October 31, 2021

Libra Love November 2021


Venus will enter Capricorn on November 5th. This time, your home life will be easier to manage and peaceful to handle. After all, your relationship with your loved ones will improve drastically especially if you have been experiencing quite rough bumps along the way. Enjoy the time that you spend with them, and if you can, use this as a time to get out of town and simply enjoy your bond together. As you come together in love and joy, commit yourselves in creating healthy and happy relationships that will last you a lifetime.

When the sun enters Sagittarius on November 22nd, a sense of ease will brighten up your mood. Everything will feel like it is in its proper place, allowing you to focus on the many things that are going on in your life. After all, your energy has to be directed somewhere, no matter how active or idle you are. Despite this, it is not the time for you to make impulse decisions. You just might find yourself right smack in the middle of a crucial process and your current mindset just might tempt you to choose right away with little to no thought at all. Be wise, and keep in mind that your decisions will directly affect the people around you.

Mercury will then enter Sagittarius on November 24th. Your convictions will be even stronger as you come to resolve something that has been plaguing you and the people you love for so long. Put your foot down and assert what you know is right and would be best for everyone! This is also to say that you need to examine the context of the situation, so that you will be able to pass sound and acceptable judgments that will be embraced wholeheartedly by everyone involved in this conflict that you are mediating.

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