12 spiritual archetypes featured

February 17, 2022

A Beginner’s Guide to the 12 Spiritual Archetypes


Carl Jung identified 12 spiritual archetypes that represent fundamental human motives as well as the forces that drive our aspirations and ambitions. These archetypes have such a strong emotional resonance with us that we carry on telling stories about them.

Furthermore, they appear in nearly every blockbuster film and best-selling novel released in recent years. Every type has its own system of values, interpretations, and personality qualities that distinguishes it from the others.

Even while individuals may be a mixture of archetypes, one archetype tends to predominate. To get insight into our own behaviors and motivations, it can be beneficial to become familiar with our archetypal personalities. Are you ready to determine which archetype you are?

We’ve got you covered! In this article, you’ll know about:

  • Identifying your own spiritual archetype
  • Similarities of the spiritual archetype to each Jungian archetypes
  • How each particular archetype represents basic human motivations
  • Getting to know the archetypal journeys and their symbolic representations

What is the significance of knowing your spiritual archetype?

An archetype is a standard representation of a person or thing. When one says the terms “caretaker,” “hero,” “rogue,” or “magician,” you not only understand what they mean, but you also have a feeling of the values, connotations, and personal characteristics connected with each of them.

You are aware that a “caregiver” is not synonymous with a “mother,” but rather with nurturing, love and loyalty, compassion, and self-sacrifice. Also, you understand that a “hero” is more than just a combatant; he or she is a character of unwavering courage, resolve, leadership, and zeal for fighting and victory. In this sense, each of these concepts is archetypal.

It is important for you to know your own identity talent because sometimes we are unable to delegate talent for ourselves, especially when determining which of Jungian archetypes you identify as. Do not fight talent, own who you are – specifically when dealing with the dominant archetypes of your collective unconscious of the human psyche.

What do philosophers have to say about the 12 spiritual archetypes?

Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher, pioneered the concept of archetypes with his concept of forms. Additionally, Plato believed in a physical world and a non-physical universe of preceding idealistic patterns or designs. These concepts encompassed fullness, toughness, and so forth.

Carl Jung, the Swiss father of analytical psychology, expanded on this premise to create the concept of archetypes. Jung was an expert in religious and legendary iconography, and he found that his schizophrenic patients’ dreams and fantasies frequently shared themes and symbols. Having contributed a lot to modern psychology and helped figure out the fundamental laws of human behavior, Carl Jung helped people harness their true self through their personality types.

He also noticed parallels in symbolism and meaning across nations and time, he puzzled how this could happen, and claimed that comparable concepts arose because our brain contains archetypal notions that were shared by everyone before the person was birthed. This data was regarded unconscious and belonged to what he referred to as the collective unconscious.

Eric Neuman, a student of Jung’s, stated that “much as the body is made up of organs established genetically prior to birth,” so the mind comprises structures (archetypal knowledge) which organize it.” Jung believed that we either inherited or accumulated this knowledge through some mystical process and that the aim of humanity was to become aware of it.

the 12 spiritual archetypes

Getting to know the 12 spiritual archetypes

#1: The Innocent Archetype

People who resonate with the innocent archetype are frequently chastised for being naïve idealists. Their cheerful attitude and upbeat dispositions, on the other hand, might inspire others. The innocent sees the good in the world and the glimmer of hope in every scenario. People who are Innocent want to be independent, joyful, and well-loved.

This is the golden period when people are joyful and trustworthy, and the universe is a safe, decent place. The Innocent is unconcerned with the group they join as long as they feel accepted. However, in order to fit in, individuals must pick which qualities to surrender.  Additionally, the Innocent eventually realizes that the world is not ideal.

They will not always be liked, and they will experience “the fall,” in which they will be disappointed; they are now known as the Orphans. Every epoch has its own story of a golden period or a promised country where life has been or will be flawless. The Innocent’s promise is that life does not have to be difficult; and the Innocent within each of us is the spontaneous, trusting child who, while a little dependent, has the enthusiasm to embark on the trip.

Fearing desertion, the Innocent seeks refuge. Their biggest strength is their trust and optimism, which endears them to people and allows them to gain assistance and support on their mission. Also, their greatest hazard is they’ll be blind to or dismiss their obvious flaws. They may also become reliant on others to complete their heroic deeds.


#2: The Orphan Archetype

The orphan archetype symbolizes trustworthy, down-to-earth realists. Most can say they’re a little pessimistic at times. They always looking for a place to belong in the world and may join a variety of groups and societies in order to find a place where they can fit in.  Also, they prevent situations that will harm them, yet they must learn to rejuvenate through interacting with others.

