spiritual ascension meaning

January 13, 2022

A Fundamental Guide to Spiritual Ascension Meaning


An evolutionary process that entails the process of discarding the former self and experiencing an internal rebirth, the ascension spiritual meaning (also known as spiritual awakening) is described as follows.

Spiritual ascension is sometimes described in terms of having one’s vibratory frequency raised, one’s “upgraded,” or one’s “relaunched.” Every one of these expressions is a means of referring to the inner growth and development of the mind, heart, or soul; they are not synonymous.

It is, as the title suggests, about reaching greater heights and letting go of old shackles such as limiting ideas and attitudes, as well as old patterns of behavior. Wouldn’t you like to know more about the spiritual ascension process?

We’ve got you covered! In this article, you’ll know about:

  • The true meaning of spiritual awakening
  • What the spiritual ascension symptoms are
  • What to expect during your spiritual awakening process
  • Embarking on your spiritual awakening journey

What is the meaning of Spiritual Ascension?

The concept of spiritual awakening has existed for ages and may be found in many different cultures and faiths around the world. Consider it “heaven,” “liberation,” or “contentment,” but a spiritual awakening occurs when a person can take a step back and “awaken” to their life with a new feeling of being in this universe.

Spiritual awakenings might be moderately unsettling initially, as they frequently force us to confront issues such as “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” Whenever we find ourselves suddenly feeling so much alive, there might be a sense of amazement and enthusiasm.

The concept of spiritual awakening was made famous in the Western world by eminent psychiatrist Carl Jung (who defined the process as returning to one’s true Self), yet the experience of ascending to a greater level of awareness has always been an integral element of what it means to be sentient.

meaning of spiritual ascension

What causes the spiritual ascension process?

Anything, from the absolutely ordinary to the completely life-changing, can cause a spiritual awakening. Life-altering experiences (such as losing your job, relocating, being in a car crash, and so on.) and persons who open a spiritual “door” for you are two of the most typical causes, according to spiritual author Shannon Kaiser (like a soulmate or twin flame).

“Spiritual awakenings can indeed be unexpected,” she asserts, “but most are prompted by significant life changes or traumas like life-threatening ailments, auto accidents, separation or divorce, conflict, pandemics, quarter-life or midlife crises, mental health turmoil like clinical anxiety or depression, or even a near-death encounter.” Anything that involves a sudden mental realization.

Tanya Carroll Richardson, professional clairvoyant and author of Angel Intuition, adds that eventually, anything that inspires (or requires) you to “look at your life from a more spiritual viewpoint” might set you on a course toward enlightenment.

Kinds of Spiritual Ascension Processes

#1: Your Mind’s Awakening

This kind of awakening occurs when you have a huge epiphany or have a sudden mental breakthrough. Such deep comprehension does not always translate into a unified awareness but does seem like an incredible flash of “enlightened” perspective that might help you psychologically understand reality.

Have you ever had that “click” moment when a piece of information falls into place in a grand scheme? This is known as mental enlightenment. Also, such realizations frequently stick with us, encouraging and inspiring significant improvements in our daily lives. This is when your ascension begins.

#2: The Emergence of a New Personality

Whenever mental awakenings are persistent and powerful enough, they might result in the creation of a new personality over time. This type of change and ascension entails releasing and letting go of old limiting and destructive patterns, as well as cultivating attributes like self-acceptance, empowerment, and compassion.

Whereas this form of awakening is not as profound as, perhaps, a soul’s liberation, it is still necessary on the spiritual journey. Consider the type of person you were 1 to 3 years ago. Are you still essentially the same individual? Or have you made considerable beneficial life changes?

If you believe you’ve improved, you’ve probably had a personality epiphany. This form of awakening occurs when previously repressed, disregarded, or despised aspects of one’s psyche are merged in order to achieve greater oneness on a deeper level to find your life purpose.


#3: Spiritual Energy Awakening

Sometimes the term “spiritual ascension” refers to the awakening of spiritual energy well within the body and energy field. Because once life force energy (also known as prana or kundalini energy) is awakened, significant changes can happen on the physical, mental, and spiritual planes.

Ancient disciplines such as tai chi, yoga, meditation, and tantra can help to activate this energy field, but they can also happen spontaneously. This abrupt activation is known as a Kundalini Awakening, and it allows access to the realms of the soul and absolute ascension.

An emergence of spiritual energy might range from modest to severe. (By extreme, we mean very overpowering and frequently unbearable.) Emotions of increased vitality and energy on a physical level, energy surges, tingling and electrical sensations throughout the body, changes in sexual drive, sharper awareness, and experiences of cosmic connectivity are all common symptoms of spiritual energy awakening.

Negative effects (for the inexperienced) can include mood swings, hyperactivity, sensory hypersensitivity, sleeplessness, seizures, decreased appetite or binge eating, and intense and frightening altered mental functions, to mention a few.

