
12 character archetypes - featured image

12 Character Archetypes: A Beginner’s Guide

If you’re having trouble coming up with a cast of characters that will make for fascinating narratives, the 12 character types can be a fantastic starting point. Every character type has its unique set of characteristics, including strengths, flaws, and psychological concerns similar to the Jungian archetypes. Almost all of the qualities that contribute to …

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jungian female archetypes featured

A Beginner’s Guide to Jungian Female Archetypes

The Innocent, the Caregiver, the Beloved, the Explorer, the Scholar, the Outlaw, and the Ruler are all female archetypes according to Jungian Psychology. Depending on the resource, these may have different names. Each Jungian Female Archetype symbolizes a unique personality with unique traits and energies. The archetypes personify inner vitality. We often have aspects of …

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anti hero archetype featured

Anti Hero Archetype: The Fundamental Guide

Even if an anti-hero archetype is not to be mistaken for a role model, anti-heroes frequently experience the same sense of justice that a typical hero could feel. In fiction, an anti-hero archetype is a character that is fundamentally broken and conflicted, with a shaky moral compass. However, it is precisely this fault that lends …

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magician brand archetype featured

Magician Brand Archetype: Everything You Need to Know

The Magician Brand Archetype brings dreams to life by understanding how the world works and values magical moments. Magician brands have transformational power. It is fairly typical for them to exhibit spiritual or psychological characteristics. They wish to broaden the scope of our common consciousness. Whenever it comes to the Magician’s drive, these brands strive …

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hero brand archetype featured

Hero Brand Archetype: Everything You Need to Know

The primary motivation of the Hero Brand Archetype is to demonstrate their value, and their greatest fears are failures and appearing weak. Be it on the battlefield, the baseball game, or the political stage, the Hero is determined to make his or her mark on the world, and it appears that this is typically done …

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12 brand archetypes featured

Mastering the Transcendental 12 Brand Archetypes

Psychologist Carl Jung proposed that humans use symbols to grasp complex ideas. Jung concluded from his studies that “there are collective shapes or images that appear nearly everywhere on the globe as elements of myths and individual products of the subconscious mind.” In this endeavor, Jung argues that certain paths to higher insight are both …

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12 Jungian Archetypes, what is 12 Jungian Archetypes

Unravelling the Secrets of 12 Jungian Archetypes

You’ve probably heard of Carl Jung and his 12 Jungian Archetypes in some way. After all, Jung’s theories are literally everywhere. They’re used in conjunction with Tarot reading, and you can even play video games that use his core ideas! But why does Carl Jung matter, really? Who is he? Why are his thoughts so …

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12 Archetypes and the Fate of your Business

In today’s world, the one who has a better understanding of the marketplace often wins. As such, when one innovates and creates a good product, this creates a new stream of money commonly referred to as blue oceans. In comparison, red oceans are highly competitive marketplaces where people edge on each other using the same …

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