

The answer lies within astronomy and the Sun’s movements. The solstices and equinoxes do not always occur on the same day every year. The date will be in one sign some years and the next through the lines that divide the Sun signs. This occurs at the spring equinox of Pisces and Aries, and the summer solstice of Gemini and Cancer. It also involves the autumn equinox of Virgo and Libra and the winter solstice of Sagittarius and Capricorn.

The only sure way to know what sign you are is to have your birth chart drawn up by a reputable astrologer. You must provide your date of birth, as well as your time and place of birth. This is because the charts are built using mathematical calculations to place the planets in their respective signs at the time of your birth.

Astrologers use “ephemeris”, which is a book that shows the positions of the planets at specific times and locations. Then they have to use tricky formulas to figure out where the Sun was at the time you were born. A time zone difference or a couple of hours difference in birth time could move you from one sign to the next; it’s that complex!

Anyone born near another sign (the astrological term is “on the cusp”) should consider the traits of both signs. Consider the weather: between summer and autumn, there’ll be some cooler days in summer and some warmer days in autumn. It’s a mix-up of both seasons. If you were born “on the cusp”, you are a synthesis of the energies of both Sun signs.

The zodiac sign that is rising in your birth chart is referred to as a “rising sign”. Where is it rising? It’s the sign that makes up the Ascendant in your horoscope, which is on the cusp of the first house. The lines between the Sun signs and the lines between the houses are referred to as cusps in astrology.

Houses of the birth chart are complex. Sun signs remain constant at 30-degrees, the sizes of the houses vary depending on where and when you were born. This is why a good astrologer will always nag you about your birth time and place.

There are 12 houses, each representing a different aspect of your life. The rising sign is the sign that is in your natal birth chart's first house. The first house governs your personality and demeanor. Your rising sign can only be determined if you know your birth time and place, and birth date. Without this information, the houses of the birth chart cannot accurately situate.

Your rising sign reveals a great deal about you. This, along with your Moon and Sun signs, constitutes your primal triad. Your rising sign can tell you how you interact with others and the world around you, including what kind of first impression you make.

The strength of your rising sign depends on the position of your Sun sign in your natal chart. If your Sun sign isn’t in a strong position, you may act more like you're rising than your Sun sign. It could explain why your Sun sign’s characteristics don’t always match your personality.

There are numerous reasons why your Sun sign’s characteristics do not match your personality. The simple answer is that astrology is complex. Your birth sign is merely the position of the Sun at the time of your birth.

The Sun is one of the most important astrological aspects. In a birth chart, the Sun always represents the self and the ego. It will thus play a significant role in your birth chart, but it is not the only influence that shapes who you are!

All of the popular daily horoscopes and predictions in newspapers center on the Sun signs. There is also a Moon sign, a rising sign, and signs for all of the other planets, namely Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

In addition, some astrologers consider fixed stars, comets (such as Chiron), or rhythms, namely the Moon’s north and south nodes. If your Sun sign is not prominent in your birth chart, you may adopt the dominant personality traits rather than the characteristics reflecting your Sun sign.

You’re more than your Sun sign, which is why you’re not identical to other people born under the same sign. Not only does the position of the other planets impact you, but so does their relationship to one another.

These factors will have an impact on how a planet behaves in both positive and negative ways. If other aspects in your chart are heavier than your Sun, you can prominently see those traits in your character. This is why it is best to have a reputable astrologer do your full chart. Through this, you can fully understand all of the cosmic complexities that make you who you are.

That’s a tricky question! It does not have a simple solution! It all comes back to the birth chart’s complexities. You are more than your Sun sign or rising sign. You are more than anyone sign or house of your birth chart. The same goes for your potential partner.

The only way to know if you’ll be compatible with someone is having a relationship synastry chart for you two. But even then, it’s not for certain. Your circumstances, peers, and natal planets will all have had an impact on you.

However, there are a few guidelines that will assist you in finding someone with whom you are compatible. The first connects to the astrological elements. The zodiac signs all fall into one of four elemental categories: fire, earth, air, or water. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are the fire signs. Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are earth signs. Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are the air signs - don't be fooled by Aquarius. Despite being known as “the water bearer”, it is an air sign. Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are water signs.

In addition to the Sun sign, you should investigate the Moon sign. The Moon governs your emotions in astrology. Studying your Moon sign reveals how you feel about things. Aspects made to your Moon by other planets help you understand your emotional strengths and weaknesses.

When you know your partner's Moon sign, you can gain insight into how they feel about certain issues. A relationship synastry will help you understand how the other planets influence your relationship as well. It is possible to perform a synastry reading based solely on your birth dates. However, because the Moon only stays in each sign for a few days. An accurate Moon sign reading requires the time and place of birth.

This is a very popular question right now, with NASA recently confusing everyone with the announcement. It entails a “new” sign they refer to as Ophiuchus. Many people are wondering how this would affect them. The truth is that there is no new Sun sign.

People have been debating the various Sun signs for centuries. This is how zodiac astronomy works. It takes about a year for the Earth to orbit the Sun. Because we are on Earth, it appears that the rest of the solar system is moving while we are still standing. The entire solar system is in motion, and its inner workings appear to be moving against the backdrop of constellations. The constellations always appear in order, and they have been used since the beginning of astrology.

