October 31, 2021

Libra Career November 2021


During the new moon on November 9th, you will be experiencing a sort of revamping in your finances. Indeed, while you have been having some difficulties lately, you will now be on the way to experiencing a stable income due to all the opportunities that will be coming your way! Make use of this period by choosing to do things that will help facilitate the influx of money in the coming months! Great things are coming, and you need to be financially prepared so that you can easily claim your way to success.

As Venus enters Capricorn on November 5th, you will find yourself given the opportunity to get out of your comfort zone and broaden your horizons. Indeed, this is a time of learning for you, so don’t miss out! The things that you will be absorbed during this period will be of great importance since they just might be what you need so that you can manage your way through the many challenges that will be happening in your career. Keep on going, and don’t be afraid to embrace new things! There’s a world out there eagerly waiting for you to bounce back and be ready to take on the many opportunities that were only yours, and yours alone.

The lunar eclipse on November 19th will also bring with it good vibrations as your finances will be uplifted after so many things that have been swamping it lately. A huge amount of money will be coming your way, bringing with it the chance to settle debts, pay off loans, and have the opportunity to save up and expand your income through other (also legal) means. It would be best if you take a step back, too. This way, you can clearly see where you are currently standing and what else you can do to ensure that things will still be okay, even after you take such a huge risk. Chin up, and be confident that things will turn out okay! There is no need to be desperate, as this is your time to live your best life.

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