
In astrology, Pisces women are the creative powerhouses among all the signs. They have a gift for reading emotions and for sending back energy of any kind. This means that they can bring positive or negative energy as the environment dictates.

Additionally, they are also excellent at aesthetics or any matter concerning art. This is because they also have the ability to translate emotional energy into something real and tangible, be it in the form of a painting or even a sweet gesture.

As such, those who interact with Pisces women tend to be blessed with even more positive energy. 

Element and Modality 

The element of the wonderful Pisces is water. Water is a natural body that allows things and creatures to ride upon its waves. It is spontaneous in its natural ebb and flow, but it smites those who would dare challenge its wrath and power.

Indeed, the quality of the Pisces woman– mutable— represents water in a very different way. Like the water itself, they represent the emotional flux of human existence. They also symbolize the very need to harness that power so that all are blessed by its life-giving energy.

Thus, it is fitting that people respect and adore Pisces women.


In terms of constellations, the symbol that represents the Pisces woman is the fish, swimming in different directions. As a rule, this means that the Pisces woman represents the imperfection of humanity itself. It also shows their tendency to always see things in terms of their sheer dichotomies.

Light and darkness, sadness and happiness, frustration and tranquility. All of these things exist within the Pisces women in the form of their emotional affinities. And as such, they can read between the lines and see through other people’s actions.

These emotional gifts are what allow them to enhance their relationships– and themselves.

Ruling Planet

Ruling over Pisces women are two ringed planets: Jupiter and Neptune. The former, hailed as the largest and most imperious of all the planets, represents the gift of courage, hope, and power. It is the planet that drives people forward in the face of despair.

Neptune, on the other hand, named after the Roman God of the Sea, represents the healing cold of compassion and kindness. By being kind, they serve to purify and neuter the rage and hatred that exist throughout the world.

And in this way, the Pisces woman, therefore, represents emotion in all of its multiple dimensions.


Qualities: Perceptive, artistic, tenderhearted 

Pisces women are delights in astrology. Their emotional connection with themselves and other people by extension, is strong and they are full of life. As a result, they are ultimately better off in a lot of areas for it. Their social lives, for example, tend to thrive because of their positive traits.

One of these, for example, is their tender, warm-heartedness. They are always there for the people they love, and they often give them so much emotional support. 


As such, they aren’t afraid to share with them in their worst moments and even during their happiest moments. Their kind heart always makes sure that more people like them than the other way around.

In addition, they have a lot of artistic talent. Their idea of living life is to never live by monotony or convention. While they are not eccentric by themselves, they do tend to follow their instincts more often. This results in the creation of powerful art.

Lastly, they are perceptive. They understand that human communication has many layers. They know one thing doesn’t necessarily mean another. They have highly mastered this aspect of communication. Thus, they can figure out the ramifications of actions and conversations between themselves and others.


Qualities: Gullible, hesitant, obsessive at times

Pisces women may have a strong emotional attachment with other people, and yes, it does serve their purpose most of the time, but while the positive emotions can bring forth great things, the negative ones that they feel are just as capable of ruining the mood or even the synergy that they feel with others.

One of these negative triggers is their fear. They are truly afraid of the future and the implications of their every decision. This leads them to be highly indecisive in moments where they should actually be deciding and thinking. Individually, mitigation can be possible, but it gets harder to deal with more people in the mix.

Another negative quality is their gullibility. Too often do they give people the benefit of the doubt and allow them to get away with manipulating them. This is in part because Pisces women have a simple need for emotional connection. As long as they have friends, they are happy to give them what they want.

Lastly, they are quite obsessive at certain points. When they fall in love with someone who won’t love them back, they can truly be tenacious in their desire to connect with them more deeply.

The Pisces Zodiac Woman in Sex

Qualities: Romantic, intimate, artsy

In sex, no one could possibly be more romantic than the Pisces. In fact, they don’t just apply to relationships or any kind of emotional attachment. Fundamentally, they are hopeless romantics who desire nothing more than the ideal partner and the ideal context. 

More than anything, they want the love and the adulation, and they are willing to endure anything for it.

In fact, it could be said that they are willing to have their hearts broken for this specific ideal. It’s not that they aren’t capable of thinking clearly. More than anything, they are creative enough to solve any problem in a special way. However, the problem is that they are also willing to sacrifice anything to make the ideal happen.