There are 12 of them, beginning with Aries and ending with Pisces. However, the 12 constellations used in astrology are not the only ones out there. You’ve probably looked up at the sky for the Big Dipper or Orion’s Belt. But those aren’t Sun signs, and neither is Ophiuchus.

The difference is that because Ophiuchus is quite large, it attracts attention to itself. However, because it’s not as bright as the other Sun signs, it has never been used as a Sun sign. There are more than 80 modern constellations, and the Sun passes through more than 30 of them. They have astronomical significance, but none of them are in use in astrology.

There are as many different answers to this question as there are people who have them! Being in love became insufficient at some point. You had to have a soul mate, a twin flame, a twin ray... Someone that elevates your relationship above what everyone else had happily, making you special in some way. The truth is that very few twin flames are romantic partners. There are certainly a lot of misconceptions out there!

Plato is the genius behind the concept of a twin flame around 2500 years ago. He thought that every soul is only a half-soul, having separated from its original, hence the term “twin flame.” Because each soul is distinct, we can only ever claim oneness with our twin flame. Each half was a mirror image of the other.

It is possible to go even further and argue that twin flames never incarnate at the same time. Because when one is physical, the other must be spiritual. You’re mirror images of each other, and you complete each other. So it stands to reason that you’ll be opposites in many ways.

Another thing is that a twin flame’s job is not to make you feel good about yourself. Your soul’s evolution accelerates by the presence of a twin flame. Because you're twins, one of you won't be able to grow unless the other does.

There’ll be growing pains in any situation where you are bettering yourself, and the twin flame situation is no exception. You’ll feel elation, pain, loss, and disconnection, and you'll finally realize what this encounter was. You may even appreciate it for the good it brought into your life. That is where the healing begins. If you did learn your lesson, you’d experience the peace that comes with acceptance.

Sadly, there is some confusion on this subject because a twin flame is not a soul mate. A soul mate is not a twin flame, and neither is a life mate. It’s puzzling because twin flames, soulmates, twin rays, kindred spirits, twin souls, past life connections… All seem to want to compete with one another to make a loving relationship appear more special in some way.

Because it is so subjective, there is no sure way to tell if someone is a twin flame. You can’t determine if someone is a soul mate, a kindred spirit, a twin soul, or a past life connection. Neither can you identify if someone you meet for the first time in this incarnation will be a soul mate. However, they can be something more in future lifetimes.

Several metaphysical articles say finding your twin flame or soulmate is necessary for you to have a perfect relationship. Some might say it is mandatory for you to find “true love” to be happy and content. That is not entirely correct. A twin flame’s purpose is to reflect on you so that you can learn and grow.

Let’s say you are fortunate enough to find a twin flame in this lifetime. This will be the most intense relationship you’ve ever had. You need to understand that your twin flame will reflect your flaws to you so you can improve and uplift your spirit.

They will also cause you to experience stronger emotions (both positive and negative) than you have ever felt before. When you’ve been together for a while, being apart feels strangely empty. Above all, you’ll discover that your twin flame assists you in becoming a better you, which is their purpose. The primary reason a twin flame enters your life is to allow both of your souls to grow and mature.

They may appear to you as a jumble of lines and squiggles. The images in your birth chart are a map of who you are to an astrologer. Every squiggle, line, and angle has meaning, and skillful astrologers have spent years learning what they all mean and how they all fit together. Some of it is harmonious, some of it is challenging, but it all contributes to who you are.

Some of the images will depict various planets. These are the marks inside the double circle that link to other images by lines. Each planet represents a unique set of energies and characteristics. Every line affects how those qualities manifest in your personality, either positively or negatively.

The images on the outside circle represent the zodiac signs. Every sign has a distinct personality. Furthermore, each sign has a ruling planet as well as its own set of qualities and aspects. Where those signs fall in your horoscope will have an impact on various aspects of your life. They will fill in the way any planets in that area behave.

The lines that connect the planets are aspects. These show the astrologer whether the planets are in harmony or if there is conflict. You are much more than your Sun sign. A reputable astrologer will examine your chart and assist you in determining who you are. The more lines there are in your chart between the squiggles, the more there is for the astrologer to interpret. This is why your Sun sign’s characteristics may not always match your personality.

A Sun sign is simply the zodiac sign in which the Sun was when you were born. Because there is only one Sun, and it can only be in one place at a time, you can only have one Sun sign. The Sun itself, on the other hand, will pass through each sign of the zodiac over a year. That is, whenever someone was born, their Sun sign is the sign of the zodiac in which the Sun was at the time of their birth.

There are a total of 12 zodiac signs, which are divided into three qualities and four elements. Every element has a different quality, and every quality has a different element. So no two signs of the zodiac share the same element and quality. Cardinal, mutable, and fixed are the qualities. Fire, earth, air, and water are the elements. They are distributed in the following manner:

  • Aries: Cardinal/Fire
  • Taurus: Fixed/Earth
  • Gemini: Mutable/Air
  • Cancer: Cardinal/Water
  • Leo: Fixed/Fire
  • Virgo: Mutable/Earth
  • Libra: Cardinal/Air
  • Scorpio: Fixed/Water
  • Sagittarius: Mutable/Fire
  • Capricorn: Cardinal/Earth
  • Aquarius: Fixed/Air
  • Pisces: Mutable/Water

You'll notice that no combination repeats itself and that all of the qualities and elements have something in common. The best way to find out how they interact in your chart is to have a reputable astrologer interpret them.

