The Individualogist Team

The Individualogist Team is made up of archetype fanatics, individuation practitioners, and spirituality fans. Our humble group has banded together to deliver thought-provoking, life-changing, and growth-probing wisdom.

A man stand as a spirit, Spiritual Mediums

How Spiritual Mediums Connect to Astral Spirits

The movie “Ghost” began the popular question of mediums and whether they could connect to the dead. Many believed the ability to deduct facts based on body language created the breakthroughs and illusion that someone speaking with the dead. However, beyond the known and seen world, mediums connect with astral spirits that have passed to …

How Spiritual Mediums Connect to Astral Spirits Read More »


3 Methods Of Amplifying Abundance Through Meditation

Everyone has an infinite power and gift to create what they want and need in this lifetime. Learning to create and manifest what you want is dependent on your mind power and projection. It is also dependent on how you resonate and vibrate in relation to your initial projections. Abundance Meditation The more you vibrate …

3 Methods Of Amplifying Abundance Through Meditation Read More »

A beautiful vortex

3 Types of Vortexes for Awakening

The Earth grid offers spiritual tools from vibratory fields that you can tune into for realization, transformation and spiritual awakening. These power centers have accumulated energy to assist in re-aligning our etheric and spiritual bodies to our true self. However, not all sites in the Earth are equal in creating and dispersing energy. Depending on …

3 Types of Vortexes for Awakening Read More »

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