meaning of solar eclipse in astrology

June 11, 2022

Solar Eclipse Astrology: Everything You Need to Know


Are you dragging your feet? Trying to avoid the unavoidable? Procrastination and resistance are natural; we usually avoid what is difficult and stay in our comfort zones. Eclipses, both solar eclipse astrology as well as lunar, are dramatic pivotal moments. They are the cosmic kick up the backside that gets us off the fence and moving.

On the plus side, if you’ve been waiting for a clear sign or response, an eclipse will hasten the process. Eclipses are these changing agents. They happen four to six times a year and completely turn things upside down. We may act out of character or notice turbulence in the surroundings when we are bewildered.

Eclipses can also assist in breaking patterns and shifting dynamics. Most astrologers, however, advise waiting a week or so before taking extreme steps to enable the eclipse energy to settle. A solar eclipse occurs every 18 months, while a lunar eclipse occurs every when the Moon passes into the Earth’s shadow. Do you wish to know more about the eclipses?

We’ve got you covered! In this article, you’ll learn about:

  • The meanings of the solar eclipse and lunar eclipse
  • The significance of solar eclipses and lunar eclipses
  • What to do during solar and lunar eclipse season
  • Discovering partial solar eclipse astrology and more

What does a Solar Eclipse Energy mean in Astrology?

According to the ancient practice of astrology, the Sun represents a person’s spirit, while the Moon symbolizes their unconscious mind. During the eclipse that occurs on the new moon night (Amavasya), our soul (represented by the Sun) and our emotional energy (represented by the Moon) is said to be captivated by the energy-draining potential of Rahu and Ketu.

This is said to cause surges of emotions and energy that affect all of us. Even though the eclipse won’t be visible in India, its effects will still be felt throughout the country. It is a common misconception that a solar eclipse will inevitably bring unfavorable outcomes; however, this belief is not necessarily founded in reality.

Solar eclipses have the potential to bring good fortune to certain zodiac signs, while potentially serving as a cautionary tale for others. The following is astrological guidance for each of the zodiac signs, explaining how they can best harness the power of the eclipse to their own benefit, given solar eclipses occur during very rare occasions.

What are the differences between Lunar and Solar Eclipse in Astrology?

#1: Solar Eclipse Season

When there is a new Moon, solar eclipses can occur. When a solar eclipse is occurring, the moon will be in the path of totality, passing directly in front of the Sun (known as a conjunction, or meetup, of the Sun and the moon). As the moon passes in front of the sun during this brief interval, we may experience a momentary disconnection from our usual perception of the world around us.

According to astrological speculation, solar eclipses tend to herald an adventurous start, leading us down a different road than the one we had previously envisioned for ourselves. Even if it can come as a shock, or even if it’s not something you were even expecting, a solar eclipse has something much more significant in store for us.

As human beings, we naturally tend to concentrate on what is immediately in front of us because our attention spans are limited. This might, at times, cause us to have restricted viewpoints, which in turn can lead to us missing out on possibilities. Solar eclipses have the potential to temporarily remove the familiar, putting us in a position where we are required to evaluate choices that we would not normally investigate.

Eclipses are described as “painful to be nice,” despite the fact that they can create disruption. During these cosmic power interruptions, significant development may take place. Even if we feel as though we are being forced there by circumstances that are beyond our control, now is the time for us to leap into new territory that is, on the whole, better.

#2: Lunar Eclipse Season

Lunar eclipses happen during full moons. When the moon is approaching its full phase and passes into the Earth’s shadow, this phenomenon is known as a lunar eclipse. When a lunar eclipse is occurring, the moon will appear to pass directly in front of the sun (known as an opposition between the Sun and the moon).

During a brief period of time, we are able to observe the Earth’s shadow casting deep hues of red, brown, and gray upon the normally brilliant full moon. An eclipse may be visible to you if you are in the right part of the world at the right time. Astrology suggests that lunar eclipses provide a window into what Carl Jung referred to as one’s “shadow self.”

Although we would like to believe that we are decent and caring individuals, the fact remains that we are human. It may be difficult to admit what we learn about ourselves and others during a lunar eclipse, and it may even shock us to learn these things. Nevertheless, this presents us with the chance to accept ourselves in our entirety and recognize the areas in which we have room to develop in fresh ways.

Recognizing that we are human and therefore capable of experiencing feelings such as fear, anger, jealousy, and rage is the first step in gaining control over those feelings. Trying to fool ourselves into believing that we are flawless or repressing our emotions?


When this happens, the problems we haven’t dealt with yet come to a head and overwhelm us. The lunar eclipse has the potential to be a powerful time for self-discovery, but only if we are ready to suspend judgment and acknowledge both the good and the bad in our lives.

Why are solar and lunar eclipse in astrology feared?