Your Hidden Passion Number is a calculation that tells you about your deepest desires. It reveals your natural talents as you study them. Additionally, it includes information about your strengths and weaknesses. Throughout this incarnation, you can discover what motivates you. It can assist you in deciding on a career and how to live your life. Obviously, the more you know about yourself, the better.

A numerologist will convert the letters in your given name at birth into numbers to determine your hidden passion number. Your hidden passion number is the number that appears the most frequently.

The more frequently a number appears in your calculation, the more dynamic its influence on you will be. Not only that but you’ll find that it will be significant in your life’s lessons. The number that appears the most frequently is your specific area of expertise. It denotes where you have an exceptional talent for something.

The area where your hidden passion is strongest will appear to have its own life! It provides you with a reason to live. It's something that, if you didn't do it, you'd be nothing. The more frequently your hidden passion number appears, the more insistent it is that you pay attention to it. You should express yourself in your unique way, infusing it with your personality.

Another numerology calculation is your life path number (also known as an LPN). It explains why you chose this incarnation. Some consider it to be the most significant number in your numerology profile. It is found by adding your date of birth and reducing the result to a single digit or one of the master numbers (11, 22, 33).

When you think about it, your birth is a moment that has been frozen in time. It is the exact moment you took your first breath and began your worldly journey. Additionally, it is the point at which your spirit enters the next stage of its evolution. It’s a complete transformation in which you become a distinct person.

The goal of studying your life path number is to determine what your main lesson to learn will be during this lifetime. It will outline your strengths and challenges, where you are most likely to find opportunities for growth and success. Your LPN can even help you identify what personality traits will help or hinder you on this journey.

LPNs all have positive and negative influences, but that doesn't make them good or bad. Even an excess of goodness can be a flaw. While the negative aspects are simply challenges that you must overcome to make a name for yourself.

Even your birthstone can tell you a lot about yourself, and it is based on your birth date. Yes, your life path number is one of the most important numbers in numerology, but don't get too caught up in it. It’s just a cycle, and while it's the longest of your incarnation, it’s not the only one.

In numerology, your personal year number indicates what to expect in the coming year. These figures change in cycles from year to year. Your personal year is determined by a calculation that takes into account both the current year’s numbers. Then combine it with the numbers of your date of birth.

A master number cannot be used as a personal year. They always reduce to a single digit, ranging from 1 to 9. Every number in this cycle represents something different in your life. Bringing different qualities, advantages, and challenges. By studying the cycle of your personal year numbers, you can plan out how you want your life to unfold.

When we count, the number 1 represents a new beginning; similarly, as the first house in astrology or the ace in the tarot card suits. This represents a new beginning when it comes to your personal year number and the cycles that it initiates. It stands to reason that 9 is the end of that cycle, and you’ll begin a new cycle starting with 1 the following year.

As you begin working on your personal year, it is unlikely that you will begin with the number 1. Even as a newborn, you can begin life in the middle of the 9-year cycle. It all comes down to the number that comes up by multiplying your date of birth. You multiply it by the current year to arrive at your personal number.

In numerology, the heart's desire number is sometimes known as the soul urge. This number reveals everything about your innermost feelings, dreams, and what you wish to experience or achieve in this lifetime.

It reveals why you do the things you do, what your true intentions are, and what propels you forward to make your decisions. This number pervades everything you do and is a fundamental number in numerology. It has an impact on your job, where you live, your friends, and how you communicate yourself to others.

A numerologist will take your name and convert it to numbers before using those conversions to determine your heart's desire number. It is determined by your full given name at birth. It does not account for nicknames or name changes as a result of marriage or other means. The single-digit numbers 1 - 9 and the numerology master numbers are the heart's desire numbers (11, 22, 33).

You have a heart’s desire number as well as a minor heart’s desire number. This is calculated in the same way as your full given name, but it uses your nickname. It can also use the name you use to identify yourself rather than your full given name.

Why is there a distinction? You probably don't share your private thoughts or feelings with random acquaintances. You reserve that part of yourself for those who are closest to you. The same is true for your heart’s desire number.

The minor heart’s desire number accentuates certain aspects of your personality, which you keep hidden from those closest to you. The minor number also indicates where you have the most work to do, what you want the most. This can also identify where you face the most difficulties.

Your personality number is a numerology calculation that can help you understand your first impressions of others. It works with your full given name at birth, just like the heart’s desire number and the hidden passion number. It’s discovered by converting the name to numbers.

Many numerologists believe that this number represents the entrance to who you are, an outer projection of yourself, as well as the aspects of yourself that you are comfortable sharing with others. Once you’ve gotten to know them and have mutual trust, you can let them see more of the authentic you.

