September 1, 2021

Scorpio September 2021


This month will be full of surprises and mystery. As someone with a penchant for the unknown, you will come to enjoy this period immensely. After all, there is an undercurrent of excitement in everything that is happening, giving you that rush that you love to feel every chance that you can get. And yet, despite everything, you also need to be very careful and pay attention to the things that are unfolding around you. There are far too many things you are not fully aware of, and these just might bite you at the back if you are not being conscious of what is happening, and of what you are doing. Make your mind work the way it’s supposed to, and you will come to see things that you never expected, but nonetheless, real.

Your love life will pull you towards someone who will be quite irresistible to your eyes. There is no telling of what they are capable of doing, just that they would be so good at swaying your emotions that you would just bite into whatever they ask you to do. This can add to the excitement of this period, but you also need to be careful that you play your cards well. The thing that’s at stake here is not just something that you can replace. Rather, it is your heart, or to be more accurate, your emotional well-being that you are putting on the line if you allow yourself to be taken by whatever this individual is doing. Remember that you are smarter than that. Watch out for anything suspicious, and do whatever it is that needs to be done so that you can avoid potential disaster. 

Lastly, your career life will open itself up to new possibilities. Opportunities are just right around the corner for you, and as always, you’re encouraged to grab them all! However, it may also prove to be difficult as to what choices would be right for you. After all, it is your future that we’re talking about here. The best solution to this is to listen to your intuition. It may sound like a bad idea, especially after all the urging to use your mind, but hear this out. Everything that will open itself up to you will be equally lucrative, guaranteeing a win-win situation. Therefore, it would make sense for you to choose which one will give you the satisfaction and happiness that will last you a lifetime. And if ever you have to flip out of that decision, you would lose nothing at all. Life is full of changes, and welcoming all these, while also walking towards the path of satisfaction and success will bring you closer to the life that you so desire.

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