September 1, 2021

Cancer Career September 2021


When the new moon happens on September 6th, there are a great many things that are in store for you during this period. Opportunities abound, giving you the time to do the things that you are actually passionate about. If you are about to make some major career or financial decision, then it is a good time for you to follow your intuition! Things will go your way smoothly, and taking advantage of all the available opportunities will help expand your career into something that you have been truly aiming to achieve for the longest time. Additionally, you might also take a more humanitarian approach to living, especially in the form of supporting humane causes in the best ways that you could.

The sun will trine Uranus on September 6th, paving the way for your individuality to shine through in your work. It can be a bit nerve-wracking at times, but your natural greatness will allow you to integrate your creativity even in the most serious of responsibilities. You might also want to find new ways to jazz up the daily grind. Whatever it is that you choose to do, just know that you are bound to achieve the success that you have been aiming for.

As the Mercury retrograde occurs on September 27th, your streak of good luck just might come to a screeching halt. There will be so many things happening in this period that will be out of your control that you might even feel helpless as you attempt to do some repairs. Regretting your decisions and giving up just might feel like the best course of action during this period, but it isn’t! Choosing to stay lowkey will be your best option and give you the time to think things through carefully and thoroughly. As for decision-making, try to avoid it altogether, as things you will be dabbling on might not be favorable for you during this period.

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