It’s also easy for your personality number to act as a shield. It shields you from bombardment with too much unwanted energy from people with whom you don’t get along. Additionally, it prevents you from disclosing too much about yourself to others too quickly. It protects your innermost being so that you don't expose yourself to unwanted advances of any kind. You may even end up feeling drained and exhausted after being with certain people.

While your personality number is the first impression that you make, it’s only a shadow of who you truly are. It allows you to filter what immediately makes you feel uncomfortable. At the same time, it lets you meld easily with those people who are on your wavelength.

Your Personality Number can also protect you from getting into those situations that don’t feel right. It’s usually at this point that interest in people or activities is lost or gained. This depends on how your personality number resonates with them.

You also have a minor personality number, but it is anything but minor. The number corresponds to how you perceive your authentic self. It, like the minor heart’s desire number, intensifies certain aspects of your personality - for better or for worse. It is more about who you are at your core than who you present yourself to be.

The minor personality number is based on your nickname or the name with which you now identify (rather than on your full given name at birth). You can learn a lot about your strengths, challenges, and what you need to do to reach your full potential. This is possible through studying your minor personality number.

1. First of all, you have to choose your pendulum

It is critical to let the pendulum choose you instead of the reverse. Selecting a pendulum in person is the best way to determine which one appeals to you. If you touch it and feel a change in temperature or a gentle reverberation, it could be "the one". You consider it to be "the one" if the way it looks and feels right for you. This process may not seem like much but it is a divine personal experience to find the perfect pendulum for you.

2. To care for your pendulum, you need to cleanse it

Because pendulums absorb all kinds of energies, you must cleanse and recharge them on a routine basis to work effectively. You can clean it by soaking it in a bowl of sea salt or washing it under running water. When looking to recharge your pendulum, let it rest under either sunlight or moonlight. After doing so, pick up your pendulum again, close your eyes, take deep breaths, and feel its energy to see if you did cleanse it efficiently.

3. You need to connect with your pendulum to understand it

Understanding your pendulum means being able to interpret each swing. Vertical straight lines, horizontal straight lines, and circular movements are all examples of this. The swings can even be side to side, back and forth, clockwise, counterclockwise, in an elliptical motion... Or even in a whirling movement, which frequently creates a significant affirmative force.

4. Define your pendulum's directional swings

Designate a "response" to each directional swing by first asking the pendulum to show you what certain responses look like. Begin, for example, by asking easy questions such as "What does a 'no' look like?" and then, "What does a 'yes' look like?" Presenting these questions to your pendulum will assist in defining directional swings, which must occur before moving on to more difficult questions.

5. Properly set your intentions before using your pendulum

It is essential to begin the question and answer session with a heartfelt proposal or declaration. For instance, it could be as simple as saying, "I intend to receive accurate responses that will serve the good of all."

6. Sequence the way you will ask your questions

Prepare to ask multiple questions to obtain enough information to assist in your quest for comprehensive responses. To clear any lingering energies from the previous question, make sure to completely stop any pendulum motion between questions.

7. Only your dominant hand can wield your pendulum

This is extremely important to consider when it comes to defining your pendulum swings and pendulum dowsing. Given that a pendulum is a weighted object you link to a string, you need to ascertain which hand of yours connects with it most. To receive an accurate response, you rely on your intuition to figure out which hand has a stronger link to your pendulum.

Countless people believe that repetitive numbers, particularly in everyday activities such as the numbers on a clock or the miles on your odometer, are messages from the Cosmos. Some perceive math as the language of the Galaxy, with numbers resonating with a specific creational vibration.

These numbers all have a meaning, no matter how you look at them. Wouldn't it be great to figure out what they're attempting to say? Your entire life centers around numbers - not just your birthday! Whereas numerology involves your journey and other calculations based on your birthday and name at birth. There are important numerical messages in your residential address, postcode, contact number, and several other areas.

Single-digit numbers are simple to understand, but what about unusual combinations, multiples like 444, or compound numbers like 2287? If you recognize that math is a language, then consider single digits to be single words or simple messages, and elaborate combinations to be a paragraph with more specific data.

This takes some practice, and once you get used to working with numbers, you'll be able to communicate with the divinities who sent them.

Recurring dreams usually indicate that you have some deep-seated issues in your life that you haven't addressed. It could be due to some unhealthy habits that you need to break, or it could simply be due to unresolved issues.

A recurring dream's ultimate message is usually about unresolved issues. This could even be an issue from a previous life, which is why it is critical to record as many details as possible.

A clear exception to this rule is if you have previously experienced trauma. Distressing dreams may reoccur for people who have experienced trauma until they can receive therapy and treatment to overcome it.

On the other hand, your recurring dream is very likely pointing you in the direction of an unresolved issue if there is no obvious link to trauma. What exactly are the unresolved issues? Pay close attention to underlying themes or occurrences, as well as people or circumstances. Dreams are not always as they appear, so don't take them literally. Just like how dreaming about plunging to your death does not necessarily indicate that you will descend to your demise.

People prefer to pretend that problems don't exist in their daily lives, but if you keep dreaming about the same thing, the message is that the dream will not go away until you deal with the problem. This is your subconscious communicating with you, so pay attention!

The answer is dependent on you and your connection to each of the signs you are between - do you feel more one way or another? Maybe you'll read both horoscopes to see which one rings true with you the most.

