September 1, 2021

Capricorn Career September 2021


The new moon on September 6th brings with it some exciting changes in your workplace. In fact, it may even expand to your career itself! Get ready to go big as new developments will start coming your way! Grab every opportunity that you can, and make the most out of this period by doing all your work with much gusto. This is also a time for your gut feelings to reign supreme. Go ahead and follow what it says and do what feels right- there is nothing in this world that can stop you, and this is your moment to shine the way you’ve always wanted to.

The sun will trine Uranus on September 6th. This is a good time for your innate creativity to jump out, allowing you to do your work exactly the way you wanted them to be. There will be much for you to do, but with the right mix of skill and your personal flair, you just might be able to defy expectations and deliver some of the best outputs that you’ve ever had. If something unique also catches your eye, go ahead and try it out! Who knows, it just might be the thing you need to bring more color in your career as a whole.

Unfortunately, the Mercury retrograde on September 27th just might have everything you worked hard on to come crashing down. Misunderstandings will cause conflict between you and your colleagues, further endangering your standing in your job. Take care that you do not get into direct involvement in conflicts, and instead, keep a low profile. The last thing you’d need is people roping you into something you were clueless about and can potentially damage your career for good.

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