The Individualogist Team

The Individualogist Team is made up of archetype fanatics, individuation practitioners, and spirituality fans. Our humble group has banded together to deliver thought-provoking, life-changing, and growth-probing wisdom.

Understanding Telepathic Therapy

Do you often feel like you’re being spied or stalked? Encountering that creepy impression of somebody’s eyes on you and after that pivoting to locate the gazing offender, numerous cases, is a case of our usual telepathic capability. The hypothesis expresses that only like gravitational and attractive fields grow undetectably past their source, so too …

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Ways to positively improve perspective

Six Simple Ways to Positively Improve your Perspective

There’s an expression that is hurled around by the millennial generation, mostly when somebody is managing a test in their own life: “This will be healed.” Check the Six Simple Ways to Positively Improve your Perspective below. It alludes to the possibility that each time we experience an unexpectedly flood of feeling or re-encounter an …

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10 Forms of New Age Divination: An Introduction

Almost 30,000 years ago, the prehistoric forms of divination emerged with the presence of Paleolithic people. As inferred from the remains of this ancient civilization, Paleontologists concluded that their practices included some sort of reverence to the divine. Apparently, these practices were present as they buried the dead, symbolizing their belief in something. Fast forward …

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Ayurvedic Ways to Cultivate Well Being

Eleven Ayurvedic Ways to Start Cultivating your Well being

Among the Ayurveda’s principal objectives is to carry parity to a person with the goal that he or she may experience several noteworthy potentials. At the point when mental clearness and center are a test, it is hard to live to the fullest. Expanded vata is regularly connected with repressed focus; be that as it …

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Components of Ayurvedic Medication and How to Use it in your Life

Ayurveda is one of India’s essential healthcare practice. Majority of the mainland’s people utilize some Ayurvedic treatment, including following dietary standards, performing conventional or “grandmother’s medication,” or looking for expert assistance from prepared Ayurvedic specialists. In the Western countries, Ayurveda is viewed as a correlative healthcare choice, with numerous Westerners utilizing Ayurvedic components, for example, …

Components of Ayurvedic Medication and How to Use it in your Life Read More »

How Spirituality can lead to Self-improvement, Positivity,

How Spirituality can lead to Self-improvement?

In his book “Existentialism & Humanism”, the legendary existentialist Jean Paul Sartre carefully outlined the conditions of human existence. By pinpointing the essential problems that we had to face in order to become fully human, Sartre sought to understand what it takes to be such. With this quest, Sartre arrived at the now popular phrase …

How Spirituality can lead to Self-improvement? Read More »

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