If your birthday falls on a cusp, it means that the Sun is altering signs. You may feel as if you don't fully connect with your zodiac sign, for example, if you were born on November 20th, you may feel characteristics that are both Sagittarius (Adventurous, positive, and philosophical) and Scorpio (Private, sensitive, and persistent).

Many astrologers will reckon that you were born on the cusp if you were born within 3-4 days before or after the cutoff of the next zodiac sign.

Comprehending any astrological sign will almost certainly be more difficult. This is because a person's birth chart is made up of much more than their Sun or Star sign, or the sign most generally linked with their date of birth. To make matters even more complicated, the sun enters new zodiac signs on alternate weeks of every year, so someone born on October 21st, 1970 may have a different sign than someone born 40 years later on the same day.

With that said, there is a sun sign, Scorpio, that is said to embody a certain somewhat less brutal energy while their demeanor is more probably completely compassionate and quiet. Scorpios are the zodiac's most threatening sign, said to be alluring, enigmatic, and even perilous.

Even so, beneath their mask, the Scorpio's true nature may be demure or sheepish. They frequently associate with envy, sex, and lust, rather than the sincere and giving essence they exemplify. Although Scorpio might not reveal all of their secrets right away, they are not innately brutal and should not be feared.

Scorpios are instinctively intuitive and have a keen sense of depth. If you're compassionate and competent, they have a lot to give. Until they carefully remove their layers, you'll see a gleaming, giving personality that would be devastating to miss. Don't miss out on the incredible elements of the Scorpio persona because of illogical misconceptions about who they are on a greater scale.

Astrology can help us better understand anyone, along with oneself – and this kind of in-depth awareness of others necessitates a deeper understanding of astrology.

While astrology can point to problems between two people, doing so between two Sun signs has some restrictions. Whereas the dynamics of two Sun signs can provide a limited level of understanding, they are constrained to these two signs when your birth charts contain many signs in different houses governed by different worlds.

When you have access to your partner's birth chart, you can use astrology to better understand them. A natal chart is made by using a person's birth date, time, and location to show where the planets were at the time of their exact arrival on the planet.

A thorough investigation into your partner's chart can help you to better understand their motivations. However, looking at how your charts communicate with each other will provide you with an overall understanding of the relationship – also known as a "synastry report."

Synastry reports examine two birth charts to see how their placements interact with each other. Because there are so many elements to interpret, unveiling and comprehending a synastry chart usually necessitates the assistance of a professional astrologer.

Observing how two Sun signs interact whenever an adept astrologer is unavailable can provide a vague description that can contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of a relationship. This can and will be useful in certain scenarios while looking deeper into two adjacent birth charts will expose a plethora of factors contributing to partners analyzing and embracing one another's behaviors and characteristics.

This is a typical question that many astrological newcomers ask. However, astrology is simply too complex to be broken down into simple terms or concepts like badly fitting Sun signs. While exploring the mysteries of astrology, it's worth remembering that our Sun signs aren't the only ones that identify us.

In reality, each birth chart contains a multitude of signs that conform to a plethora of planets within 12 houses of astrology. So every sign, planet, and house represent a different aspect of one's personality, which is why one Virgo can behave completely differently than another. However, regardless of the surrounding signs and planets, there may be a few Sun sign matches that seem to cause tension.

Gemini and Pisces - This pair creates confusion in almost every move. Pisces, who is sensitive and intuitive, may find it hard to comprehend Gemini, who is intellectual and distant. Pisces anticipates their partner's every need, whereas Geminis keep their innermost thoughts and feelings to themselves. On top of it all, both of these signs spend the majority of their time living in their intrinsic realities, leaving much to the fantasy of their partner.

Aries and Capricorn - The open, truthful Aries may struggle to connect with discreet, private Capricorns. The fiery nature of Aries can be intimidating to Capricorn, who is more passive. Capricorn's careful nature may appear too distant to Aries' aggressive nature. Communication is critical to ensuring that this pair goes smooth-sailing.

Leo and Taurus - This is a difficult combination of Fire and Earth; Leo's spunky nature clashes with Taurus' reputation for taking their time. Taurus is dependable and devoted, whereas Leo is boisterous and soulful. Taurus may believe Leo is not taking things more seriously, while Leo may believe their partner takes everything too seriously. It is critical to be open about your individual preferences and to show your partner your true self.

The yod is also known as the “finger of fate.” In a natal chart, this occurs when three planets form an isosceles triangle at an angle. (Two planets are sextile to each other, while the third is quincunx to either.) When two planets are 150° off from each other, they form a quincunx. This positioning indicates spiritual forces are at work within the chart.

Someone with a yod in their horoscope is likely to feel a pull from beyond as if there is a meaning to their life that goes beyond their daily aspirations. This may signify a hardworking person or someone who appears tricky on the surface, but this is simply a result of their strenuous life path, which feels set in stone at all times. The positioning also indicates a significant desire to fulfill one's ultimate fate.

In many astrological circles, the yod, like the “cusp sign,” is a point of conflict. Some astrologers believe that the yod is nothing more than a midpoint structure, whereas others believe that this placement is crucial in one's chart.

