stages of spiritual awakening

September 17, 2022

Spiritual Awakening: The 7 Stages to Ascension


This spiritual awakening tutorial will examine the 7 most crucial symptoms of spiritual awakening and its seven stages. Have you ever considered the true meaning of your life? Do you live your life with meaning and purpose? Do you feel like you’re just a splinter of driftwood floating in the middle of the Pacific Ocean? Are you experiencing spiritual things on your spiritual journey?

Individuals are endowed with reason and freedom, a recurring concept in philosophy and even the sciences. We are ultimately driven to become human, which frequently results in the abovementioned questions. After all, what is the point of having a life that is no different from that of the pigs? The first step toward spiritual awakening is to ask these questions. 

You are calling on your higher self by allowing yourself to be engaged in such an indefinitely paradoxical dilemma. With the proper spiritual instruction, you can experience a spiritual awakening. You may even find that you are experiencing a spiritual shift in your life that will eventually lead to spiritual enlightenment. Ready to know more?

We’ve got you covered! In this article, you’ll learn about:

  • What spiritual awakening is in your spiritual journey
  • Developing spiritual awareness in your soul awakening
  • Mastering the signs of spiritual awakening to achieve clarity
  • Discovering the causes of spiritual awakening to accomplish spiritual ascension

What is Spiritual Awakening?

Even though this phenomenon can be described in various convoluted ways, spiritual awakening can be comprehended straightforwardly as the process of one’s higher self coming to consciousness. What exactly does this entail? The transition from a state of sleep to a state of wakefulness is what is meant by “waking up.”

But what’s more essential is that this also indicates that we are making a transition from something that’s already within us. Even though it is true that our spiritual sense of self will always be within us, it does not necessarily follow that we can access it. Even though it is true that our spiritual sense of self will always be within us. 

When we look at the vast majority of people, we notice that most spiritually sleep. They have lost touch with their more evolved selves, so they are content with the things of this world. They become oblivious to the more profound significance of life by allowing themselves to be consumed by the conveniences of modern technology. 

Therefore, people who are currently sleeping need to wake up. You may be one of those who needs to wake up while you are reading this.

The 7 Spiritual Awakening Stages

#1: Identifying the Signs of Spiritual Awakening

Examining where we came from is the first step in any path towards spirituality, so let’s take a look at where we are now. Because we are not random creatures whose existence is distinct from that of mankind, each of us has some kind of existential context from which we are coming. This is where we are coming from. 

This journey for spiritual awakening starts, by a significant margin, with a warping of the existential framework in which one finds oneself. We start to go further and further away from what the “herd” thinks we should be if we have sufficient motivation to pursue the unknown.

The Signs and Causes of Spiritual Awakening

  1. Lack of Meaning in one’s life – due to the repetitive and alienating world we have today, individuals (especially from the Western context) experience emptiness from within. 
  2. Unfortunate Incidents in One’s Life – perhaps the most prevalent, facing difficult circumstances such as broken relationships or the death of a loved one, can prompt one to seek their higher self.
  3. Experiencing the Divine – by being unintentionally subject to higher energies, we sometimes get that eerie feeling of encountering otherworldly sensations or even beings, often prompting us that there is more to our lives.
  4. Dreams – whether it is astral projection or nightmares, these out-of-normal dreams signify the existence of the beyond. Even in Hindu texts, dreams are seen as the gateway toward Brahman. 
  5. Premonitions/Clairvoyance – unexplainable yet actual instances where we get to peek at the future can lead us to question the limits of reality and the idea of time. This can lead us to something more that transcends our current state of mind. 
  6. Karmic Connections – tied by past lives, the emergence of Karmic connections with another person can become a significant cause for us to learn more about our spirituality. 
  7. Twin-flames/Soulmates – ultimately brought together by destiny, this magical experience can prompt us to search for more and understand the underlying webs that connect us with others. 

The items mentioned above are only a few general signs and symptoms of spiritual awakening. Because each person’s experience is unique, the list simply depicts some broad ideas of how one can sense that there is an apparent spiritual awakening taking place. 

It doesn’t matter where you started on your spiritual journey. More importantly, the act of going ahead, of moving from one point to another, is what is most vital. Because that movement represents your transformation, being able to identify these moments is critical to your success.

#2: Embarking on your spiritual journey

Previously, we discussed several frequent signs and symptoms of spiritual awakening. Because these signs and symptoms provide a good signal, we can often recognize our current state of mind and how it wishes to progress. Given such, we must address the critical issue: “How can we know when spiritual awakening occurs?”  