In the course of history, eclipses have consistently had a negative reputation. They were held in high regard while also inspiring awe. The ancient people were perplexed by the fact that the Sun would “disappear” from the sky during a solar eclipse; as a result, they invented legends about furious gods devouring the Sun.

As a result of the correlation between eclipses and natural disasters such as storms, tsunamis, and earthquakes, many different cultures held the belief that eclipses caused the gods to become enraged. People were said to act “loony”, and this is something that we, too, have observed informally during lunar eclipses.

The word lunatic comes from the root word lunar. However, Western science has only verified one piece of information: if we want to watch a solar eclipse safely, we need to wear eye protection.

What are the rituals for the solar and lunar eclipses to you?

The practice of performing rituals in conjunction with the new moon and the full moon is gaining popularity by the day. If you make specific objectives before performing a ceremony during an eclipse, it will be much easier for you to maintain your composure during the event.

Solar eclipses occur during new moons, therefore, a ceremony or set of intentions could be focused on assisting you in the beginning again during this time. Themes could include having the bravery to start over, accepting change, being willing to take risks (even when you’re terrified), putting yourself out there, and having a major revelation or coming out of the proverbial closet.

When a lunar eclipse occurs during a full moon, it is a time of completion, of bringing something into manifestation, and of making a shift. Rituals performed during a lunar eclipse may focus on achieving a significant breakthrough, overcoming obstacles and boundaries, overcoming an addiction pattern, letting go of a difficult circumstance for good, breaking out of a cycle of compulsive behavior, or healing and releasing.

Depending on the zodiac sign that the eclipse is predicted to occur in, you might choose to perform a ceremony that is unique to that sign. If you want your new moon and full moon ceremonies and parties to go smoothly, follow our advice. To give more power to your goals, you can either carry out a ritual by yourself or get together with other people.

Lunar Nodes of Solar and Lunar Eclipse in Astrology

The lunar nodes, often known as “destiny points,” have a role in astrology and are connected to eclipses. In addition, the places at which the moon’s orbit intersects the “ecliptic” (the apparent route the Sun takes around the earth, which is the foundation of Western astrology) are the points that are used to establish the lunar nodes.

The locations of the eclipses at the times you were born are used to establish the north and south nodes in your natal chart. Therefore, according to a spiritual point of view, eclipses are associated with our previous lives, karmic journeys, and soul purposes!

What are the energetic shifts that transpire during solar and lunar eclipses?

These ever-changing occurrences caused worry in our ancient ancestors. The earliest human civilizations based their social structures on the changing of the seasons and the sun’s annual path through the sky. As a result, when an eclipse occurred, these people believed that the natural order had been disrupted.

They believed that eclipses were a sign of impending doom, and more particularly, the end of the world. Even though we no longer relate these lunations to the end of the world, from an astrological point of view, eclipses are still a very big thing. Eclipses act as checkpoints in the cosmos, similar to the way that new moons are associated with beginnings, and full moons are associated with culminations.

Eclipses are high-octane lunations that help shed light on our karmic path. However, just as other astronomical occurrences can be aesthetically arresting, eclipses can also be quite dramatic. Eclipses accelerate time according to astrological principles; they create new opportunities while closing off old ones, and as a result, we frequently observe quick and unexpected changes during eclipses.

Even though the shifts can be upsetting, they can be beneficial to us by hastening the process of what was going to happen anyhow. If you’ve been hesitating to take action, a solar eclipse is guaranteed to provide you with the extra impetus (or provocation) you need to get things done.

Remember that the effects may seem stunning, but these irrational actions only serve to hasten what was already going to happen in the future; these occurrences were bound to take place at some point.


What do the 2022 eclipses mean for your zodiac sign?

The Taurus and Scorpio eclipses will have varying effects on each person because of the individuality of their birth charts. When astrologers talk about these lunations, we call the way in which they affect a chart an “eclipse tale.” These stories progress during the course of the series (approximately two years).

As a result, the lunar eclipse that occurred in the sign of Taurus on Friday, November 19, 2021, was a significant event due to the fact that it was the initial lunation in a brand-new series. In other words, that event served as the beginning of a brand new chapter in the karmic narrative. Consider what was going on in your life at this period, particularly the important people, the disputes, and the setting, and think back on what happened.

The most recent occurrence of the Taurus-Scorpio eclipse cycle occurred between November 2012 and October 2014 (inclusive). Which life lessons did you begin to learn for the first time almost ten years ago? Is the path of your life taking the path that you want it to take? Or does this present cycle suggest that it is finally time to put your determination and mental drive to work in order to make your ambitions come true?

Scorpio in particular, which is controlled by the planet Mars, the warrior, as well as Pluto, the governor of the underworld, is adept at transforming and shedding old skin in order to acquire what it desires. 

Final Word:

Solar and Lunar Eclipse Astrology are both important to consider when it comes to events in your life that get out of hand. You can look to this article to make sense of those events and be sure to be careful.

What do you think is the significance of these eclipses in your life?

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