September 29, 2022

Spiritual Symbols: Enlightenment for the Mind, Body & Soul


Spiritual Symbols have spiritual meanings, such as Sanskrit symbols, yoga symbols, metaphysical symbols, a spirit guide, and even spiritual icons such as Buddha. If you are looking for a soul symbol or life symbol, this is the spiritual sign for you to find the right spiritual symbols for you — especially when you seek enlightenment. 

Suppose you are just starting yoga, studying Eastern religion, or learning more about spirituality. In that case, you may have noticed that certain symbols keep coming up: the symbol for Om, a chakra chart, and a lotus flower, to name a few. These symbols represent different aspects of yoga, Eastern religion, and spirituality. 

Consequently, what do they all stand for? The following is an introduction to the meanings and histories of some of the most common spiritual symbols to assist you in effectively and respectfully incorporating these symbols into your practice. Given such, are you ready to dive deeper into your spirituality and learn more about spiritual symbols?

We’ve got you covered! In this article, you’ll learn about:

  • Discovering the spiritual meanings of Spiritual Symbols
  • Learning how to utilize the divinity of these Spiritual Symbols
  • Getting to know each Spiritual Symbols better and their histories
  • Finding the right Spiritual Symbols for you and using them correctly

Nourish your Spiritual Energy with the following Spiritual Symbols:

#1: Om

The sound of Om has its origins in Hinduism. According to Dheepa Sundaram, Ph.D., assistant professor of religious studies at the University of Denver, “Yoga is all about union, and the Om symbol represents that in Hinduism.” Dheepa Sundaram is also the author of “The Yoga Sutras.” 

The symbol was included in the Vedas, the oldest scriptures in the Hindu religion, and it relates to the breath of the universe, which is believed to be the universe’s first sound. These three states of consciousness—waking, dreaming, and deep sleep—are represented by the several curves that make up this symbol. The short curved line in the center indicates delusion, which creates a barrier between oneself and transcendence, symbolized by the shape at the top. 

Chant “Om” while you meditate and focus on how you are connected to everything in the cosmos.

#2: Lotus Flower

According to Sundaram, another one of the Hindu religion’s symbols, the lotus flower, is meant to represent “the womb of the universe from which all things are born.” Although the lotus flower has been a part of Hindu culture for hundreds of years, it continues to hold the title of India’s national flower even to this day. 

She says, “Lotuses can only grow in swampy areas, so that symbolizes this idea that out of ugliness and destruction and unrest, we can all come together in this perfect moment, and we’re all connected.” Since lotuses only grow in swampy areas, she says, “That means that out of ugliness and destruction and unrest, we can all come together in this perfect and in that regard, it also connects in a roundabout way to the Buddhist concept of the universal soul.”

Lotus posture, also known as “padmasana,” is a common yoga position in which the practitioner sits cross-legged with one foot resting on the other. After that, bring your heel up to the top of your inner thigh as slowly as possible, and repeat the process with the opposite leg.

#3: Hamsa

The Hamsa is involved in several different cultural practices. These days, it is a common sign for warding off evil and other forms of negativity, and it can frequently be engraved on jewelry and other articles of clothing. Sundaram notes it ties Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. 

She explains that the guardian concept is central to Islam and Judaism and has to do with warding off the evil eye. “In Buddhism, it denotes the universal spirit and being released from the cycle of reincarnation, also known as samsara. In Hinduism, it is sometimes used as a synonym for the supreme spirit or the ultimate reality, termed “Brahman,” as well as a vehicle for knowledge.”

Put it on or keep it somewhere in your environment to prevent danger.

#4: Buddha

Siddhartha Gautama, who would later become known as the Buddha, lived during the fifth century B.C., and his picture has been used to symbolize enlightenment, oneness, and peace as Buddhism has expanded over the centuries. The teachings of the Buddha form the basis of Buddhism as a religion, and statues of the Buddha can be found in many different spiritual venues across the globe. 

