June 6, 2021

Your June 6 – 12 Weekly Love & Career Horoscope



Difficulties are rife for you during this week, but if you choose to be rational over being emotional, you should be able to get through this week easily. After all, backing down from a challenge has never been and never will be a part of your agenda.

Your love life will be relatively unstable during this period. You might find it hard to decide what to do next, and you and your partner might be at odds with one another. It is best if you talk this over with your significant other so that you won’t get into any further conflict.

Your career life will undergo some major backlogs, especially in the financial aspects. Having stability in this area can be quite hard for you to achieve, but it won’t be anything too difficult if you will let yourself do some restructuring on how and where you will spend your money.

Lastly, your dating life urges you to be a bit more patient while waiting for better days to come. Things may not go your way at first, but over time, everything will turn out the way the world intended things to be. Have faith that things will turn for the better.

Weekly Love Horoscope

June 7th will see the moon and Uranus conjunct. This can be a difficult time for you as it may leave you feeling unstable and unsure of what to do with your life. Remember, though, that you are stronger than you ever realized. Trust in your inner strength and resiliency, and you can weather through this easily.

With the solar eclipse happening on June 10th, you will find that your communication channels with your loved ones are being unblocked. This will be beneficial for all parties, as it will prompt everyone to be a bit more expressive with one’s feel;ings.

Unfortunately, Venus will square with Chiron on June 12th. This can pose a challenge in your sense of emotional security in your relationship, as it might reveal how insecure you feel when you’re around your partner. Tell them of this concern of yours so that this would not escalate even further.

Weekly Career Horoscope

When the moon conjuncts with Uranus on June 7th, you may start feeling a sense of financial insecurity. You will have to be wise and prudent in terms of spending your money so that you won’t be experiencing monetary constraints.

As the solar eclipse occurs on June 10th, you have to step up in terms of how you can communicate effectively with your colleagues. This will help you express your thoughts and ideas even better, as well as relate to them in a more professional manner.

WIth Venus squaring Chiron on June 12th, your insecurity about your skills and capabilities might start showing. Believe that you are more talented than you ever thought you were, and perform the best that you could at work.

Weekly Dating Horoscope

Initially, things may not go the way that you want them to be. Patience is a virtue during this time, as you just might lose your head if you allow yourself to dwell too much on it.

As the week progresses, you may be immersed in a relatively new setup which can help boost your sociability and visibility to the public eye. Don’t forget to wave and smile, and enjoy the attention that a certain person is going to give you.

By the time the weekend rolls over, you may be getting some clout because of something that you have done. As always, make sure that the reason for your 15 minutes of fame is positive, and will not put you at odds with people whom you value a lot.


Wanting to break free from the usual things that you do is something unheard of from your sign, but this time, it is precisely what you want to do. There are just so many new and exciting things happening in your life that you would want to catch up on them all.

Your love life will have you exploring new things with your partner. You know that there is an entire world out there left for you to discover and that you only need to be brave enough to go take the first step.


Your career life will help you realize that you have been confining yourself to things that don’t maximize your abilities.This is the time for you to break free from the mold and carve a new path for yourself.

Lastly, your dating life will urge you to be a bit more lowkey with your feelings. This will turn out to be beneficial for you as it will allow you to reassess things in a better, more intimate way.

Weekly Love Horoscope

Moon and Uranus will conjunct on June 7th, encouraging you to go around exploring romance with your significant other. This is beneficial, as it will allow you to break out of your usual standards, and open you up to the possibilities that you might end up along with them.

When the solar eclipse happens on June 10th, you might have to confront tough questions regarding your sense of self-esteem. Reflect on how much you value yourself and commit to uplifting it. Remember that you cannot love others if you do not love yourself.

By June 12th, Venus will square with Chiron. This event will make you unsure whether sharing your feelings with your partner is okay. Don’t force yourself, and instead work your way through it so that you can become more open with one another once you are ready to open up and talk about whatever it is that bothers you.

