October 1, 2021

October 2021 Horoscope Summary Reading


Priorities will vary per Zodiac sign. Regardless of where and what people get classified, though, everyone will be swept in by an entire universe of tasks, responsibilities, among other obligations that need to be fulfilled. It may even come to the point that everyone will just get fed up if they aren’t motivated enough to keep on going! However, this period also ensures everyone that what has been started will also find their conclusion. After everything that is happening, people will then find themselves more than eager to look forward to a greater future.

The new moon on October 6th is the first sign that people must look for during this period. After all, this lunation is set to tell people to seek harmony not just themselves, but with the people whom they value as well. Regardless of the relationship, someone has towards another person, it is important to find even the semblance of human connection between one and the other. After all, maintaining true balance in our lives means finding peace in oneself, along with the presence of other people who are present at that moment for a reason. Once a person is able to restore or forge a bond that is mutually benefitting and would be able to help someone grow and become better, only then will the generosity of the moon come to light. New chances and opportunities will open up for you, and you will come to see that through being with the right people, you will truly be able to see how far you are able to go and do for you to succeed.

Venus will then enter Sagittarius on October 7th. With the former being the planet of love, this will be surely felt by everyone during this period. After all, love is a universal experience, and a language understood by all regardless of background. Speaking of the word universal, the mere fact that Venus will find itself within Sagittarius’ reach means that everyone is ready to love and accept others with open arms. After all, Sagittarius is ever-energetic, and more than willing to spread what it has with everyone around them. As you come with the realization of how love should truly be felt, you will become all the more inspired to spread its good news with everyone willing to listen (and there would be many). This is also to say that you will be creating better and stronger relationships with the people around you. Whether they may be your family member, a casual friend, or someone whom you work with, you will become more comfortable and connected with them in an even more profound and humane way especially when you are given the opportunity to navigate the intricacies of life during this period.

The full moon will then happen a few weeks later on October 20th. This lunation will no doubt initiate new beginnings, as well as happenings, which may then lead to other, more complicated but also wonderful things later on. As always, you are called to embrace them all. However, you just might also find yourself being more irritable and hard to please during this period. At the slightest indication that something new is happening, you just might barge ahead with little to no regard to whatever consequences there may be at all! While embracing changes and development is certainly a call to action for this period, it is also essential that you think things through. After all, you cannot risk being too rash and hot-headed, especially if the thing that is being considered here is the future that you are working hard to create. Be careful where you step, and whatever it is that you choose to do. Making hasty decisions will not do you any good at all. Worse, you will end up sabotaging yourself instead of being able to make use of this period in a productive manner.

As the sun enters Scorpio on October 23rd, you will be feeling a certain sort of vitality going on as the scorpion’s season is in full swing. This is very much important, as it will help people find the drive to keep on going despite difficulties, as well as give everyone the focus they need to be able to channel their energies into something that they have been wanting to do for so long. Unfortunately, this energy can become a double-edged sword. When left unchecked, it can lead to negative feelings such as obsession, possessiveness, jealousy, among many others. In short, the fires of passion that will be lit during this time just might become a wildfire that will consume everyone and leave nothing in its wake. To prevent untoward incidents, it would be best if people find the time and effort to temper this wild side of theirs. After all, hurting yourself or others has never been an acceptable act. Find ways to release the extra tension and energy that you have been simmering from within so that you can do things with sufficient drive and motivation without becoming destructive to the people around you.

Mars will then enter Scorpio on October 30th. The drive and want to succeed will keep on going during this period, fuelling and motivating everyone to keep on going despite the many difficulties that one may encounter along the way. Along with Mars’ “never say die” and “I will keep on moving forward” attitudes and Scorpio’s burning passion for the things that they want to do, you just might discover yourself going into a deep dive for the things that you have long been wanting to do. Your energy will ever be constant, allowing you to keep on going despite the fact that there are still so many things out there that just might interrupt your progress. With a deeper understanding of what is happening around you, as well as of what it is that you actually want to happen, you can then be assured that you are getting ever closer to the things that you have only once dreamed of, but are now turning into a great and amazing reality.

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