Inspirational and educational content to enrich your mind, body, and soul!
Did you know that both sexuality and spirituality are intricately linked as they are both parts of our life force? Sexual, spiritual, and artistic energy are all components of a…
The third eye chakra (also known as the Ajna in Sanskrit) or sixth chakra is located in the center of the forehead and is the source of our intuition. This…
The Innocent Child Archetype was first proposed by psychoanalyst Carl Jung, who believed that it represented a significant turning point in the path of individuation. According to him, the innocent…
Protection crystals for the home are among the many resources we have at our disposal to help us feel more connected to our brains, bodies, and souls – as well…
Known throughout history as the goddess of war and triumph in Greek Mythology, as well as of craftsmanship and intelligence, Athena was one of the most significant personalities in ancient…
The planet Jupiter and the zodiac sign Sagittarius control the ninth house of a astrology. It is an open doorway to the heavens because it is located towards the pinnacle…
Jung defined 12 common archetypes that he said represented underlying human motives and forces that drive our goals and ambitions. These archetypes were recognized by Carl Jung. Our emotional responses…
Music and Spirituality are inextricably linked, with spirituality frequently serving as an inspiration for musical compositions and music generally establishing the right mood for spiritual events. Many people utilize religion…
Located in the sacral chakra, our creative energy, our internal fire, our sense of humor, and our passion are all housed here. Situated in the center of the body, directly…