Weekly Career Horoscope

When the moon squares with Saturn on June 7th, you might feel a bit constrained when it comes to your work. You can make your way through this time by looking within yourself for the things that you actually want to do in terms of your career.

The solar eclipse on June 10th will make you rethink your financial planning. You need to reassess whether you have been prioritizing your immediate needs and your future plans, of if you were just giving in to your impulses.

Venus will square with Chiron on June 12th, and you will be forced to find healthy coping mechanisms as you struggle on how to survive your work. Choose those that are healthy and can assist you in the long-term as you try to weather through this time.

Weekly Dating Horoscope

It may not be a good idea to go out and about during the start of the week, as it may potentially backfire towards your mental health. Stay lowkey, and just enjoy your time away from the public eye.

Later on during this week, you may sooner or later meet a person who will pique your interest. This encounter is not only stimulating, but enlightening as well. Make this moment count! These kinds of individuals only appear once in a blue moon.

The weekend will prompt you to choose your own peace over partying and going wild. Many temptations will go your way, but you will be resisting them all. Calm down and let your mind and soul rest. You have come a long way, and still have more to go. 


Not wanting to barge ahead into doing things will help guide you into NOT doing the things that you will regret. You yourself are aware that some things shouldn’t be done for the betterment of your well-being.

Your love life will prompt you to want to be left alone. This will make things easier for you, especially that rushing things can get overwhelming and stress you out.

Your career life will have you analyze whatever it is that is going on in it. You will have to make a major decision soon, and you need to make sure that you won’t end up doing regrettable things later on.

Lastly, your dating life calls on you to focus on yourself more. There are some things about you, especially about your health, that may need your immediate attention. Self-love is very important, as it may even dictate the overall course of your life.


Weekly Love Horoscope

When the moon squares with Saturn on June 7th, you may have this overwhelming feeling to just hide into a corner and be left alone. Try to manage this, as this might prompt your relationship with your significant other to get unwanted rifts.

By the time the solar eclipse happens on June 10th, the desire to grow and become mature will find its way in your heart. This may have you assess if your current relationship is helping you achieve just that. If not, then it just might be the time to say goodbye.

Venus will square with Chiron on June 12th. This will make you unsure of your social interactions as your confidence will be at an all-time low. Breathe in. You are you, and how you roll is your very own signature style. 

Weekly Career Horoscope

As the moon squares Saturn on June 7th, you may not feel like diving headfirst into taking risks during this period. Organize your thoughts first before doing something; you don’t want to end up regretting because you made a very bad decision.

When the solar eclipse comes on June 10th, expect that new milestones are going your way. This is your time to break barriers and be on the way to realizing your personal goals, so go ahead and don’t be afraid to defy expectations.

While Venus squares with Chiron on June 12th, you might feel a bit discouraged by some of your backlogs. Remind yourself of all your hardwork and dedication that you’ve poured into your work, and that you shouldn’t be discouraged from pursuing your goals.

Weekly Dating Horoscope

You may need to pay more attention to your health in general. It hasn’t been an exactly favorable time for you, and there are telltale signs that things might get serious if you do not prioritize your well-being.

Living a peaceful co-existence with others sounds like a good idea, and it will be your theme especially as the week progresses. If you want to maintain the presence of certain individuals in your life, then you may have to exert a bit more effort to make sure that things will work the way that you wanted to.

During the weekend, you may find yourself mingling with someone interesting. Take time to get to know them a little bit better. This person is set to bring in something new and unexpected into your life.


Uncertainty might be rife during this period, but it isn’t anything that you can’t manage. After all, you know how to make your way through even the most difficult things in life.

Your love life will render you unsure if your loved ones are trustworthy. You may need to reassess how they were before with you so that you will know what to do next. Some people just aren’t meant to be part of your life, after all.

Your career life will prompt your creativity to awaken inside you and create new and exciting things. However, you will have to face the truth about yourself and others when the time comes for you to examine them.

Lastly, your dating life will demand you to make big decisions. However, you must never rush your way through these things. Be patient, as all things only need the right time for them to happen.

