September 1, 2021

Aquarius Love September 2021


Venus will enter Scorpio on September 11th. This time, you will find yourself drawn to people who will have this kind of indescribable aura despite them doing close to nothing at all. It can get your heart racing, and your mind getting boggled all along as you try to comprehend who they are, yet you wouldn’t be able to help yourself as you proceed to do things that you otherwise might not have done. It is then important that you use your mind to fully flesh out the things that you want to do. Rationality will get you through this, and you need to listen more often to reason rather than emotion.

With Mars entering Libra on September 15th, your game face will be on as you power through your tasks like it’s nobody’s business. Unfortunately, this can also come at a price: your relationship with those who are close to you. Balancing your mind and heart will again be your course of action, however, it is your mind that needs to be countered so that things will not go awry. Your relationships are worth more than anything, and you should not sacrifice them for anything. Keep a sound mind and a happy heart, and everything will go to plan.

The sun will enter Libra on September 23rd. Your seriousness will be your guide in doing what is best for you and those around you as you try to make out what will work for your future. Discern your options carefully, and try to make out the things that will help you greatly in your future. Be calm, and keep your senses in harmony so that you will be able to make choices that are sound, at the same time give you hope that better days will soon be coming.

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