September 1, 2021

Cancer Love September 2021


Venus will enter Scorpio on September 11th. This can be a pretty exciting time for you, especially if you come across a certain someone that proves to be equal parts exciting and mysterious. This will cause your feelings- and brain- to go haywire. While no one is stopping you from enjoying yourself, you also need to be responsible for your own actions. You just might go ahead and do your own thing without thinking, and this just might prove to be problematic later on. Make sure that you don’t get too carried away by your feelings, or else you are risking trouble from happening. Keep calm, think through, and be rational. The last thing you’d want is you hurting yourself over things that could’ve been avoided had you thought it through and not just do things without thinking properly.

When Mars enters Libra on September 15th, your mind will take over the reins after letting your feelings go ham. However, your rationality will be so strong that you might strike others as cold and indifferent, as opposed to your caring nature. This is because you will be singularly focused on your goals, as well as on how you will be able to fix some of the rifts that appeared in your relationships. Try to find a semblance of balance between your mind and heart. This is especially important when you have to decide on doing things that will have a lasting impact. One cannot exist without the other, and if you let one prevail, you will slowly lose touch on what it truly means to live happily and meaningfully.

The sun will enter Libra on September 23rd. There are so many things in your life that need some fixing, and you need to roll up your sleeves and get to work. These can range from minor to very serious, yet, regardless of its gravity it must be addressed right away. However, you also need to remember that decisions have to be made with discernment. If you do not think things through, you just might end up in square one. Additionally, it might even distort your idea of yourself, barring you from seeing clearly your path towards self-determination. Keep your mind open, and make yourself aware of what is happening around you so that you will be able to make choices that will help you become even better than you are before.

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