member archetype featured

May 28, 2022

A Fundamental Guide to the Member Archetype


As a Member Archetype, you will discover that you are someone who is inherently talented in terms of comprehending reality. Whereas other Jungian archetypes tend to go beyond what is already present, you will be certain to keep your feet on the ground as you recognize your significance as a member of a group or as part of a system.

In addition, you have the ability to put your ideas into action through your own initiative. As opposed to wandering aimlessly in search of meaning, your commitment to a goal or a purpose keeps you on course. In lieu of that, your we-centeredness enables you to collaborate effectively with individuals in your immediate vicinity.

When you are able to recognize a common objective, you will not be hesitant to devote your time, talents, and riches to help others achieve it. As long as the goal of the organization or the society as a whole is achieved, you are willing to devote your time and energy to it. Are you ready to find out if you are this archetype?

We’ve got you covered! In this article, you’ll know about:

  • How the member archetype affect your collective unconscious
  • What mythic characters’ archetypes reside in the member archetype
  • How the member archetype almost similar to the caregiver archetype
  • The basic human motivations of the human psyche in character archetypes

What are the basic qualities or personality traits of this archetype?

#1: Introverted

You convey a strong yet withdrawn sense of self as an introvert. You loathe flaunting yourself and feel uneasy around crowds and huge gatherings. Even so, this does not imply that you have a poor sense of self because you know yourself better than anyone else. As a result, you don’t actually need the approval of others to become who you want to be. 

Most significantly, you are self-sufficient and prudent. You don’t just pounce on things with your careful demeanor. You prefer to wait and observe, then act independently when the time comes. As a result, there is less opportunity for error and missteps, helping you to become more ‘lowkey’ and effective in life.

As an introvert, you are vulnerable to the aforementioned flaws. For one thing, you have a proclivity to be pushed over by others. Because you lack aggressiveness in gatherings, dominating people will take advantage of your silence. As a result, you might be quite beneficial at times, particularly when you are unable to stand up for what is right.

Furthermore, because you enjoy sulking in, you have a proclivity to overthink and be nervous. Your inclination to sink in, which is common among persons who lack a good outlet, compels you to talk only with yourself. This frequently results in a lack of well-balanced perspectives, stopping you from expanding your mental sphere.

#2: We-Centered

We-centeredness implies allowing others to become a part of your life. Because you strive to deeply integrate your existence with those around you, you create your aims to benefit them as well. That is, you consider what others are thinking and feeling. In addition, you analyze the moral implications of your own choices with respect to your interactions with others.

This fundamental feature recognizes your existence as contextualized by the people around you, rather than merely deciding on your own. As a result, you’ll play a more positive role, especially if you’re looking out for the greater good. Getting along with others has its own set of implications.

Because you identify as a member of a group, the collective defines your evolution and identity. And when it is contaminated with noxious substances, it might unknowingly obscure who you are. In addition, unrestrained we-centeredness means you’ll let individuals take advantage of you.

Your lack of assertiveness will cause you a slew of issues, similar to how abusers manipulate altruistic people. You’ll become a puppet without even realizing it, with symptoms ranging from low self-esteem to becoming too subservient.

#3: Intuitive

You are more likely to observe things from a metaphysical perspective if you rely on your intuition. Rather than relying solely on facts, you see that life transcends the laws of logic and reason. As a result, you can uncover inner workings that go beyond the five senses. This demonstrates that not everything makes sense.

While other major archetypes or common archetypes are frequently constrained by logic, you have the ability to transcend logic and reach your spiritual brilliance. As a result, you are more adaptive to changing circumstances, often providing insight that others lack. You are prone to being subjective because you rely on your instincts a little too much.

While intuition might occasionally guide you in the correct direction, it is not always reliable. The chickens will come home to roost one day, as the consequences of your decisions will be disastrous. This frequently manifests as perplexity and gullibility.


Because you’ve been acclimated to spirituality, you may be duped by others. Other human beings will use your beliefs and irrational thinking to manipulate you into doing things you would have avoided otherwise.

#4: Calm

Calmness is defined as the ability to regulate or moderate one’s emotions. Aware and mindful of your own thoughts and emotions, such tranquility enables you to properly evaluate things when necessary. Rather than panicking or rushing over, this fundamental quality forces you to take a step back and examine the situation first.

