September 1, 2021

Capricorn Love September 2021


As Venus enters Scorpio on September 11th, you will find yourself attracted by a certain someone with an irresistible and undeniable pull. That person would have such an intense presence that avoiding them would be close to impossible, and your emotions will go haywire and all over the place. Unfortunately, just as you would expect, this does not herald good tidings in any way possible. Keep calm and have your mind in check. Take this opportunity to max out your mental skills and keep control of the situation. Remember: some things just aren’t worth risking, and this thing is one of them.

Mars will enter Libra on September 15th, and your cold, serious persona will take over gleefully. With your mind focused on work, the outside world will simply be a form of reality that you do not hope to enter anytime soon. However, this will come at a price. You may find yourself becoming increasingly distant from your loved ones because of what you are doing. This time, you need to do what you did during the previous transit- but in reverse. Let your emotions shine through every once in a while, and allow yourself some time off with the people whom you value. No matter how important work may be, it cannot replace the people in your life in any way.

With the sun in Libra on September 23rd, your seriousness will be utilized for one special thing: introspection. You may not realize it, but this is an important thing to do so that you will be able to process what has happened, as well as to prepare you for what will be. Most importantly, it will aid you in knowing yourself even better so that you will be guided on what truly is the best for you.

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