True, the experience mentioned above does not automatically equate to spiritual enlightenment. A nightmare, for example, can be triggered by negative energy in you, just as the death of a loved one can lead to depression. Meeting someone with a Karmic spiritual link or a twin flame can sometimes lead to false hopes, destroying your new perspective on love and relationships. 

As a result, determining the common ground between these experiences is crucial to understanding how and when it occurs. Simply defined, the answer is sparking the need for ‘more.’ This means that if the events listed above occur to you or someone you know, it does not inevitably equate to spiritual awakening. 


That is why it is only a symptom or a sign because, while these events might be very affecting and compelling for us, the core of spiritual awakening is found elsewhere. When we go through these experiences, the central notion is to pay attention to how they change us and our nature. 

These encounters, by challenging the fundamentals of our existence, prompt us to seek more. When we realize how pointless our lives are, we begin to dismantle our preconceived notions of what life should be. Instead, we begin to seek out unexpected solutions to uncover our soul’s mission – the hunt for more.

#3: Immersion – a gradual union with the Divine

While looking for more is a beautiful beginning point, it does not immediately imply that we are in it for the long term. For example, this quest does not guarantee that we will become individuals capable of manifesting our higher selves. Many of us are attempting to embark on this journey of spiritual enlightenment and eventually giving up. 

Why so? We experience specific life changes when we begin to immerse ourselves in this incredible energy. These shifts typically focus on how we perceive our lives and the meaning that emerges from them. For example, searching for spiritual enlightenment requires preceding material pleasures. 

These activities frequently occupy us as we pick our course and direction in life. Rather than becoming captains of our ship, global trends subtly shape us as individuals. As a result, we must acknowledge our tiny steps when we are in the immersion phase of a spiritual awakening. 

Even if it’s just a 5-minute chakra meditation program in your everyday life, a modest step of changing your perspective and aligning it with your actions can make a big difference. By identifying and matching the pace of your spiritual awakening – a progressive unification with the divine – you will begin to realize and even match the rate of your spiritual awakening.

#4: “Shedding” untrue skin

We discussed the necessary shift in viewpoint in stage 3. To merge with the Divine, one must let go of most worldly perspectives to make room for a better one. Pursuing spiritual practices represents a shift toward optimism and growth. Aside from that, this integration procedure necessitates skin change. 

Like a snake changing its skin, spiritual growth necessitates the release of bad aspects. We become more open to spiritual progress when we let go of the ‘untrue.’ The concept we seek, the Divine, is sometimes confused with truth itself. True, the indisputable reality that pervades all of existence, is something we cannot deny or avoid. 

However, we only know angles of the truth in this life. While science and technology may do their best, such empirical and logical life methods will never be able to describe the spiritual and mystical. As a result, pursuing this ultimate truth necessitates an act of introspection, one that probes one’s character. 

As we dive deeper, we’ll most certainly discover the negative aspects of our lives, often signifying the need to eliminate them to move forward.

#5: Tabula Rasa (emptying the cup)

The concept of the Tabula Rasa translates to a ‘blank slate,’ and it is one of the essential beliefs in one’s personality. Simply said, the theory maintains that when we are born in this world, we are like a blank slate, where anything and everything can be written. Given this blankness, our existence’s unlimited possibilities are practically opened. 

Because we may shape our lives as we want, deciding for ourselves becomes our most important duty, second only to the fact that we are alive and breathing. As a result, spiritual enlightenment means emptying our glasses. We can only wholly live out the concept of Tabula Rasa by ’emptying our cup.’ 

Why so? When our spiritual self is loaded with misconceptions, our worldview gets distorted. As a result, reorienting ourselves toward the path of spiritual awakening might be difficult. The quest for spiritual awakening becomes a lengthy and winding road as one is constantly diverted and misled by current beliefs of what is and how things should be done. 

Emptying one’s cup is the appropriate approach to proceed. We are allowing for a more natural and genuine spiritual awakening experience by removing preconceived preconceptions about how one should approach spirituality. We become more attuned to the cosmos as we listen more to our inner selves rather than passing via some external moral filter.

#6: Searching for Resolution and Facing your Shadows

Surprisingly, spiritual awakening is a route that leads us deeper into ourselves. Whereas it is sometimes portrayed as being able to connect to external forces, the ultimate path requires us to go deeper into who we are. While there are numerous ways to embark on this journey, the commonality of self-introspection and existential dread is always present in various concepts and civilizations. 


Just as the previous sections discussed significant aspects of spiritual awakening, they all eventually lead to the road of self-discovery. What are the two things we discover about ourselves due to this? Going deeper into one’s subconscious through a spiritual awakening, in general, reveals the fundamental elements at work inside us. 

