
Aquarius women are given special attention in astrology for their love of the common good. They tend to pay attention to social issues and are keen to update how they treat others accordingly.

And with the world becoming increasingly tolerant and progressive with other social groups, Aquarius women will certainly play an important role in making sure that everyone is treated fairly.

If there is any wrongdoing, they will always be keen to point it out, and they are not afraid to call out anyone who steps out of line. Likewise, they are also compassionate and charitable towards others around them. 

Element and Modality 

Aquarius is a sign that belongs to the Air element. Among the other Air signs, they are one of the most contemplative and philosophical. They think about freedom in the context of social issues and the common good.

Fittingly, their quality is Fixed, which means they are truly dedicated to the cause of the common good. Among other things, this is their primary goal in life. Naturally, their ambitions and individual aspirations firmly come second. 

This propensity for looking beyond their individual needs makes them truly worthy team players. They can excel in any social context, especially in the workplace.


The Aquarius woman’s symbol in astrology is that of the Water-bearer. The water-bearer is a nourishing presence. She provides relief and even sustenance to the downtrodden, defeated, and broken.

This charitable image certainly lends credence to the idea that Aquarius women are fundamentally selfless and dedicated to the common good. As a whole, they prioritize other people over their own needs– sometimes to a fault. 

As such, you must strive to reach the right balance between helping oneself and helping other people if you are to thrive.

Ruling Planet

The ruling planets of the Aquarius woman are Uranus and Saturn, as both of which inform Aquarius’ unique brand of freedom. On the one hand, Uranus is the planet of total freedom. It is the planet astrologers see as an explanation for why some people are freer in spirit than others.

On the other hand, Saturn is a planet of boundaries and fear. It represents the fundamental fear that we feel about confronting the outside world and the need to create barriers.

For Aquarius women, this means that freedom is relative, and that it doesn’t mean you can always do what you want.


Qualities: Authentic, compassionate, high-minded

Aquarius women are people of merit, mettle, and love. They refuse to see the world and the people in it as just pawns for other people’s game, and instead respect everyone’s rights and liberties. For this reason, their strengths truly allow them to see the world in a more enlightened way.

For example, consistent with their symbol, they are compassionate and always want to look after other people. They do not just think about themselves and what their worth and freedoms are in life, they think about what other people might think too. To this end, they will give them anything they need to make sure they can enjoy their freedoms as much Aquarius women already do.


Secondly, they are also high-minded. They look beyond the petty squabbles of the workplace or the banter in any social context. Instead, they ask themselves harder questions in life. What is their place? How can they best serve others? What will make everyone happy?

Naturally, all these questions make them appear– and in fact, truly, authentic. Their acts of service do not come from duty, obligation or force, but because they actually want to give people as much help as they can possibly give.


Qualities: Too objective, socially distant, adamant

Aquarius women may have a lot in terms of empathy and care, but they aren’t free of potential pitfalls either. In fact, some of these could actually be troubling in the long run if they aren’t able to do anything about these specific weaknesses.

One of which is their tendency to see things too objectively. Though they certainly have a heart of gold, they tend to sometimes disregard this in favor of raw logical analysis. This is great in helping them deal with non-emotional problems. However, when they try their hand at emotions, they will certainly have trouble as they can appear occasionally cold.

Another problem is their absolute reluctance to get rid of their principles. Of course, it’s always a good thing to have your own standards, but the problem is that there are times where these standards just do not apply. Do you, for example, continue upholding the rules if these rules hurt people in the first place?

Lastly, they can also be socially distant. Due to their own insistence on detachment, it is difficult for them to try and look at things in a more human sense. This is ironic because they are, in fact, very empathetic.

The Aquarius Zodiac Woman in Sex

Qualities: Detached, sweet in their own way, logical

In terms of sexuality and relationships, Aquarius women may seem difficult to deal with on the surface. It’s not that they’ll snap at you, but they can seem a bit detached– almost as if they’re not really in a relationship to begin with. 

The way they see the world is almost too holistic that it includes the relationship itself, and this can cause various problems.

For one, they are almost inaccessible. They tend to not show emotion because of their preference for solving things in a logical way. This is certainly a positive thing in that it helps them actually be useful when solving problems. However, their partners may not appreciate them being too out of touch sometimes.

After all, the primary requirement of a relationship is intimacy. Thus, if sex is the language that the other person speaks, then there might be disappointment on both sides. 

