November 1, 2021

November 2021 Horoscope Summary


As the year comes to a close, what this month will offer is a chance to help you wrap things up and start the transition towards the next phase in your life. Granted, there is still so much that needs to be done, but this time will allow you to see that you are actually doing well and that you are on the way to making things even better than ever before. Even if times are tough, you just have to keep on going. What doesn’t kill you will make you stronger and will take you even further than you ever dreamed of reaching before. Before you will even know it, you might already be at your destination, waiting and eager to experience everything that life has to offer.

As the new moon happens on November 4th, you will be given the chance to start on new things in your life. These can range from starting a new project in your workplace, implementing new routines, or simply trying out something novel that you just might end up enjoying doing in the reg. Although sometimes the change can be quite jarring, it nonetheless holds the promise that things are set to become even better as time goes on. With this, you will have hope for the future that is yet to come. Today may not be as good, but this does not mean that everything will be down the dumps forever. There is still more to come, and the first step is to of course welcome them with open arms and a heart eager to start things anew now that the cosmos are encouraging you.

Venus will enter Capricorn on November 5th. A sense of stability and seriousness will wash over everyone, enabling the feeling that something needs to be done right away and that you will be focusing on this during the entire time. With it will come a commitment to do everything essential as soon as possible. This is important, especially when working on things that would help strengthen your personal and professional relationships. There will be a time for fun and games, but this is simply not the moment for it. Although love and happiness won’t be absent during this period, they are there to remind you that you need to roll up your sleeves and get down to work to ensure that the things that you have dreamed of for yourself and those whom you love will come into fruition.

Mercury will enter Scorpio on November 6th. With this, you will find your subconscious working almost in a hyperactive manner. To this end, your search for the truth about the things that have been bothering you is all the more important for you to be able to move forward with whatever it is that you intend to do. It will then allow you to concentrate even better on the things that you are doing at the moment. With this, you will be able to discover the things that you need to know, especially if they are essential in your pursuit of achieving success and happiness. No secret will be too shrouded for you to uncover, and with it, the ability to use the knowledge that you glean from it to connect with others in a more profound way. Remember to be wise in using the things that you will come to know, and only utilize them when they are absolutely needed to resolve the situation at hand.

During the lunar eclipse on November 19th, you will come to realize that you truly are in the middle of a transitional period in your life. It may be because you experienced a change that was so abrupt that it disrupted everything that you were doing at the moment. As you try to process all that has happened to you, know that you are on the right track, regardless of the pace or place that you are in right now. You will then come to realize that this is simply one part of the greater scheme of things that you are part of. Trust the process, and do what you know and feel would be right for you. You will be divinely guided during this period, and you will also come to realize that things will fall into their rightful place- if you are patient enough.

The sun will enter Sagittarius on November 22nd. This is the time when the fun and the lust for adventure will finally be highlighted, paving the way for new and exciting things for everyone. It will essentially be a time when people will be encouraged to break free of the mold and go ahead and try whatever it is that they desire to do during this time. This is not the period for apprehension, but rather, one of spontaneity and amusement! However, despite all these seemingly positive traits, it also pays for you to be careful. Do not be rash or hotheaded, or else you will end up doing something that you will most certainly end up regretting. Be wise in your decisions, and always choose those that while fun and exciting, will not cause harm to you and the people around you.

When Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 24th, your mind will be predisposed to wanting to learn more about something or someone. You can say that in a sense, you are more open-minded than usual, allowing you to absorb more information and apply these to your life. It will also be a time for your natural curiosity to surface, and to help you see and appreciate the beauty of the world around you. Unfortunately, you also need to be careful that you do not go ahead offending anyone with your loose tongue. This wandering and ever-expanding mind might empower you, but it just might bring about trouble if you don’t practice tact in your daily encounters with other people. Always keep your conversation kind and friendly, and ensure that you will always be on your very best behavior.

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