When it does happen, however, the special side of the Pisces woman surfaces in all its glory. For they are truly intimate when it comes to both bed and outside. They are happy to show their affection for you no matter where you are. And if you are a Pisces woman yourself, you are just as likely to let your love for each other speak for everyone else.

When in bed, however, things start to really happen. In this case, you are always willing to let the entire process play out. You hate quick sex, and instead want to savor every moment from the kiss, the foreplay, until the very end when the experience starts to truly overwhelm your senses and even your emotional inhibitions.

Aside from these, you are also very artsy and creative about expressing your feelings. You’re not just going to settle for a mere thank-you or love note, but will in fact show affection in more creative, if not grandiose ways. You have a special knack for showing love, and your partner loves you for it.


The Pisces Zodiac Woman in Home and Family

Qualities: Prefers ornaments, loves pets, clean

At home, the Pisces woman has an immense love of themes, grandeur and beauty. She is very keen on making sure that everything is nice and says something about her personality in some way. For example, when decorating the house, she will think of something that matches her preferred atmosphere. 

As Pisces, one theme that comes to mind is the beach or ocean. With this in mind, it becomes a matter of actually making sure that she has some degree of blue or at least some things such as figurines or any object in display that reflects this aquatic theme. 

Pisces also tend to be rather well-read about specific niches or fandoms, and will often reflect so based on what they display in their rooms. They might be more particular and personal about their choices on this front. But at any rate, there is still a lot that they can share with those they choose to live with.

One of these things is the love of pets. As Pisces, they want to have best friends who think about their needs– or in this case, best friends that they want to pet and feel good about. The emotional connection that dogs and cats provide can at times beat those of human beings, after all.

Thus, what ends up happening is that there is likely to be more crates and dog food than one knows. Perhaps even more than actual food, depending on how much or frequently they shop! At the end of the day, their pets will likely be just as happy and cheery as Pisces women are.

Lastly, Pisces women love being clean. They will decorate with the intent of actually making the house as squeaky clean as possible. They can be very particular about this, so be extra careful.

The Pisces Zodiac Woman in Career Paths

Possible Paths: Nursing, artistry, sales

Pisces women are people who favor careers that naturally appeal to their emotional affinity and artistry. They’ll take jobs that harness the power of empathy and goodwill unto other people. As such, they are suited for jobs that require much interpersonal communication.

Of course, this doesn’t necessarily mean that they have to deal with an entire crowd at once. But they can deal with a few people one at a time in order to help them with clarity and peace of mind. This allows them to address concerns in a clean, straightforward way while still promoting their artistic talent.

Otherwise, if it is not possible for them to find a job that satisfies this, they can also try their hand at art or being an artist. By indulging themselves in painting or even acting, they can naturally help propagate cultural awareness and even help advance political advocacies through their works.

If nothing else, think of the therapeutic effects of pursuing this particular field. By going for art, they can effectively deal with their emotional problems by expressing themselves in creative and inventive ways. This will not only help them, of course, but they will undoubtedly inspire others into taking charge of their own lives.

Thus, it could be said that artistry is the Pisces woman’s medium for self-expression. It’s also their way of helping others express themselves. It’s their way of contributing to the world while still having enough to contribute to their own mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Lastly, they can also take part in sales. As a field that naturally requires emotional affinity, Pisces women have a massive shot at not only improving their customer’s quality of life, but actually satisfying the goals of a company in the process. With your sensitivity, you will prosper in any company.

The Pisces Zodiac Woman in the Workplace

Workplace Habits: Creative, personal, eccentric 


At work, Pisces women are extraordinary in that they are individualistic and always keen to protect their identity. However, it’s not like they are completely stubborn to the point where they are hard to work with. Instead, they are a combination of both an individualist and a collectivist.

This means that they both have a grasp of who they are as well as that of the common good, and they will strive to balance both competing interests in the workplace. As such, while they are original enough to have a sense of personal identity, they’re not exactly too individualistic to assert that individuality over the welfare of other people.

Indeed, you can see this in the way they are creative with their work. Too often, when we think of creativity, we think of self-indulgence and art, but at some point, there is more to Pisces women than that. At work, this means that they are innovative enough to think beyond just the confines of simple obstacles and boxes.

In other words, they are able to think of solutions that serve the purpose of the pressing moment. They can even bedazzle those around them, since their solutions are often unorthodox, yet effective.

However, it’s not just that. They are also very personal. This works in two ways: they are personal with both how they deal with their customers, inputting their own touch into the transaction. And they are also personal with the way they handle workplace disputes, which can be bad at times.