That being said, this doesn’t mean that Aquarius women aren’t good in bed. Quite the contrary, because of their own unique brand of affection, they have their own language entirely.

For example, they may not throw parties or even participate in one, but the little kiss, the hug– the small gestures that show people they still love them regardless– these can be invitations for their partners to become more intimate.

The key, in this case, is to make sure that you are able to read the body and mental language of an Aquarius woman. They are subtle due to their traits, and the subtlety undoubtedly adds extra flavor to the relationship.


Another thing to note is that they are primarily logical. This means that when the relationship turns sour, they will definitely argue their case and then focus on making sure that you see the mistake of your actions. This promotes greater clarity.

The Aquarius Zodiac Woman in Home and Family

Qualities: Solitary, loves going outdoors, compassionate

At home, Aquarius women can appear solitary and aloof, like they have their own world. When you gaze at them from across the couch, you may see them just staring at the ceiling, thinking about things that you might not even have any grasp of, and this is usually the case, too.

Indeed, when they are in their room, they will likely not do much in terms of designing it, but their activities will be full of life due to the fact that they tend to work a lot from rather solitary environments. When no one is in front of them, they may do their hobbies such as baking or even studying and reading research papers.

When they are leading their solitary lives, you can expect them to grow smarter and more knowledgeable the next day due to the information they tend to hold within their minds. This ultimately makes them greater and greater people the more they are left alone to make do with their own devices and plans.

However, they do not just gain strength from staying indoors. In fact, you’ll likely see them constantly on the move by themselves. You may sleep with them one day, and then find that they want to go on a solitary road trip the next day to learn new things about themselves or gain new insights about the world.

This outgoing attitude can make them seem too agile for even the kids to keep up, and as a result, they can seem quite unreachable even for them. Of course, this doesn’t mean they don’t care about their family. In fact, they are highly compassionate with them.

When their kids are feeling down, they will often be the first people to ask why and then figure out what they can do to help.

The Aquarius Zodiac Woman in Career Paths

Possible Paths: Professorship, law, astrology

Aquarius women love being in jobs where they feel the most useful to other people. This connects with their passion for social justice and simply bettering the world in their own unique way. For this reason, you will find them pursuing any number of jobs that bring forth their social potential.

Three of these include: professorships, law, and astrology. Individually, these jobs offer unique advantages that Aquarius women can bring to the table to make themselves more useful to people and society on several levels, be it individual, social or even to some extent, political.

In professorships, they can be considered queens with their already-broad knowledge. Aquarius women have a curious mind, but what’s even better is that they do not just get curious for the sake of it, but also to help other people out. 

This is a trait that they can definitely pass on to other people as they proceed to mentor them and refine their logical thinking.

Even better, Aquarius women can also help steer their minds to social issues. They can also elevate the political awareness of their students. Hence, they are able to produce students that don’t just indulge themselves. They’ll also care for society’s underpinnings and principles.

As for law, they have several routes that they can take here. They can become prosecutors, which will help them deal with criminals or people who otherwise endanger the stability of the state. 


They will become the sacred defenders of the law and of the people around them, which helps massively with their fervent desire to see justice served.

Lastly, they can also be great astrologers. Astrologers require a lot of intellectual talent and a knack for actually reading the movements of the stars. By embracing this discipline, they can help guide people personally to lead better lives.

The Aquarius Zodiac Woman in the Workplace

Workplace Habits: Mentorly, schedule-based, efficient

When it comes to their actual attitude in the workplace, Aquarius women are some of the most predictable and thankfully stable ones. They are utterly dedicated and will in fact actually find time to make sure everything is in perfect order. Due to their own insistence on finding this order, they are undoubtedly great as workers.

And this in fact radiates in a lot of ways. For example, they are great mentors who constantly look after their employees. They see what is best for the company and often instill these values upon their subordinates and colleagues. What happens after that is that they become even more dedicated to their work.

But it’s not just the values. As far as they know, Aquarius women are also wise and capable of mentoring them about their personal stuff. Whether it’s their love life or financial burdens involved, you can always expect the Aquarius women to always watch their colleagues’ backs.

All of this comes at the back of their schedule-based work ethic. There is never a time where they don’t plan anything at work. For example, at set times, they will take lunch, prepare and then return to work, and they will even have minutes dedicated to just doing other things. 