Like Carl Jung‘s beliefs, unconscious thoughts might subconsciously impact our conscious decisions. For example, choosing an ice cream flavor may be indirectly impacted or even conditioned by our good affinity for a specific hue or flavor with which we associate ourselves.

Similarly, as we journey toward spiritual enlightenment, our unconscious beliefs of right and wrong, good and terrible, are inevitably revealed. Dreams, for example, use consistent symbols to mirror our unconscious thoughts. We recognize how essential or influential these symbolisms are in our conscious state as we learn more about them. 

A spiritual awakening will eventually bring us face to face with our shadows. Just as movies depict the difficulty of confronting one’s inner demons, our shadows are suppressed portions of ourselves that continue to impact us in the most subtle ways. Many of us will back down when confronted with them, especially if the shadow archetype has already created a fortified bulwark within our psyche. 

This occurs, for example, when someone has a wrong perception of their self-image. A soft shadow promotes the perception that seeking healthy changes would not lead to happiness as one strives to stay consistent with a negative self-image, such as “I will never be able to live a healthy lifestyle because it will change who I am.” 

As long as we cannot break down these barriers, we will be unable to realize our full potential. To fix this, one must go through the Shadow Work method. You’ll discover strategies to deal with your inner troubles and shadow, allowing your spiritual path to progress.

#7: A Quest for Wholeness – Individuation

The yearning for spiritual awakening will climax if you’ve previously overcome internal problems. As your spiritual awakening progresses, you’ll become closer to integration. But how? Alternative religions offer answers to this. These truths, whether their god or universal energy, are part of the fundamental truth we strive to integrate with. 

While we try to understand this, some thinkers have offered a scientific explanation. One of the most prominent perspectives is from Carl Jung. Individualization, according to Jung, is integrating yourself and finding your place in the collective unconscious. Truth has long intrigued history’s finest minds. 

Philosophers have battled with this subject since the beginning of time and yet can’t answer it rationally and objectively. Perhaps because it’s against our nature to do so. To dismiss it as “above our nature” is like declaring a god exists without trying to prove it. A faith unsupported by reason or even attempting to reason is like a blind and empty faith. Jung fits here. 

By combining spirituality and psychology, Jung created Jungian archetypes. As shared universal responses in our psyche, Jung believes this boundless knowledge is in every one of us. Even so, most of us can’t access or recognize its existence, even though archetypes are always at play. In this context, how does spiritual awakening bring us to individuation?

Simply put, spiritual awakening compels us to break our inner limitations repeatedly. We learn more about ourselves and our lives truths by digging deeper. As we progress, this reality will draw us closer to ourselves. 

Buddha is a spiritual, transcendent being. He showed how universal concepts impact who we are and how to achieve happiness in the world. Similar ideas emerge when we learn more about individuation. By knowing more about ourselves, individuation unlocks our boundless potential. Unlocking our potential leads to spiritual enlightenment.

Final Word:

Spiritual Awakening calls for us to open our minds and let in new knowledge and wisdom. This is undoubtedly a life-changing event if you are experiencing it. 

Which of the stages of spiritual awakening are you experiencing now?

Tell us in the comment section below!


4 thoughts on “Spiritual Awakening: The 7 Stages to Ascension”

  1. This article is timely. I am on the journey of spiritual awakening. Recently, I have been understanding my dreams. I have been dreaming more often. My spiritual awakening started in a biology class while studying the reproductive system. For some reason, the process of conception took my mind to another level. Especially the concept of sperm meeting egg and having 46 chromosomes consisting of both feminine and masculine energies. Even though I was aware of the process, the class took me to a new level of seeking. I am still seeking and finding.

  2. I was wondering how I could somehow spread the word for more peace on this earth. I think our lives are so fast paced that we don’t have much time for anything else after working a full time job just to make ends meet. What is have witnessed on this earth with the different jobs I’ve had there are so many things going on in the work place that people are wicked and treat other people that are different and single them out. I just wish that more people could get along with each other and treat people with more kindness and caring so this world can be a better place. I think more kindness and caring to all people would help us get along better. We have so much turmoil and chaos going on in this world that people are just cruel to each other. I just wish that this world could come together and unite for more peace on this earth that everyone can be accepted and acknowledged that everyone is different and special in there own way that every human being on this earth is there own person and can be accepted and loved no matter who they may be.

    1. Hu Glen, you are not alone in your thoughts, l am positive there are thousands of us wanting and needing the same. l pray for peace on earth. I pray for the leaders of the world also, so they may take note of Climate change and halt it or reverse it before it too late!

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