If you have a yod in your natal chart, you may feel troublesome emotions or stressful circumstances in your daily life. You may feel as if you don't have enough authority over your own life in certain instances. Keep in mind that these experiences serve to teach you valuable lessons that you will carry with you for the rest of your life.

It's also worth noting that what a yod truly signifies in a natal chart is chosen by the planets that take part in it. To truly understand a yod placement in your chart, consult with a professional astrologer who can best interpret this natal positioning. The simple truth is that a yod denotes a genuinely bound existence in which nearly everything transpires for a purpose.

A Grand Trine occurs when three planets in the birth chart form an equilateral triangle or are adjacent to each other. This specific shape is said to promote self-assurance, creative flow, confidence, and inner stability.

If you look at your natal chart and see a shapely triangle, you might have a Grand Trine. More astrological research may reveal that planets within a Grand Trine frequently share the same element, such as Earth, Fire, Water, or Air.

Astrologers believe that a Grand Trine indicates a privileged lifestyle that may necessitate significant actions toward self-discipline to produce a well-rounded, adjusted person.

This facet may indicate a self-assured, confident person for whom life appears to flow peacefully and effortlessly. Those born with a Grand Trine may be naturally fortunate, with opportunities supposedly falling right into their laps.

The Grand Trine placement may indicate a life of convenience, the kind that does not typically instill the development of self-control or fortitude. However, this does not mean that these people will not have to put in any effort. Work on self-discipline and restraint may be required for those with this placement.

Like most aspects of astrological placements, the planets that take part in a Grand Trine make up the composition of the energy it will introduce into your daily existence. Working with a professional astrologer is required to fully comprehend the significance of a Grand Trine placement.

Although the scientific community commonly dismisses it, astrology is an ancient science that has been practiced for approximately 4,000 millennia. Astrology studies the interactions of the Sun, Moon, celestial bodies, planets, and the Earth. (In astrology, the Sun, Moon, and Pluto are all planets.)

Each planet is associated with a different aspect of our lives, such as romance, psychology, spirituality, or career, and the location of each planet in the universe at the time dictates how it will communicate with those areas.

In addition, astrology studies how planets interact with one another and how this impacts our lives. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces are the twelve signs that the planets transit through. Your Sun or zodiac sign is the sign in which the Sun was at the time you were born, and it is the sign to which you would prefer when reading a horoscope.

Natal astrology is when we use astrology to interpret someone's birth chart. An astrologer will examine your birth date, time of birth, and place of birth to determine where the planets were at the time of your birth and how they might influence your life. A birth chart is a circular map of your spirit that is split into twelve sections known as houses.

The inner planets - Mercury, Venus, and Mars - occupy these houses, while the outer planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto - travel much more slowly around the sun. The impact of these planets on your life is determined by which house they fall in, as well as how the planets are angled to each other in your natal chart.

Natal astrology provides insight into your natal chart to uncover these aspects and learn more about your emotions, psychology, family dynamics, favorable career opportunities, and what the planets have in store for you in the coming years.

This fundamental understanding of astrology should help you feel less distraught and inspire you to understand more about astrology and how the stars significantly impact and affect our lives.

The zodiac wheel is divided into twelve sections known as houses. Each house corresponds to a different zodiac sign, and different planets govern each sign. The astrological clock starts with Aries in the first house and moves in a counterclockwise motion. Particularly, the house in which a planet is situated dictates how that planet interacts with your life.

You can consult a professional astrologer or study the basics of channeling a birth chart to best interpret your horoscopes. However, your time of birth, the day you were born, and the location are crucial bits of information for portraying a precise and reliable natal chart.

Because each house connects with a different sign, each house has its own set of meanings and associations. If you have Virgo in the 7th house, for example, Virgo characteristics will apply to that area of your life - or you will possibly interact and perform as a Virgo would. You'd be more pragmatic, carefully suppressing your emotions, which is very different from having the more empathetic Libra or Taurus.

Each House's ruling planet, sign, and meaning:

  • Aries rules the first house. Mars is the ruler of this sign. Self.
  • Taurus rules the second house. Venus is the ruling planet. Concerns about money and security
  • Gemini rules the third house. Mercury is the ruling planet. Communication and knowledge
  • Cancer rules the 4th House. The Moon is in charge. Home and family.
  • Leo rules the 5th House. The Sun is in charge. Culture and the creative process
  • Virgo is the sign of the sixth house. Mercury is the ruling planet. Health and accountability.
  • Libra rules the 7th House. Venus is the ruling planet. Relationships and marriage
  • Scorpio rules the 8th House. Pluto is the ruler of this sign. Sex, the mysteries of life, birth, and death
  • Sagittarius rules the 9th House. Jupiter is the ruler of this sign. Philosophy, education, and travel are all interests of mine.
  • Capricorn rules the tenth house. Saturn is the ruling planet. Reputation and professional development.
  • Aquarius rules the 11th House. Uranus is the ruling planet. Friendships, social circles, and ideals
  • Pisces rules the 12th House. Neptune is the ruler of this sign. Spirituality, psychology, and hidden realms.

Understanding these fundamental astrological house facts will help you better comprehend astrology and how the stars impact your life.