Lastly, they are eccentric and almost purely original. When they are not swept up with the routines of regular transactions, you can see them doing things that highlight the uniqueness behind their identity. It could be anything from playing games or simply having an in-work hobby, making them truly relatable.

5 Tips to Become the Best Pisces Zodiac Woman

#1: Let go if it’s not worth it

As a Pisces woman, your tenacity is truly worth admiring. You seek to connect with other people, and you are truly invested in the things that matter to you, even to a fault. This means lasting loyalty for all your friends– but what if things don’t go your way?

The only solution in such matters is to let go and deal with the pain. It’s understandable that it’s hard, but you can never grow unless you learn to tolerate the idea that you might at certain times feel emotional loss.

Thus, don’t hold on to something that isn’t worth your time.

#2: Dare to dream more

Pisces women are right about one thing: what comes next is always worth fearing because it can affect anyone in a substantial way. However, you must understand that unless you make a move at all, you can never really progress forward as a person either.

As such, you should dare to dream and go big. Don’t be afraid to pursue the stars, even when things don’t seem good. After all, it’s in this dedication and courage that you will find your vanguard against the nightmares of tomorrow.

Pursue what you wish, and go for it every step of the way.

#3: Balance trust with caution

One thing you need to understand is that trust may serve people well in a team, but it also pays to at least be cautious of everyone around you. This doesn’t mean you should start seeing everyone as a threat, but it does mean you need to use your perception more practically.

Don’t be afraid to tell people if their actions bother you, and don’t be afraid to step away if you think you are being mistreated. After all, life isn’t always pleasant, nor are the people around you always that way.

Be practical in your interactions; love only those who truly matter.


#4: Confront your fears head-on

Pisces women are emotionally nimble people who often do not wish to face their worst fears in life. Though they may not necessarily try to escape it, they may always find an excuse for what’s happening instead of working on their problems methodically and slowly.

Thus, the message for Pisces women in this regard is simple: face your worst fears and don’t run from them. It’s understandably difficult to even think about it. But not thinking about your fears and dealing with them in a concrete way could be just as damaging for you.

Loosen the fear and be brave.

#5: Chin up and cheer up!

Pisces women can find themselves suffering the doom and gloom of human existence, and indeed in some ways it could even be backed by evidence. As of right now, the world truly is a scary place, and you want people to comfort you.

Luckily for you, however, those people are far closer to home than you think. And the best part? You need only look around, because these people are going to comfort you at your direst.

As such, don’t lose hope easily or let the world’s burdens weigh you down. Look to your friends and keep your chin up!

Healing Crystals for the Pisces Zodiac Woman

#1: Variscite

In astrology, Variscite is a formidable crystal used to help people find their inner voice and express themselves through eloquence and art. This is the perfect complement for Pisces women, who regularly find themselves in doubt or in need of a little nudge forward.

Aside from eliminating fear, however, it truly helps you hone your creative edge and make it even stronger. As a result, anyone who equips and uses this in their life will find themselves becoming more careful with their words and maximizing their artistic quality.

Thus, you should use this crystal regularly to complete your skill set.

#2: Iolite

For Pisces women, attaining self-mastery is often a matter of mastering your emotions, more than anything else. For this reason, Iolite is the crystal that you can use. WIth its special properties of emotional control, it will ultimately help you better yourself.

The way this works is that it unlocks your own mental connection with your own emotions. Mind and heart become one, so to speak, so that you know exactly what you are feeling.

This unique arrangement will allow you to make more informed decisions, instead of regularly shuffling between instinct and logic, resulting in more efficiency and better understanding.

#3: Aquamarine

Aquamarine is a crystal known in astrology for emotional purification. This means that it directly tries to purify your thoughts such that fear ends up being happiness, or at least a neutral way of thinking that directly leads to it.

This unique property makes this crystal an amazing implement for dealing with your raw fears and doubts. If you are having trouble thinking about the future in the objective way that you should view it, this is a crystal that you can use.

Find some space and meditate with this crystal in hand about your worst troubles. Find your answers.


Final Word

Pisces women never run short on emotional fervor and sensitivity. They care about other people’s feelings, and are also in touch with their own.

Thus, they have the potential to both nurture and destroy others. As a Pisces woman, you should therefore concentrate on bettering others with your unique gift for reading and caring for others.

Other Zodiac Woman


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