They develop a positive sense of identity within the group as a result of this, and this strength brings life to the Hero archetype. The Orphan recognizes that everyone, exactly as they are, matters. It displays a profound framework inspired by the damaged or orphaned youngster who demands very little from life but teaches us empathy, reality, and social awareness.

It is humble and unassuming. Fearing maltreatment, the orphan strives to reclaim the womb’s tenderness and neonatal protection in the embrace of caring parents. To complete their mission, they must endure the agony of missing developmental phases. Their strength stems from the interconnectedness and practical realism that they were forced to learn at a young age.

#3: The Hero/Warrior Archetype

The hero flourishes on being powerful and advocating for others. They may believe they have a mission that they must fulfill. Heroes are brave in their pursuit of equality and justice, and they will face up to even the most powerful forces if they believe they are correct. The Warrior emerges once the Orphan has a less idealized view of the world and a reliable sense of self within a group.

They have the fortitude and determination to set goals, attain them, and fight for what they believe in. Once a positive, strong manifestation of Warrior emerges, the individual has a feeling of self that allows them to care for others and thus becomes the Caregiver. When all appears to be lost, the Warrior rides over the mountain and saves the day.

Strong and brave, this archetype assists us in setting and achieving goals, overcoming barriers, and persevering in difficult times, but it also has a tendency to regard others as enemies and to think in either/or terms.

The Warrior’s mental processes are very straightforward, desiring just to win whatever challenges them, including dragons who live inside the mind and their inherent fear of inferiority. Their job is to provide purpose to what they do, possibly by selecting conflicts intelligently, which they accomplish with fortitude and warrior’s dedication.

#4: The Caregiver Archetype

Those that identify with the caretaker archetypes are compassionate and empathic. Sadly, others can take advantage of their kind nature. Caregivers must focus on taking care of themselves and learning to say no to the expectations of others on occasion.

Once a person has developed the discipline and determination to fight for themselves, they may learn to behave with meaning, fight for others, and prioritize others and the collective good. The Caregiver is an altruist who is motivated to serve others by empathy, compassion, and altruism.

Despite its proclivity for self-sacrifice and accommodating behaviors, the inner Caregiver assists us in raising our children, assisting others in need, and constructing systems to preserve health and life. Caregivers begin by attempting to assist others, which they do with kindness and compassion.

One risk they take is that in their efforts to help others, they may end up harming themselves. They abhor selfishness, particularly in themselves, and are afraid of what it will do to them.

#5: The Seeker/Explorer Archetype

The explorer is seldom satisfied unless he or she is experiencing different things. They may appreciate traveling to different nations or learning about different views and concepts. Therefore, they find it difficult to commit to one profession or relationship for an extended period of time unless the career or relationship allows them to maintain their opportunity to explore.

The individual has developed a feeling of self but is looking for more and must venture into the unfamiliar and brave solitude to pursue new paths, frequently discovering themselves in the process. They may believe that enlightenment is about being better, which leads to them jumping from one self-improvement class to the next but never devoting enough to achieve anything.

The Seeker eventually encounters misery and seeks revolution to transform what isn’t functioning. As a result, the Rebel archetype emerges; the Seeker abandons the familiar in order to discover and explore the unforeseen. This inner tough individual faces loneliness and solitude in order to forge new routes, avoiding aimless wandering from here on out.

Additionally, revolutionary character, which is frequently antagonistic, assists us in discovering our originality, perspectives, and vocation. Seekers are searching for something that will better their lives in some way, but they may be unaware that they already have a lot of it. They like learning and are passionate in their pursuit, frequently avoiding the impediment of external assistance.


#6: The Rebel Archetype

When a rebel finds something that isn’t working in the world, they seek to alter it. Rebels like doing things their own way. However, rebels might sometimes discard perfectly acceptable traditions simply because they want to reform. Rebels may be charming and easily persuade people to join them in their rebellion.

The Rebel represents wrath against things that no longer serve their lives and wishes to demolish them to create space for the new. This can be excruciatingly unpleasant and lead to the destruction of oneself and others. If the Rebel can understand and overcome their suffering, they will be able to accept love once more.

The Rebel represents repressed wrath against structures that no longer serve life, even if these institutions are nevertheless supported by society or by our rational decisions. Although brutal, this character weeds the garden in ways that allow for new development. The Rebel is a perplexing character whose destructive power indicates a death drive as well as an inner fear of destruction.

#7: The Lover Archetype

In all they do, the lover seeks harmony. They struggle to deal with disagreement and may struggle to defend their own concepts and convictions in the face of more confrontational kinds. Once the Rebel has changed, they can discover and commit to their genuine love and passion. This could be a love of another person or any part of life.