Weekly Love Horoscope

June 7th will mark the moon squaring with Saturn. This is a sign that you are quite unsure if you truly trust your loved ones. Try to think back of all the things that you’ve entrusted them with, and of how they handled those things. This will hold the answers that you need.

When the solar eclipse happens on June 10th, you will be facing off with an intrusive memory that you try so hard to forget. Acknowledge this, and you will slowly make your way to achieving the inner peace that you have always wanted to get.


Cancer will trine with Jupiter on June 11th. This will prompt you to go ahead and explore the things that you’ve been unsure of delving into. Just remember one thing: have fun!

Weekly Career Horoscope

When the moon conjuncts with Uranus on June 7th, you will find yourself bursting with inspiration. This can prompt you to try out new things in your workplace, or maybe even pursue something new altogether.

The solar eclipse will happen on June 10th, and you will have to confront some unpleasant truths about the kind of person that you were back then. Acknowledge what you have done and learn from it so you can become a better person than you are right now.

Venus will then square with Chiron on June 12th. This event may have you second guess your own capabilities, but remember that you are more than your insecurities. You arrived at where you are right now because of your talents and skills, so don’t forget to believe in yourself that you can do it.

Weekly Dating Horoscope

During the start of the week, it is best if you try not to think about major things in your life. Decisions must be thought through, but it also doesn’t mean that you should lose your sleep over them.

The social circle that you have is bound to experience some changes during the mid-week. Do not be afraid to let go of certain people, especially if they are no longer a positive presence in your life. Anyway, people will understand why you did just that.

As the weekend approaches, you might want to take some time off and take care of your loved ones. They might get a bit too emotional, and would be needing you to help comfort and calm them down.

leo weekly horoscope


Having to make decisions during this period may make things quite difficult from you. You will be forced to face the unpleasant truths that you have been keeping away from sight for some time now.

Your love life will be caught in a crossfire between it and your professional life. It will make you confront whether or not you should be prioritizing one thing over another. Know which one you should focus on so that you can do the things that you actually love doing.

Your career life might leave you confused on the choices that you have made about your life. You may even feel directionless for a time as you struggle to make sense in the path that opened itself up in front of you.

Lastly, your dating life will have you think things through with a certain someone before proceeding. Something big is yet to happen, and you can’t risk making the wrong choices.

Weekly Love Horoscope

The moon will square with Saturn on June 7th. You will be confronting the question of whether or not you were able to balance your personal and professional lives. Always remember that your relationship is there to help achieve your goals, not block you from it.

June 10th will see a solar eclipse happening, and you will find yourself immersed among a group of people whom you may or may not know. Pay attention, as these individuals may potentially play a major role in your life.

Mars will enter Leo on June 11 and may prompt you to become a bit more cautious in approaching your love life. However, while this can be a commendable trait, do remember that this doesn’t have to stop you from experiencing the feeling of rush and excitement of being in love.

Weekly Career Horoscope

June 7th will have the moon conjunct Uranus, leaving unsure of your career choices. You might even end up making bad decisions if you let yourself get carried away by your internal confusions. Keep calm and breathe in; don’t be tempted to make decisions you would sooner or later regret.


With the solar eclipse happening on June 10th, you will find yourself among a group of individuals working on something major in your workplace. This is your ticket to attaining the success that you’ve always wanted to have, so make this count!

Venus will square Chiron on June 12th, and you will be confronting the reality that not all things are permanent. You have to accept that everything (even your work and yourself) has to change to evolve and become better.

Weekly Dating Horoscope

Take the start of the week as an opportunity to think through things. There are so many things that need your attention, and it is best if you allow yourself to go through everything so you can handle them properly when the time comes for them to be acted on.

There will be some major updates coming into your life during the midweek, so keep your eyes peeled! This is an opportunity of a lifetime, and you should make this count. After all, you’ve worked hard just to reach that point.

When the weekend comes over, it is best to do nothing and just chill around. Spend time with your squad and enjoy life. Nothing’s better than just vibing and winding down after a long and hectic week.

weekly love horoscope


Going out into the world and doing the things that you’ve always wanted to do is a great way for you to go along during this week. You are still yet to discover many things that may enlighten your mind about the things going on in this world.