#4: Your Soul’s Awakening

Soul epiphanies can be fast and abrupt, or they can be long-drawn throughout. Transient soul awakenings are frequently referred to as ‘Satori’ in Zen Buddhism, which is the sense of witnessing one’s true everlasting essence. This moment of insight is frequently brief and fleeting.

Long-term soul awakenings, on the other hand, are felt as a strengthening of connection with one’s Soul which could entail regularly connecting with one’s soul mission, spirit guides, or higher self, and so comprehending and experiencing oneself as Timeless and Boundless.

Have you ever had a feeling that the barrier between you and the rest of the world was dissolving? Did you have any experiences where you felt completely matched with your true calling? All of these are indications of a soul awakening and pure awareness.

Soul awakenings are also accompanied by the development of virtuous traits such as empathy, patience, forgiveness, and unconditional love as one venture down the spiritual path.

#5: Enlightenment

Enlightenment, also known as total ego dissolution, is a rare event in which the ‘self’ disintegrates and all that remains is “Oneness With All”. This condition is known by many different names, including oneness, moksha, non-dual mindfulness, Buddhahood, enlightenment, and so on.

One such deep state of being might occur spontaneously or as a result of years of spiritual study and effort in your spiritual path – but in both cases, total awareness is a gift of grace, not something we can “earn” in the conventional sense.

Whenever one attains enlightenment, they have the sensation of being both nothing and all at the same time; it is a state that surpasses cognition and the mind itself; it is a Cosmic Epiphany. The ego has now been seen, understood, and defeated, and all that is left is Absolute Consciousness, Presence, Truth, and Love.

Spiritual Ascension Symptoms

#1: You have a sense of being separated or disconnected.

Your spiritual awakening process might be overpowering and perplexing at first. It can feel as if everything you thought you knew about your life was a lie, and as a result, you may feel “disconnected and removed from the things and people you used to like,” according to Kaiser.

#2: You’ve reconsidered your beliefs.

A spiritual awakening, according to Richardson, will certainly compel you to alter your spiritual views or embrace major new ones. Whether it’s becoming completely involved with a new religion or belief system or quitting your work to pursue your true passion, your priorities are likely to have shifted.

#3: Your dreams have become more realistic.

Not only will your waking life become more vivid as a result of spiritual awakening, but your dream life may also become more intense, according to Kaiser. The implications of your dreams and how they relate to your path may also become clearer.

#4: You have more synchronicity and déjà vu.

If you’re constantly experiencing mind-boggling synchronicities, such as thinking about someone and then suddenly stumbling into them the very next day, or seeing angel numbers often, Kaiser says it’s a sign you’re on the right track. Furthermore, you should note that feelings of déjà vu are not unusual.


#5: Your connections start to change.

There is no doubt that spiritual awakenings are transforming, and the people in your life may not always recognize this. “You may feel as if your loved ones no longer understand you because you are transforming,” Kaiser says. Richardson advises encouraging loved ones to appreciate what you’re going through and to remind them that they don’t have to agree with your awakening.

#6: You sense that spirituality is becoming an increasingly essential element of your life.

As Richardson points out, it will be difficult to ignore the pull of your spiritual side while going through this process. One of your top concerns would most likely be to find purpose and fulfillment in your spirituality.

#7: You have a stronger intuition.

One other sign, as per Richardson, is the appearance of newly enhanced intuition or new intuitive talents. They have always been there, hidden beneath your ego’s veils, but now that you’ve risen, you’re a lot more in touch with yourself. You might even feel a new sense of self-love with the help of guided meditation.

#8: You can detect deception and manipulation.

Aside from that enhanced intuition, Kaiser claims you’ll be able to detect any insincere or deceptive behavior when someone is fooling you. “It’s difficult to be around things that aren’t honest,” she continues.

#9: You realize that everyone is on their own course.

Richardson observes that as you discover your own spiritual journey, you become more receptive to the idea that everyone else is on their own distinct road as well. Things like winning fights and persuading people of your point of view are no longer as important.

#10: You desire to help others.

According to Richardson, once you come to “realize that all life form is intrinsically worthy and equal,” you will feel called to serve, whether to people, animals, or nature. It’s critical for you to have a cause you can rally around in order to make your life feel more meaningful.

Richardson adds that it may not be necessary to change your existing positions or jobs, but rather to approach what you’re currently doing with a greater feeling of service.

#11: Your teachers track you down.

Throughout an awakening, your spiritual teachers may “come everywhere with perfect timing to aid you,” according to Kaiser. They don’t have to be actual teachers: they may be a kind stranger at the store, a new acquaintance you met by coincidence, or an actual religious or spiritual figure.

#12: You are feeling isolated.

Spiritual awakenings are not easy, and while there is hope for awareness on the other side, as Kaiser says, it can be terribly lonely. It’s isolating to have your entire world turned upside down, particularly if the other people in your life aren’t on the same wavelength as you. This is a part of your inner rebirth and soul retrieval.

#13: You have a stronger connection to nature.

