November 1, 2021

Scorpio November 2021


With so many things going on in your life at this moment, you may feel yourself giving up. But actually, this is just the time for you to find new means to grow and expand your horizons! Difficulties are normal especially during times when you are about to enter a new phase in your life. You need to believe in yourself and in your capability to overcome challenges. This sense of faith will help you endure even the worst tribulations that you will come across with during the coming months. An essential trait that will help you endure during this time is positivity and optimism. Although your insecurities and apprehensions towards certain things will resurface, you need to reassure yourself that you are not what your bad thoughts tell you. Be confident in whatever it is that you are set to do, and you will be able to walk out to the world with your chin held up high.

Your love life will pose a challenge to you during this period. It may be that you and your significant other are going through a very rough patch. However, because you both want to make yourself believe that everything is alright, things are crumbling down at an accelerating rate paving the way for even more difficulties between you and your partner. It is then important for you to communicate not just with your significant other, but with another person whom you both know and trust as well. They will be more able to help you make your way through this rough patch, rather than if you choose to just do it yourselves. No matter how difficult things can get, never forget that you and your significant other do not have to suffer in silence. There are people who believe in you and your love and will be more than willing to offer a helping hand in your quest to make things right once more.

Lastly, your career life is beckoning you to consider the many new opportunities that you will be encountering during their period. You may not know it, but there is no one more suitable for all these new developments than you! It is understandable, though, that you will have your own reservations. While this is normal, you must never allow yourself to be taken in by the negativity that will plague you at every turn. You are more than your insecurities and reservations. Remember that you will not reach where you are right now, nor be offered these new horizons if you are not talented or capable enough of proving your excellence. Keep going, and be stronger than the voices in your head! This is your time to shine, and you must grab it right away.

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