As a result, it allows you to devise a more logical plan of action. Furthermore, tranquility extends to the inner self. You are inherently patient and optimistic since you are calm and collected. While volatile people appear to be hopeful because of their flaming presence, yours is more like an immovable mountain whose strides can survive any situation.

Calm people are either passive or are seen to be so. Because they always take their time to assess situations, this approach can sometimes be damaging to the scenario at hand. After all, there are some situations in which we must make a decision right now.

However, because tranquility requires you to re-evaluate first, you may not make it in time and end up being too late. Moreover, your repetitious and stiff position inhibits you from perceiving things that are not familiar to you. Because trying new things involves a riskier approach, you’re often viewed as a killjoy because you tend to bail yourself out of pleasant but risky circumstances.

What are this archetype’s strengths and weaknesses?


#1: Prudence

You are astute as a Member. You recognize that each person has their own distinct individuality. You, as an introvert, understand what it means to be deeply attached to one’s own self. As a result, you continue to be cautious in how you approach others, recognizing that your aims may not always be aligned with theirs.

You will acquire the respect of others around you as a result of your foresight. You keep an adequate distance from them rather than overwhelming their personal space. Everyone wants their own circle, and you understand how important it is to respect such boundaries in order to preserve a genuine relationship.

#2: Cooperative

You realize the value of interconnection when you consider the importance of the larger whole. You perceive things and their related significance to the bigger whole, much like in eastern thought. As a result, you tend to become cooperative with others with whom you have a common aim.

Because of your we-centeredness, you understand the importance of fostering a culture of respect and mutuality. You hope to inspire others and lead them down the path of love and reciprocity by taking the first step.

#3: Adaptable

You are adaptive due to your intuitive nature. You can become like water, as Bruce Lee once said. As a result, because you are formless, you can fit into any container. Because you grasp life and its numerous branches, you know it is never okay to confine oneself in one.

You cover a wide range of topics with your insightful approach. You are a jack of all trades, whether it is a variety of soft talents or ways to communicate with others. Whatever scenario you’re in, having such a clever attribute allows you to uncover the silver lining.

#4: Decisive

Being decisive is out of the question when you have the quality of tranquility. When you want something, you will go after it without hesitation. Your decisiveness, like an arrow, shot directly to the target, enables you to reach that laser-focused precision in life. You may judge things based on your strengths without the requirement for external validation.

Although you prefer to work in groups to achieve a common goal, your individual assessment remains pure and unadulterated as long as you maintain your cool. Because your archetype is swayed by the strength of your we-centeredness, this calm decisiveness allows you to keep the balances balanced.


#1: Lack of Self-Assertion

The Member, as an introvert, has a propensity to lack assertiveness. Members can easily become pushovers as others take the lead because they tend to allow things to be as they are rather than imposing their own will.

This is hardly surprising given how the Member archetype strives to integrate with others through the groups they’ve founded. While this is a noble objective, surrendering one’s inner voice and the freedom to express it will be damaging to one’s development.


#2: Rudeness

Submissiveness is an unbreakable characteristic of the Member. Because they are we-centered by default, they are more inclined to succumb to the demands of people around them. Members, given their purpose of interdependence, tend to give in and let others dictate. In the long run, the Member’s submissiveness becomes an obvious weakness.

In the same way that morality and balance are required, the inability to say what is right might result in an unequal power shift between you and your partner or peers. Allowing them to influence the speed and direction of the plot, as well as your proclivity to play smaller roles, harms not only the relationship but also yourself.

#3: Gullible

As a Member, you are prone to become gullible since you operate on intuition. This comes to light while attempting to establish an interconnected environment. If you are not watchful, you will buy this dream wholeheartedly as soon as someone sells it to you. In the end, it can lead to a series of traps that prevent you from progressing.

To be fair, your gullibility is a result of your intuitive mindset. You are easily misled because you prefer feeling things out rather than intellectually examining them. The unpolished Member, on the other hand, frequently exhibits such vulnerability. While you are looking for a culture of trust and cooperation, a seasoned Member will be able to distinguish what is real and what is not.