Although you may feel less close to your friends and family at first, Kaiser and Richardson believe that you will feel more connected to the environment. You will feel your interconnectedness to everything thanks to a divine source, from plants to animals to the world as a whole, and it may be extremely touching.

#14: Your senses have been heightened.

As said by both Richardson and Kaiser, as you become more tuned in to the present moment, your senses will commonly become heightened during spiritual awakenings. Sensitivity to physical symptoms, emotional, and/or energy stimuli is included in order to give you a deeper sense of everything with the higher realm.

#15: You may experience other physiological sensations.

Kaiser says that, in addition to increased awareness and senses, you may experience other physiological feelings. Sleep deprivation is not uncommon because you may feel a new sense of a sudden change, perhaps positive major changes of the toxic patterns you possess.

#16:  You may experience bodily symptoms.

According to Kaiser, physical symptoms such as weariness, changes in body temperature, and brain fog often precede spiritual awakenings. (Of course, these symptoms could also be a sign of a medical illness, so don’t dismiss them as meaningless for your spiritual growth.) But if you actually feel negative bodily symptoms such as heart palpitations and the like, please do consult a healthcare professional.

#17: Your habits and routine have abruptly changed.

According to Kaiser, when your spiritual life begins to change, so will your daily life, including habits and routines. Perhaps you now prioritize spending time in nature or meditation, or you’ve let go of old behaviors that were no longer helping you. Call it spiritual growth!

#18: Your perspective on the world has shifted.

Similarly, spiritual awakenings are difficult, and the estrangement and ego-shattering epiphanies that ensue can make anyone feel as if they are living in another reality. Thus, you can even consider this a mental awakening as well.


#19: Enhanced empathy and compassion.

According to Richardson, when you begin to feel more connected to the environment around you, you will develop more empathy for the pain of others. The pervasiveness of misery may feel hard to overlook, which is why you now feel more compelled to serve. In addition to feeling more empathic, spiritual awakenings cause people to “feel more empathetic toward others—while yet wanting to hold them responsible,” according to Richardson.

#20: You’ve developed a new interest.

Finally, now that you’ve “awakened” to your existence, you probably still retain a sense of wonder and interest in the world around you, even though things are difficult. “Being able to be fascinated about your life and the people in it, even while you’re feeling vulnerable,” Richardson observes, is an indication of soul awakening.

The Stages of Spiritual Ascension

#1: The Awakening of the Spirit.

According to Kaiser, this is the start of your spiritual journey, as you begin to question all you thought you knew. You start to let go of certain things in your life and make room for new, more nourishing things. Also, you may have the feeling that something is missing, but you haven’t exactly found out what it is. It’s normal to feel disoriented, bewildered, and sad during this stage.

#2: The Soul’s Dark Night

The second phase of spiritual awakening is exactly what it sounds like, a very hard patch—in fact, the lowest patch. In many respects, this is the time when your soul is recalibrating, removing all characteristics of the ego. It’s difficult, but once you’ve struck rock bottom, there’s only one way to go, up, requiring you to make a genuine change.

#3: The Sponge

After you’ve survived your “dark night of the soul,” you’re ready to start building your new and improved “woke” life. According to Kaiser, the third phase is all about trying things out for size and investigating. You begin to stretch out, exploring other activities, beliefs, relationships, and so on, as you discover what resonates with your soul.

#4: “Satoru’s Self”

Satori is a Japanese Buddhist term for waking or “understanding,” as Kaiser explains, originating from the Japanese verb Satoru. It alludes to Kensh, or “seeing into one’s actual nature,” in the Zen Buddhist philosophy. During this stage, you begin to realize, acknowledge, and embrace your true nature through your talents, capabilities, and skills.

#5: The Soul Sessions

Do you believe you’ve attained enlightenment? No, not yet. The final step, which Kaiser calls “soul sessions,” can be time-consuming. You’re constructing the actual structure in your life that will allow your true spirit to thrive. This may necessitate some trial and error as well as a variety of solutions. Your spirit is growing and healing throughout this period as you establish the habits and practices that suit you best.

#6: The Surrender

Surrendering, the second-to-last phase in the waking process is all about letting go of any residual patterns, ideas, or aspects of the ego that are preventing you from your reality. You’ve learned to know your soul by this time, and you’ve figured out a lifestyle that suits you, but there may still be individuals or habits that slow you down. That’s how you’ll let them go in order to truly step into your greatness.

#7: Service and Awareness

Lastly, there is service and awareness. This is full consciousness of your own uniqueness in every moment, according to Kaiser, as you move through life with clarity and grace. You live your life in service to others, which provides you immense joy and fulfillment.

Final Word:

Spiritual awakenings are complex, powerful, and life-altering in the greatest possible way. They may not be simple, but with patience, trial-and-error, and time, they will make your life better. If you’re in one, just trust the process, hold on, and be ready for a fresh start.

Did you experience any of these at all during your spiritual awakening experience?

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