Your love life will prompt you to explore things with your significant other. This is exciting, as you may yet to know more things about them that you haven’t realized before.

Your career life will have you ask yourself what it is that you truly want to do next. You have to discern carefully, as it is your future that is at stake during this process.

Lastly, your dating life calls on you to vibe with everything that is going on. This will allow you to know things better, as well as you give you the mental clarity that you need for this week.

Weekly Love Horoscope

While the moon and Uranus conjunct on June 7th, you may find yourself considering saying yes to doing things that you haven’t tried before in your relationship. Go for it! You’ll lose nothing and will only get closer with your significant other.

The solar eclipse on June 10th may put you in a difficult position as you feel the pressures from your work seeping into your relationship. Reassess if your current love affair is helping you, or is instead dragging you further down.

Venus will square with Chiron on June 12th. You may feel lost and confused with your feelings over someone- and that’s okay. There’s no need to rush, especially on things that concern your heart. Take your time, and think things through.

Weekly Career Horoscope

When the moon squares with Saturn, you will be wanting to think about your great ideas regarding the future that you want to make for yourself. Allow your mind to wander and think about the next possible step that you can take.

With the solar eclipse happening on June 10th, you will be committing yourself to attaining your goals. It can be difficult at first, stressful even, but it is a necessary step if you want to grow. Over time you will be able to adjust to it and you can make things work.

However, as Venus squares Chiron on June 12th, your position will be put into question. Assert yourself and your right to remain in whatever post you have; you won’t want to lose whatever you have right now.


Weekly Dating Horoscope

Immerse yourself in your environment during the start of the week. This will allow you to have mental clarity and make you more conscious of the things that you are yet to decide upon in your life.

During the midweek, you will be feeling motivated to do something. Do whatever feels right! Enjoy your time doing the things that you love the most, and you will see that the things that will come your way are even better than before.

Let life take you wherever it wants to during the weekend. Go out, change plans at the last minute, do whatever you feel like doing! Sometimes, it is better if you just let life do its thing, and this is exactly one of those moments.


Thinking deeply about the things that you are currently facing is something that you usually do. This time around, the thinking has to be done in a deeper and more profound way.

Your love life will have you think that you no longer have the same quality of relationship with your significant other. This is a good time to start rebuilding your relationship, especially if you still want it to last for long.

Your career life will give you the answers you need on whether or not you are still on the right track. Heed whatever it is that your heart tells you to go with, and know that you are going towards the right direction.

Lastly, your dating life will take you to new heights. The changes that you will be experiencing will be some of the most memorable moments of your life. Don’t miss out on all the fun!

Weekly Love Horoscope

The moon will square with Saturn on June 7th, you may have the overwhelming feeling that you are no longer feeling the spark that you and your partner once had. If you are still willing to regain it, work towards it and you will have it back in no time.

June 10th marks the arrival of the solar eclipse. This will prompt you to become a bit more open towards new ways of thinking and new experiences with your significant other. Go ahead and enjoy!

However, Venus will square with Chiron on June 12th. You may find your friendships come in conflict with your relationship. Do your best to mediate this, as the outcome of this chaos will always fall back to you.

Weekly Career Horoscope

With the moon squaring Saturn on June 7th, you will find out which things are working out fine for you, and which ones don’t. This will give you the opportunity to reassess which things you should retain (or let go of) so you can perform at your very best.

By the time that the solar eclipse happens on June 10th, your mind will be all about planning great schemes which you can use to boost your career growth. It will be the start towards your path towards success, so make it count!

Unfortunately, when Venus squares with Chiron on June 12th, you may end up having a few run-ins with some senior colleagues. Some of these interactions may even hurt you if you aren’t careful enough, so be cautious.

Weekly Dating Horoscope

Something new is bound to happen as the week unfolds- only if you are game to do it. Don’t hold back! This will be a one of a kind experience, and you wouldn’t want to miss out.