The genuine self is born as a result of this, the Lover archetype rules many types of love, from familial love to friendship to spiritual love, although we are most familiar with it in romance. Even though it can bring heartbreak and turmoil, it also allows us to experience pleasure, create intimacy, make commitments, and pursue our passion.

They frequently demonstrate the passion they desire in a relationship through their energy and devotion to winning the mutual affection of another. People are afraid of being alone as well as losing the love they have found, which drives them to continually maintain their love relationships.

#8: The Creator Archetype

The creator creates things that don’t yet exist. They despise being idle consumers of anything and prefer to create their own enjoyment. Creators are frequently artists or singers, but they can be found in practically any field. The archetype of the Creator might arise from the Lover’s passion in order to manifest maximum potential and find true identities in relation to the outside world.

Additionally, the Creator archetype encourages all creative pursuits, from the greatest art to the most minor changes in lifestyle or employment. It, like stasis, can cause us to overburden our lives with continuous new initiatives; nevertheless, when correctly channeled, it allows us to express ourselves in creative ways.

Creators, fearful that everything is an illusion, seek to demonstrate reality from outside their consciousness. Finding and accepting themselves, as well as learning their actual identity in connection to the outside world, is an important element of their quest. Ultimately, they have one job…and it is to keep up with the status quo and give birth to new ideas.

#9: The Jester Archetype

The jester enjoys bringing laughter and antics to a party, but they also have a profound spirit. They aim to make other people happy and can frequently utilize comedy to modify others’ perspectives. Nonetheless, the jester may use comedy to mask his or her inner sorrow at times. The Fool/Jester archetype encourages us to appreciate the journey of life.

Even though the Fool/Jester is prone to lethargy and dissipating, the positive Fool/Jester encourages us to play, demonstrating how to make our job, interactions with others, and even the most basic activities. The Fool/purpose Jester’s is arguably the wisest of all: to just appreciate life as it is, with all of its ambiguities and challenges. 

#10: The Sage Archetype

Above all, the sage places a premium on ideas. However, they can grow upset at times since they do not know all about the world. Sages are great listeners and frequently have the ability to simplify complex topics for others to grasp. They are frequently encountered in teaching positions. Consistently making aspirations a reality, the individual still yearns for the absolute truth and deepens their pursuit.

This archetype is capable of bringing considerable intelligence and wisdom. The Sage archetype is on the lookout for the truths that will set us free. It can help us become wise, to perceive the world and ourselves rationally, and to course-correct based on rational analyses of the outcomes of our actions and decisions, especially if the Sage overcomes the lure of dogma.

The Sage seeks truth and enlightenment and will go great distances in the discovery of the next golden piece of wisdom. The sage’s and their deep worry is that their hard-earned knowledge is built on the sand of deception. Their greatest chance is to operate from a position of absolute truth and to learn to perceive with clarity that distinguishes between truth and falsehood without aimless wandering.

#11: The Magician Archetype

The Magician is frequently charming; they truly believe in their views and want to share them with others. They are frequently able to see things in ways that other personality types do not, and they can use these insights to bring transformational beliefs and ideas to the world.


The Magician archetype seeks to grasp the fundamental rules of science and/or metaphysics in order to change situations, influence the public, and bring visions to life. It invigorates forces for good if the Magician can resist the desire to utilize power manipulative.

The Magician’s quest is to transform or change someone or something in some way, not to ‘perform magic.’ Also, the Magician wields immense power and should be respected as such. They may also be afraid of themselves and their ability to cause damage. Apparently, their ultimate purpose is to transcend into a higher dimension of reality.

#12: The Ruler Archetype

The Ruler enjoys being in command. They frequently have a strong understanding of what will work in a certain situation, they assume they know what is best for a community or group and can become dissatisfied when others do not embrace their views. Moreover, they normally have the best interests of others in mind, even if their acts are occasionally misplaced.

The Ruler archetype encourages us to take charge of our own lives, our fields of activity, and society as a whole. If he or she resists the urge to control others, the mature Ruler builds circumstances that welcome the gifts and viewpoints of all involved.

The Ruler’s goal is to provide order and structure, and thus an efficient society in which the Ruler’s people can enjoy fruitful and reasonably comfortable lives. This is not a simple assignment because order and disorder are not far apart, and the Ruler must totally commit to the mission. The responsibility lies with them, and they must therefore be entirely responsible – in which they require absolute authority.

Final Word:

In order for you to harness your full potential, you must maintain open-mindedness and pay no attention to overthrown weakness.  You can even find yourself through the 12 spiritual archetypes list.

Which spiritual archetype do you resonate with most?

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