December 1, 2021

Scorpio Career Horoscope for December 2021


The solar eclipse will occur on December 3rd. Something lucrative is to be expected in your life during this period, the most likely of which is a promotion and a pay raise. This can then bring the promise of you finally experiencing the stability that you need so that you may be able to live the life that you’ve always wanted. Good things are yet to come, and there is no better time for you to manifest them all than this period where a large bounty of blessings and opportunities will come your way.

Mars will enter Sagittarius on December 13th. This can be a particularly difficult transit for you as you may find yourself incurring expense after expense as a result of your needs piling up, as well as your wants becoming increasingly expensive. Thus, you need to take a closer look at your spending habits and rectify them as needed. With all that is happening in the world, the last thing you’d want is your financial stability going overboard because you weren’t being careful about where you put your money.

When the full moon happens on December 18th, you will also experience some sort of financial upheaval. Pay close attention to this like everything else in your life may depend heavily on this shift. As you receive monetary and career opportunities, try to see where you will be able to apply the new developments in your life and use them to your greater benefit and advantage.

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