#4: Rigid/Uptight

Your tranquility causes you to become overly concerned with things. You recognize the need of following rules and regulations as someone whose nature is to become interdependent with others. Also, you understand that by adhering to these, you will be more likely to achieve your life goal.

As a result, your semi-traditional viewpoint stems from your preference for what has already been established. Given that these procedures and laws have been tried and tested through time, adhering to them is more likely to be the proper approach.

How are romantic relationships with this archetype?


Compromises are part of your romantic game because of your we-oriented personality. Whereas other archetypes are more likely to be domineering or suppressive, you want to compromise and dialogue. This inclination will bring equitability to your partnership. As a result, you will place less importance on gender roles.

Whereas some (or maybe most) people believe that males belong in the garage and women in the kitchen, your progressive thinking looks beyond these preconceived notions. Given this, you are more likely to look at things from a more equitable perspective, one that seeks to compromise rather than discriminate. When you’re given the task of cooking, you’ll expect your partner to do the dishes and vice versa.


Looking at your archetype’s basic characteristics, we’ll see a Member whose pleasure is dependent on how well they connect with their companions. Given your preference for unity over individuality, it’s natural that you’ll desire a partnership based on reciprocity and cooperation.

As a result, you’ll most likely become co-dependent with your lover. This characteristic is frequently manifested in your proclivity to perceive interdependence as the main point of every interaction. Because you want to achieve the highest level of togetherness with your partner, things will inevitably become interdependent as you share your life with them.

How do friendships work with this archetype?


One important characteristic of your archetype is that you seek to work with those whom you most trust. You may build meaningful relationships with your friends by aligning yourself with them. You know how to portray yourself in ways that can be of help to them, whether it is about sharing a passion, a belief, or even a business.

This propensity is comparable to the Caregiver in some ways. Take heed, however, because the Caregiver emphasizes altruism, whereas your archetype emphasizes dependency. There is a significant difference between the two, which is sometimes overlooked by both personas.

Can tend to be obstinate

One important characteristic of your archetype is that you are calm and focused on your life goals. As a result, it can be difficult to persuade you or even provide you with alternative viewpoints. Because you are so focused on what you want to happen, your calm demeanor keeps you from taking risks or trying new things.

For example, your natural inclinations in practically every facet of life will be revealed. And when they do, friendships can be jeopardized. When the people around you don’t agree with your decisions, you tend to cower and withdraw into your own world. You remain calm when minding your own business alone, but you are isolated due to your stubbornness.

How does this archetype do with work?

Can be private

Members love to reach out at work. Introversion often hinders this propensity. It takes time for members to come out of their shells and reach out to others. This is the root of the Member’s issues. Because you’re prone to focus on your position in solitude, you’ll relate to the problems of expressing yourself openly.


Good with teams

As a Member, your we-centeredness shines through in your unmatched teamwork skills. With the ability to distinguish your function while maintaining group dynamics, you are the ideal colleague.

This ability naturally draws people in, as they understand you’re someone they’d want. With this we-centeredness, you know how to inspire people by actions, not words. Instead of energizing them, you calmly deliver your role. And your coworkers will see how vital you are.

Suitable for Repetitive Work

Despite your intuitiveness, you enjoy monotonous work. Unlike the Explorer and the Innocent, you find comfort in the known. You don’t mind repeating the same thing over and over again as if you’re a cog in a machine.

Instead, you enjoy playing one. Knowing interconnection, you know each person has a part to perform, a mission to complete. Instead of fighting it, you master your own craft and become a pillar for others.


You are a Member archetype. Faced with obstacles (and deadlines), you don’t easily imagine the worse. Instead, your cool manner prompts you to take a step back and examine the issue. No obstacle seems too huge for you to overcome with your unflinching determination.

Your tenacity will be an asset to anyone with whom you work closely. Also, your inner Orphan archetype may make you appear weak and submissive, but the Member in you is strong.

Final Word:

Among the twelve primary types of character archetypes, the member archetype definition seems to be the most relatable to people who like to keep to themselves. Among the four major archetypes, they can be similar to an explorer archetype or even a hero’s journey.

Do you feel like you fall under this archetype?

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