Astrology can help you understand many aspects of life, but its main goal is to help you understand yourself and your personal, unique reason to live. Life is intriguing, and there are millions of things to think about, from current affairs to the distant era to the prospect of life on other planets.

At the end of the day, your life is driven by your connection with yourself. Besides, you have to spend your daily life with yourself. If you don't know who you are, this can become increasingly frustrating.

Astrology prevails and continues to exist because most of us do not arrive on the planet fully aware of who we are or what our lives are about. It can be frightening to face the challenges of life when we don't know ourselves on a deep level. There are various instruments in life that we can use to learn more about ourselves, such as psychology, spirituality, religion, and several others.

Understand that astrology is nothing more than a spiritual tool for mapping the stars and observing how they communicate with us on a mystical, mental, and emotional level.

There are no malicious intentions in astrology, nor is it frightening. It has many detractors throughout history who claim otherwise, but astrology is harmless and, in fact, beneficial. Understanding more about the celestial bodies' ancient dance allows us to see deeper and more clearly into our spirits, allowing us to move more smoothly along our journey!

Whereas your natal chart contains 12 signs split into 12 houses, your Sun sign is frequently known as your zodiac sign. The Sun, also known as the zodiac sign, refers to the constellation through which the Sun was passing at the time of your birth. This is significant because each sign in your horoscope influences so many other characteristics.

Your Sun sign interacts with the other planets in your horoscope to shape your distinct character. That being said, the most critical thing about your Sun sign is that it symbolizes your elemental characteristics - who you are on a fundamental level. The Sun sign is most likely the one with which you identify the most.

It signifies your superpower and demonstrates the unique ways in which you bring charm into the world. Your sign connects to your ego and can reveal how it interprets feelings and experiences. It operates as a portrayal of your overall personality and outlook on life.

Many aspects of your sign will be accurate or resonate with you, but there may be traits associated with your sign that you do not recognize in yourself. This is because your natal chart contains a plethora of other factors. The most accurate aspect of your sign is most likely the one with which you most closely identify.

The eighth house is known as the "House of Sex," but it also involves the concepts of birth, death, and rebirth. This house recognizes the significance of each step in this cycle. These cycles can manifest themselves in various ways throughout our lives, with relationships, jobs, and situations fundamentally dying to give birth to new encounters.

Your 8th House associates with rather heavy concepts such as envy and secretiveness. An empty house in a natal chart is one that had no planet in it when you were born. This is not to say that the aspect of life represented by this house will be lacking experience. However, this could merely mean that you won't have to deal with these issues until a major transit event involving an empty house arises.

It could also imply that the energies not being used in this house mainly focus elsewhere in the chart. A birth chart with an empty 8th house may indicate life or consciousness that is not particularly concerned with those heavy concepts, which can be liberating in some ways.

Your priorities could simply be found in other areas of life, such as philanthropy or philosophy. Your chart may be well-balanced enough that these areas - dealing with mortality, attempting to comprehend life - require little exertion or effort from you.

The surrounding placements in your natal chart will help you identify what an empty 8th house might mean, but it does not necessarily indicate anything alarming. In reality, you may experience a feeling of tranquility that others do not.

Dreams appear to make sense at times, and at others, it appears that last night's dream is attempting to send an incomprehensible message. Some researchers believe that dreams have no meaning, but those who begin to interpret their dreams can uncover many perceptive discoveries and teachings hidden within their nocturnal journeys.

There are several steps you can take to decipher your dreams and learn what they signify. Making or purchasing a dream journal is one of the first steps to take. The best and simplest way to remember your dreams is to write them down as soon as you wake up - as soon as you get up and start moving around, they begin to fade. As you first start recording your dreams, they may be difficult to recall, but with enough practice, the process will become second nature.

Include as many descriptions and details as possible when recording your dreams, such as who was present, where it took place, and what time of day it did occur. These specifics will be useful when you begin to decipher your dreams more comprehensively. It can also help to analyze your dream in one sentence by describing the incidents that stood out to you the greatest.

There are numerous tools available to assist you in interpreting the details of your dreams. It may be tempting to simply do an internet search for common dream interpretations when you’re first starting. You may want to invest in a dream dictionary or analysis guide as you become more involved in dream analysis.

When you begin to decipher your dreams, keep a dream journal to record your findings. This will assist you in recognizing patterns and will be especially helpful with repetitive dreams. Observe any changes in certain themes or sequences as you continue to record your dreams - keeping track of and analyzing your dreams frequently leads to lucid dreaming or being capable of controlling certain aspects of your dream.

When interpreting your dreams, keep an open mind - while there are common themes and dream symbols, your dream is unique to you. In addition to the more common definitions, pay attention to what you believe its personalized message might be for you.

A negative astrological aspect in your birth chart may cause you to worry, but you should not be upset. There is little that can be done to alter a situation. Even if some aspects may be difficult, there is usually a reason for them and a lesson to be found useful.

The goal is to prepare for a difficult aspect in your astrological chart is to reserve judgment and keep an open heart and mind. Search for and listen for messages and teachings that may emerge from the experiences that this aspect empowers.

For example, some astrologers believe that Venus in Scorpio is the most challenging Venus positioning, causing bitterness and emotional absurdities. However, this aspect can indicate a strong emotional bond, stimulating discussions, and a strong sense of desire.

