September 1, 2021

Sagittarius Love September 2021


Venus will enter Scorpio on September 11th. This is a particularly exciting time for you, especially if you have been wanting to get to know someone that has been particularly elusive yet also attractive at the same time. Intrigue will fuel your desire to know more, as well as try to get close to them in ways that surely make you even more intimate than ever. Yet, there is a catch. You might be so taken away by your excitement that you may even end up doing something that will haunt you for the rest of your life. Before you even do that, do your best to let your brain cells be the ones in charge of the proceedings. The last thing you’d want is a total embarrassment.

As Mars enters Libra on September 15th, a sense of coldness will wash over you. This feeling will prompt you to focus on your work to an almost maniacal degree that your emotions would be of secondary importance to you. It is then important that you ensure you won’t lose touch with your emotional side so that you won’t also lose the people whom you value the most. Maintaining the balance between the two might prove to be difficult, but it is a necessary action so that you can still manage your way through things, even when it can get particularly tough.

When the sun enters Libra on September 23rd, you are once again called to take things a bit more seriously. That is, you will need to ponder a bit more on the choices that you have made in your life. Through introspection, you will come to realize who you truly are, and what you can do to further improve yourself. After all, people are meant to grow, and you are no exception. As you come to know yourself even better, you also come to love yourself genuinely, inside out.

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