The midweek might not be so nice to you, as it may bring you into conflict with some people whom you look up to at work. Don’t worry, mistakes happen! All you need to do is make up for it through improved performance, and you will be all set.


During the weekend, you might want to go ahead and spend more time with someone whom you haven’t hung out with for so long. Renew the bonds that you have with these people, and ensure their long-lasting presence in your life.

scorpio weekly horoscope


So many things are going on in your life during this period. The variety of happenings only promise excitement and breakthroughs, regardless of the energy that they will be bringing into your life.

Your love life will see you in conflict with your loved ones. It is best if you resolve things ASAP to avoid further complications. This will ensure that things will not get out of control.

Your career life will be full of changes during this period, and you can only hope that you can adapt as fast as they come. They are bound to change the way things go for you, so be quick about it!

Lastly, your dating life will urge you to just vibe along with it. There’s just so much life can offer you during this period that the best course of action would just to allow life to flow wherever it wants to go.

Weekly Love Horoscope

As the moon conjuncts with Uranus on June 7th, you may feel tensions arising between you and your partner. This may stem from you or your partner wanting to feel a bit more independent from another. Talk things through to prevent any potential conflicts from arising!

When the solar eclipse happens on June 10th, you may soon find yourself wanting to build a more intimate relationship with your partner. However, it is also important that you build boundaries to make things work between the two of you.

But Venus will square Chiron on June 12th, and you will finally be going back to that feeling of independence that you had. However, this may be fueled by your thinking that your relationship lacked the balance it needed. As always, communication is the best way to resolve problems.

Weekly Career Horoscope

With the moon and Uranus doing a conjunction on June 7th, your professional relationships may experience some major changes. There is no telling if they will be positive or negative, all that matters is how you will react and adapt to these.

While the solar eclipse occurs on June 10th, you will have to rethink how you manage your finances. Major changes are needed to ensure that you will be able to enjoy relative comfort despite the numerous payables that you have.

However, when Venus squares Chiron, you may be feeling disoriented and directionless. Regain your focus by organizing your tasks and prioritizing those that need more effort and attention. Try your best not to give in to these negative feelings, it will only distract you from your goals.

Weekly Dating Horoscope

The start of the week ushers in several changes in your life. Go for whatever life has in mind for you and power on! This is the start of a new chapter, and you are now called to make every moment count as you go along.

When the midweek comes, you might want to lie low and reorient yourself over everything that is happening. Let yourself enter the right headspace before doing something; this will help you refocus in the things that you should be doing.

Change will also follow you in the weekend, although in smaller, but still noticeable portions. Welcome them all, and bring in a new reason for you to keep on living. Life is more beautiful if you have a positive purpose, after all.

sagittarius weekly horoscope


This is a time when you will want people to pay attention to you. There is much for you to say and do, and you want these things to go out to the world. Go, and don’t be afraid to express yourself that way that you want yourself to.


Your love life will render you craving to be heard, as well as to hear whatever it is that you wanted to hear. However, this is a time when allowing actions to speak louder than words is far better than just merely talking.

Your career life will prompt you to want to take on more responsibilities. This can be a trap, though. This may even sidetrack you from the responsibilities that you already have lined up even from before.

Lastly, your dating life might leave you feeling more lost and confused than ever before. It is best if you just let yourself stay lowkey during this time so that you will avoid getting yourself into more emotional mess than you could hope to handle.

Weekly Love Horoscope

When the moon squares with Saturn on June 7th, you may feel like you are not being heard enough. You may even think that you are not even receiving the words that you wanted to hear. Let your actions do the talking for you instead.

The solar eclipse on June 10th will bring in several unexpected changes in your life. You need to prepare yourself, as they might catch you by surprise. However, these will only bring you even closer to your destiny, and ultimately, to the love of your life.

Unfortunately, Venus will square with Chiron on June 12th. Fears of being rejected by your love interest will be at an all time high during this period. But if you truly love that person, then don’t be afraid to fight for them.

Weekly Career Horoscope

With the moon Uranus conjuncts on June 7th, you may feel like you want to take in more diverse and spontaneously-given tasks. Try resisting this, as it can only sidetrack you from your path in achieving your goals.

