October 31, 2021

Scorpio Love November 2021


With Venus entering Capricorn on November 5th, you will find yourself struggling to keep up with appearances. Something big just happened, and you don’t want others to know that you are hurting. With this, it would be best if you communicate what you are going through with someone whom you trust. Knowing that what you are experiencing is not easy, you must try to find ways that you will be able to get through what you are experiencing with relative ease. Remember that you are not alone and that as you try to navigate your way during this period, keep in mind that there will always be people who will listen and help you.

The lunar eclipse will happen on November 19th. This is a good time for you to build and reinforce the relationships that you have, especially that there will be new things popping up in every aspect of your life. Take this time to actually get to know other people better, as well as to find ways in which you can strengthen your bond even more. Indeed, there are still so many things that are about to happen, and making sure that you are able to maintain strong, stable, and happy relationships with those that you love can help you survive the more difficult challenges lying ahead of you.

As Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 24th, Your moral compass will be calibrated and refined as you will find yourself at the center of all the conflict that has been going on in your life lately. It might be unexpected, but your mere presence will be of great help to people who are currently undergoing difficulties in their personal lives. Analyze the situation well before giving your opinion. Remember that people are depending on what you say, and it would be best if you are careful how you tread during this period.

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