Trying to learn more about the aspect and what it means can assist you in determining how to better cope with the ramifications. A Moon square Pluto often associates with extreme feelings and behavioral addictions. If this aspect was in your natal chart, you could try to find an outlet for these emotional responses before they became unbearable. Such as traditional counseling and therapy or even relaxation techniques.

Continue to remain optimistic! Don't let a difficult aspect become a self-fulfilling premonition by stressing over this. Do whatever you can to fully comprehend it and emotionally prepare yourself, but let's not go down an unfavorable dark abyss over a "bad" aspect.

Everybody faces difficulties and challenges in their lives, and one of the many advantages of astrology is that it can predict where these troubles will manifest in our daily lives.

Honestly, the answer to this question is "both yes and no." The planets and their orbits do empower fairly constant events that occur, and a professional astrologer can use the information found within a birth chart to foretell when certain events - such as marriage or finding your dream career - might occur.

That being said, people are born with free will, and no astrological prediction can be taken as a given. After all, anything could happen! An astrologer may be able to predict the day of your wedding, but there may be unforeseeable circumstances, such as a case of cold feet or a change of mind.

Your feelings and choices have just as much of an impact on your life as the constellations do. An astrologer may be able to predict when you will finally get an interview with your dream organization, but you may decide that the job isn't for you.

Astrology can still be incredibly useful in guiding you to the situations you desire by assisting you in discovering who you truly are and what you truly desire. You'll be better prepared to meet and embrace your soulmate if you understand how you function in relationships. It will be infinitely easier to find the career that is meant for you if you know exactly what makes you feel fulfilled and successful in a career.

Astrology can also help you experience the present moment by empowering you to reflect on and be appreciative of your current situation. Understanding more about yourself now will allow you to stop worrying about future matters. Continue to study your natal chart, try to accept your life as it is.

While astrology can certainly assist you in making life-changing decisions, the choices are overall yours and require your take and insight. Astrology considers the planets’ position at the time of your birth, and a professional astrologer can use your chart to foresee specific life circumstances or relationships and how they may impact you.

You have the individual power to change any circumstance in your life, regardless of how powerful an astrological prediction is. Your decisions influence your life, and while there may be astrological indicators that lead to specific events or relationships, they are not guaranteed. Another thing to take note of is that your horoscope may indicate that a particular relationship is unhealthy, but the decision to end such a relationship is entirely up to you.

Your horoscope may indicate that a particular career is a good fit for your personality, but you may discover that you are indifferent in pursuing that journey.

Beyond just assisting you in making important decisions, astrology assists you in discovering the truth about yourself and what you desire out of life - making major lifestyle choices simpler. You'll find yourself on that path in no time if you understand who you are and where you want your path to take you. Astrology can assist you in determining who you want to be and what you want to accomplish.

If you're new to the practice of astrology, the vast terminology can be perplexing. How are you meant to tell the difference between phrases like "Zodiac sign" and "Sun sign"? The answer is that your Sun sign, Star sign, and zodiac sign are all the same - it's just a matter of which terminology an astrologer uses.

Because your zodiac sign signifies the position of the sun at the time of your birth, it is also known as your Sun sign. Throughout the year, the sun passes through each sign of the zodiac, spending about a month in each. A large part of your personality and how you display yourself to the world is determined by where the sun was at the precise time of your birth.

Whereas your zodiac or Sun sign is the key factor to uncovering your zodiac demeanor, your chart is made up of 12 signs in 12 houses, and each area is important to take into account. Have an experienced astrologer cast your natal chart for you for the most comprehensive view of your chart, or use a chart calculator. You will need your birth time, date, and location.

For thousands of years, crystals and gemstones have been used for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Ancient mystics and shamans both recognize the positive energy that certain stones emit and use them as spiritual instruments. The ancient Egyptians and Mayans saw the power of gemstones and use them to adorn their bodies and shrines.

Nevertheless, in our scientific, digitally dominated society, it can be difficult for some people to believe in a practice that is not supported by concrete, visible scientific evidence. Gemstones function by emitting and affecting energy. According to science, everything in the world, including gemstones, is made up of energy and vibrations.

Moreover, each gemstone has its distinct energy and health benefits. For example, selenite is a gemstone that is so well-known for its ability to remove bad energy that it never needs to be purified.

Numerous different crystals that absorb negative energy must be cleansed daily. Healing crystals work involves allowing the energy of a stone to influence the space surrounding it. Specific crystals, like a magnet, repel or absorb negative energies, while others attract positive energies and vibrations.

Because the properties of each gemstone vary greatly, you'll need to do some research to determine which stones will work much better for you depending on your preference.

Imagine stepping into a shop that sells gemstones and observing how you feel throughout your visit. You may feel an immediate shift in your body as you enter the shop, or you may feel more sensory experience near specific crystals. Several other people who are more sensitive may even feel dizzy while purchasing gemstones.

Crystals can also help you set your intentions and aspirations. When using crystals to remove negative energy, you are putting out an invitation for positive energy and vibrations. Gemstones not only work on their own, but they also work to boost your own "power of manifestation."


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