As the solar eclipse happens on June 10th, you may find yourself wanting to forge stronger and closer connections with people inside and outside your field. Don’t be afraid to do this and watch as positive results start rolling in.

Yet Venus squaring Chiron on June 12th will only bring you feelings of insecurity. Remember that you are amazing, talented, and capable of achieving your goals. Don’t give in to these bad thoughts! These will pass, and you will soon discover how amazing you are in your work.

Weekly Dating Horoscope

The start of the week might leave you a mental and emotional mess. Process everything, bit by bit, so that you won’t get overwhelmed and end up doing things you never wanted to do in the first place.

As the midweek happens, a certain someone will catch your attention. Feel free to subtly send them signs that you’d like to get to know them even better. You might even be surprised on how much they reciprocate the energy you’re giving them.

Creativity will be boundless during the weekend, inspiring you to do great things. This is your chance, your moment to finally let it all out and just simply be yourself. Let your inner self express what it wants to, and simply feel everything the world wants you to know.


Being in touch with your emotional side will help you get through during this week. Allowing yourself to be in touch with whatever it is that you feel will make things better and easier for you.

Your love life calls on you to feel things a bit more deeply. It may feel a bit strange at first, but over time things will feel a bit more natural and you will be closer to your loved ones in a deeper, more intimate way.

Your career life will prompt you to think things in a more creative manner. You will sooner or later find that these were your keys into achieving the success that you will soon enjoy after you’ve done what needs to be done.


Lastly, your dating life will draw you closer to someone who has been eyeing you for some time now. You may or may not have been aware of their feelings for you before. Nevertheless, welcome their presence into your life and get to know them even better.

Weekly Love Horoscope

As the moon trines with Pluto on June 8th, you are called to embrace your romantic side. Though this may initially feel foreign to you, you may soon realize that it will help you express your love and affection towards your loved ones.

When the solar eclipse happens on June 10th, you need to put your focus on your well-being. Do your self-care routine and go treat yourself. Remember that there is no higher love than self-love, and that you should prioritize your happiness, no matter the season.

Venus will square with Chiron on June 12th. This event will render you sensitive, especially towards how your significant other reacts towards your own actions. Be patient with yourself. This feeling will pass and everything will be alright.

Weekly Career Horoscope

The moon and Uranus will conjunct on June 7th, giving you the chance to tap in your inner genius. These will yield ideas which you can then translate into action. They will then give you the career boost that you so badly need.

While the solar eclipse happens on June 10th, you may have to confront the question of how you manage your time. You may have been abandoning yourself in favor of achieving maximum productivity, and this will only bring you more harm than good.

But when Venus squares with Chiron on June 12th, you will find your personal and professional lives collide. Do your best to minimize the damages as well as stop either one thing from interfering with the other.

Weekly Dating Horoscope

You might attract someone who has been interested in you for so long. Make this interaction worthwhile, and get to know them in a better, more intimate way before actually committing yourselves into something bigger.

As the week goes on, you may find yourself being the center of attention of certain people who notice your penchant for working harder than normal. They will want to know you even more, and you will want to reciprocate their energy.

During the weekend, you will come to have some realizations about your life. You will want to plan out the things that you really want to do, as well as determine which people you want to hang around as you work hard to reach your goals.


Feeling a bit down and blue is normal. This week will render you feeling under the weather as you try to make sense of what is happening in your life. Don’t worry, this will pass. Just allow yourself to breathe in and out and relax.

Your love life calls on you to prioritize your mental health. Your low self-esteem has been affecting you for quite some time now, so give yourself some time off and take a long, deep breath.

Your career life will also render you weak and unable to perform well. Be kind to yourself. Don’t force yourself to work, or else you will end up getting burnt out by everything that you are doing for a living.

Lastly, your dating life will give you more stress than you’ll ever anticipate. It is best if you stay lowkey and avoid going out and about during this highly emotional period in your life.

