September 1, 2021

Sagittarius Career September 2021


Mercury will trine Saturn on September 4th. This is a good time for you to do your work as you will be able to concentrate fully on your responsibilities with little to no problem at all. Mistakes on your output will be nonexistent, as you will find yourself creating things the way that you’ve always intended them to be. Go ahead and do everything that you’ve envisioned doing! Commit yourself to create great things, and you will sooner or later find that giving yourself the creative freedom will empower you in fulfilling the goals that you’ve set for yourself.

Mars will trine Saturn on September 25th, giving you the strength that you need to keep ongoing. You may feel at times disheartened by the way your work is going, but this transit will give you the motivation to continue even when you feel like all hope is lost. Believe in yourself and your innate capacity to succeed. Even when things may not seem to go in your favor during this period, if you keep on going, you will soon reap the rewards of your hard labor. This in itself will make things worth it.

The sun will then trine Saturn on September 29th. Your work ethic will be your guide in making things happen during this period, especially since you will be navigating the highly sensitive and unpredictable world of professional relationships. However, this is no reason for you to be discouraged! In fact, this should get you reared up as it will help you connect with the very people whom you have been looking up to in your field. As your self-confidence gets the boost it deserves, you will also find your outputs and performance being taken notice of by your superiors, finally giving you the platform to present yourself so that opportunities will come your way, exactly as you had been dreaming of.

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