According to Sundaram, the Buddha was one of the first yogis and a teacher responsible for eradicating ignorance. The Buddha is sometimes portrayed as laughing and other times as having a Zen-like expression.


Learn more about Buddhism by studying the teachings of Buddha, and use the statue as a reminder of what the Buddha and Buddhism stand for.

#5: Mandala

Buddhism and Hinduism have long-standing associations with the mandala as a spiritual symbol. These elaborate decorations symbolize the world and an individual’s journey through life. Their complex nature is a metaphor for the many facets of character that must be developed to achieve enlightenment and wisdom. 

Sand mandalas, which are used in Buddhist monasteries, are meant to represent impermanence and the need to transcend the material world. According to what she has heard, “in Buddhist traditions, it specifically denotes impermanence.” It demonstrates the connection and progression between the material and the intangible, according to the traditions of Hinduism.

Create your mandala and use it as a moving meditation by drawing it.

#6: Evil Eye

The hamsa, associated with the evil eye, is a symbol that may be found in numerous religious traditions, including Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and even ancient Greek and Roman cultures. According to Sundaram, “the idea that the evil eye is somebody focusing too much stress on you” is what the term “the evil eye” refers to.

The emblem dates back to the sixth century B.C. In modern times, it is frequently worn or displayed as a talisman to fend off any ill will from individuals. “They’re paying too much attention to you.”

Your home will be shielded from the negative energy of the outside world if you display an evil eye in the entranceway.

#7: Chakras

In the same way that Om was first mentioned in the Vedas, the chakras were too. Although we have many chakras throughout our bodies, the seven most important ones are aligned along our spines and go from the tailbone to the crown of the head. 

When any of them are blocked or stagnant, it can cause a variety of disruptions to our well-being. Sundaram believes that we can think of them as “our unseen body.” He imagines them as a spiritual circulatory system with energy centers in various regions (depending on which chakra is imbalanced).

If you feel one of your chakras is imbalanced, you might try chakra meditating on that particular chakra to bring it back into alignment.

#8: Namaste

It is an admirable attitude, but Sundaram points out that this phrase has become overused and misinterpreted. Many yoga teachers will close their session by stating, “The light in me acknowledges the light in you—namaste.” She notes that while the phrase does mean “I honor you” in India, it is more commonly used as a simple way to say “hello” or “welcome.”

“No one should not use namaste,” she continues, “but we shouldn’t lend meaning to it that doesn’t exist because that’s when we start to exoticize cultures we don’t understand.” Using the term “namaste” has been increasingly popular in recent years.

Choose your words carefully, and if you frequently use the phrase “namaste,” you might want to consider sharing something else.

#9: Yin and Yang

Yin and Yang are symbols of the male and female genders, light and dark, and the principle of polarity. This practice dates back to well before the third century B.C. ancient China, and the concept of competing forces has been discussed at length in many other societies and schools of thought. In the end, yin and yang are illustrative of balance and the natural harmony that exists throughout the natural world.

Yin yoga is a more calming alternative to more vigorous yoga sequences that you should try out.


When done with reverence, understanding the history and meanings of these popular symbols can assist in deepening one’s spiritual practice. Sundaram continues by saying, “Frequently, what we see is an eclectic exhibition of Asian trinkets,” and he notes that “the history of the symbols does kind of get erased.” Because of this, it is essential to ensure that you know the significance of your actions.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the desire to adopt rituals or symbols that ring true to you and speak to the path you are traveling on your spiritual path. The essential component is to treat your yoga practice with reverence and to thoroughly comprehend the meaning of the words you post on your page or utter after a yoga session.

Final Word:

Choosing the right Spiritual Symbols for you is extremely important, especially when you know the context, history, and proper way to incorporate such symbols into your life. Be sure to choose wisely!

Which of the Spiritual Symbols resonate with you the most? 

Share your answers with us in the comment section below!

1 thought on “Spiritual Symbols: Enlightenment for the Mind, Body & Soul”

  1. Actually… I love all the symbols and I will one day include them all in my home and my everyday life activities. They’re all incredibly super powerful.

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