Weekly Love Horoscope

The moon will square with Saturn on June 7th, and you will feel a bit blue with your self-confidence affecting your well-being. It would be best if you stay lowkey and take deep breaths. This is not a good time to be all sensitive, as it may affect your mental health.


As the solar eclipse on June 10th, you will be feeling the love that you have been craving for so long. It may be that the spark between you and your significant other will be rekindled, Or that you will finally fall in love with someone who loves you as much.

When Venus squares with Chiron on June 12th, you may need to be careful with how you talk to your significant other. It can get heated if you aren’t careful enough; you need to practice being sensitive to each other’s feelings to avoid hurting one another.

Weekly Career Horoscope

With the moon squaring Saturn on June 7th, you might feel a bit weaker than usual at work. Don’t force yourself to do your output, and instead take time to calm down and think things before proceeding.

The solar eclipse on June 10th will have you use your creative skills in completing your goals. Don’t hold back! Allow yourself to go all out as you go around doing the things that feel good doing. They may just actually yield the best results.

Unfortunately, by the time Venus squares with Chiron on June 12th, your workloads will overwhelm you. Take a rest from everything, you will need to relax as you just might overwork yourself and get burnt out rather than actually be productive.

Weekly Dating Horoscope

The start of the week might stress you out, prompting you to assess yourself. You may think that some of the things you said and did were completely unnecessary, but you will come to realize everything will play out right towards the end.

During the midweek, you might want to be a bit more in tune with people who are around you. They will help you find the purpose you are seeking, as well as give you the support that you need as you go through your personal journey.

When the weekend comes, channel your energy into letting the world know of your passion and dedication for the things that give you purpose. Let your light shine! The spotlight is yours for the taking, so make the most out of it.

pisces weekly horoscope


It doesn’t have to be said, yet vibing is your best option during this time. With so many things going on in your life, you may not like forcing yourself into doing things that you don’t want- and let’s be honest, who does?

Your love life may make you feel like you don’t want to see anyone, anytime. This is okay! Let yourself rest from all the craziness and focus on making yourself feel a bit better.

Your career life might also get compromised if you force yourself to do your tasks. Take things slow, and don’t stress yourself out. If you really can’t focus, take a break from everything that you are doing.

Lastly, your dating life calls on you to listen to your inner self. You may be confused with what is happening in your life, but your intuition will guide you through the entire rollercoaster that you’re riding in.

Love Horoscope

When the moon squares with Saturn on June 7th, you will feel the overwhelming urge to just hide and avoid everyone. Don’t be afraid to do so. Maybe this is just the break that you need to recalibrate yourself.

As the solar eclipse happens on June 10th, you will have to rethink whether or not you can truly settle down with your significant other. If you do not feel like someone whom you can go back home to everyday without any regrets, then perhaps it is time to call it quits.

But Venus will square with Chiron on June 12th, and you will once more have doubts about committing. Do not rush on deciding. Give yourself time to think before making your decision about it.


Career Horoscope

With the moon squaring Saturn on June 7th, you may not feel any motivation to do any form of work. Instead, you would rather spend your time relaxing and going about your day. Just go along with the flow rather than sacrifice the quality of your work.

When the solar eclipse happens on June 10th, your personal life may need even more focus than your professional one. Don’t be afraid to take that leave, it just may be what you need so that you can maintain your grip on your life.

Venus will then square Chiron on June 12th, making you unsure of how you can let out all these things that have been bothering you. Keep a calm mindset and work your way through all these. Trust in yourself that you can do it!

Dating Horoscope

Your instincts will be up and running during the start of the week. Listen to it, as it will be more in tune with whatever is happening to the world. Let your decisions be guided by it so that you can know which things work best for you.

By the midweek, you might find yourself swamped by your stressors. If you feel the need to have a change of environment, go ahead and do so! You will find it more refreshing, and your productivity levels may even be higher now that you’ve managed your stress.

Allow your system to chill over the weekend and just breathe everything in. All the hectic happenings of the week have come to an end, and now it’s time for you to just live in the moment. Don’t let yourself be too bothered by what is going on; just pause everything and calm down.

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