October 1, 2021

Aquarius Love October 2021


The new moon on October 6th is a great opportunity for you to create a breakthrough in your life. You may have been eyeing some major goals for some time now, yet you still have been experiencing some difficulties making significant differences that can assure your success. Well, look no further! Regardless of the aspect in your life that you have been working on, whether it may be spiritual, emotional, or financial, you will make great progress which will bring you even closer to the life that you have been aiming to build for a long time now. Keep up the good work, and constantly work on making yourself even better than before. Sooner or later, you will find yourself where you were always meant to be.

When Venus enters Sagittarius on October 7th, new and exciting things await you! There are so many things that the world has in store for you during this period, and it will only make sense that you make a conscious effort to share the blessings that will come your way to the people whom you value. This is also to say that you will be connecting and socializing with many people as you go along this time. Do enjoy yourself and the moments that you share with friends and acquaintances. As you bask in all the happiness that the world has to offer you during this time, don’t forget to approach everything with a light and grateful heart. You may be achieving great things now, but saying thanks for all that you have is also a great way for the universe to gauge that you truly deserve your success- and more.

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