What ends up happening is that they tend to not waste time at all. No matter what, there is always room for more work as a result of this specific work ethic. Thus, this further translates to them constantly having quality work. Because they spend their scheduled times well, they never skip a beat or miss a step.

Lastly, they are also highly efficient. Aside from their time management, they also make sure that they never go to work tired, and that there is always room for them to do other things.

5 Tips to Become the Best Aquarius Zodiac Woman

#1: Logic isn’t everything

As a primarily empathetic sign, remember that logic is usually not the only way to think about the world. It can be difficult to not think this way, however, considering logic is supposed to be the one thing that helps solve problems.

Of course, what must be remembered here is that we are still human beings first of all, and because of this, we tend to gravitate towards having emotions. It’s okay to feel hopeless and to just listen to a friend feeling that way.

You don’t have to try and solve problems– sometimes, all that matters is you listening.

#2: Heed other people’s feelings

Fighting for social justice is always a good thing. However, it’s not enough to simply look at it from structural or theoretical perspectives, as both offer little in terms of human emotion. Furthermore, it doesn’t help to fight for social justice when you’re looking at it from a selfish angle.

As such, you should always try to pay attention to other people around you. Remember that the ends never justify the means in the pursuit of true justice, and likewise, you should never disregard the emotions of others.

Listen to them when they complain and help them when they ask for it.


#3: Keep an open mind

No matter how well-crafted a plan is, the fact of the matter is that most plans don’t survive the first sign of trouble. Furthermore, life always has a way of surprising even those who think of everything beforehand.

As such, you should plan for any eventuality as you please, but do keep an open mind regardless. When there’s a dissenting opinion, do not disregard it. Listen to its merits and evaluate them, then act based on what you find efficient.

Remember that there’s always more than one way to solve specific problems, so as much as possible, keep your mind open.

#4: Don’t always pursue perfection

Usually, perfection is the best thing one can ever pursue, but there is a reason why people typically discourage such notions. This is because we are fundamentally flawed human beings, and while it is within your instinct to always pursue what is perfect, it may be wise to deviate from it.

Instead of pursuing the most perfect outcome, pursue instead what is the best for any situation. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the greatest, but the fact is that situations in life can always change.

And you owe it to yourself to think of more than one possible option.

#5: Mingle with other people

Aquarius women can be a bit detached when it comes to social situations because of their emphasis on logic. This doesn’t take away from their emotional sensitivity, but it can take away from your ability to interact with others.

Remember that the pursuit of social justice isn’t one-sided nor a solitary affair. The fact is that you will need friends and extra hands to make sure that society becomes more livable and free for everyone else.

Work on your social connections, then pursue what is the best outcome for everyone based on these connections, as this will brighten your future.

Healing Crystals for the Aquarius Zodiac Woman

#1: Amber

Amber is a crystal that is used to suck away negative energy and facilitate the removal of stress throughout the body. This in turn translates to you being able to think in a more logical way.

As such, you should really use this crystal when you are feeling the need to give yourself some space in a hectic situation. By using this crystal, you can think faster and more sharply at moments when you feel like you have no control over yourself.

With this crystal in tow, you will surely be able to fulfill your potential as an Aquarius woman.

#2: Larimar

Larimar is a crystal that shortens the Aquarius woman’s path to self-mastery. Among other things, it helps Aquarius women sort out their inner doubts by purifying their way of thinking. The end result is that you end up thinking more clearly about issues.

This is especially great for Aquarius women since they also have their own doubts, particularly when it comes to social contexts. This forces them to only apply logic, even when logic itself is not an infallible machine for dealing with problems.

Therefore, you should use this when your thoughts are clouded and you personally require great clarity.


#3: Hematite

Hematite is a crystal that helps people deal with their personal selfishness. As a rule, it does this by giving your assurances that the people around you aren’t out to get you or exceed you, but instead help you in your quest for justice.

In other words, this is a crystal that helps you clear your head in social contexts to make you more understanding and appreciative of other people. This appreciation means that you won’t be selfish anymore, if at all, and you will therefore have a better social life.

Use this crystal before meetings or gatherings for maximum effect.

Final Word

Aquarius women are great at working and prioritizing the common good. Their high-minded work ethic allows them to exceed their limits and be of greater use to others around them.

However, they also have certain traits that pave the way for friction such as their insistence on logic alone and their detachment from social matters. 

Other Zodiac Woman


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