
The Taurus Man is an imposing presence. Stalwart and loyal, they are able to stay focused for prolonged periods of time. They may fail to display affection at times due to their seriousness and dedication, but they always come around.

This natural tendency likewise presents itself in matters related to work. As a Taurus, you will often stick to the plan and get things done by the book.

That said, you can also be quite stubborn. You tend to stay towards one thing even as everything else around you shifts and changes. As such, you can sometimes make counterproductive choices.

Element and Modality

The primary element of the Taurus Man is earth. Earth is the symbol of groundedness and strength. Much like the Earth’s immense resilience, those who possess it are unwavering in their commitments. 

Taurus Men have within them strength of character. But this sort of strength hides a sentimental, passionate shell underneath. This reflects the strong-but-soft core that comes with masculinity in today’s age.

This duality between strength and gentleness reflects the modality of your sign: fixed. With this in hand, changing your mind can be a challenge at times due to your rigid beliefs. In turn, however, this makes you a faithful, loyal and trustworthy comrade.


The essence of Taurus is best characterized by its symbol: the Bull. Powerful and focused, the bull is famous as a symbol of fearless charging. To them, the only thing that matters is the target before their very eyes.

As a Taurus, this means that you are likewise very focused. You do not lose sight of your goals easily, and you will charge to that goal no matter how difficult things get. Of course, that doesn’t mean you’re not without flaws.

Like a bull, you can be single-minded with your goals and aspirations. You have difficulty changing directions or targets altogether, which could imperil you in some cases.

Ruling Planet

Taurus’ ruling planet is the feminine planet, Venus. The dominion this planet holds over this sign is a testament to how important emotions can be for someone with such overwhelming focus. 

Without the emotional strength that Venus shines down upon Taurus Men, it can be difficult for them to remember the feeling. They must remember the reason behind their chosen purpose in life. 

Consequently, this also makes you sensitive and receptive to the emotions of the people around you. You are loyal to your loved ones, and the bond that you have with others ultimately shows in times of significant crises.


Qualities: Resilient, sensitive, determined

The Taurus Man is a person of endurance, sensitivity, and determination. They are amazingly resilient and able to resist any situation, no matter how severe things might be on their end. They do not capitulate, and on the contrary, they will try to see things through to the end.

As men of endurance, they are the type who do not often let their emotions get to them. They too feel despair like most people, but unlike others, they tend to not let themselves get too worked up when things become heated. They try to calm themselves down and stoically fulfill their duties.


Of course, this doesn’t mean they have no soft side. More often than not, their sensitive nature often paves the way for them to ultimately become more attached to other people. You can read other people’s emotions and be empathetic, and ultimately it draws people to you.

With this sensitive nature, you have the determination, not just to bring joy into your life but into other people’s lives as well. You won’t show it in blatant ways, but every little gesture of affection will matter to you. In turn, this will make you protective of those you love.


Qualities: Defensiveness, inability to let go, unyielding.

Although the emotional core of Venus serves as its ruler, there are times when Tauruses can seem rock hard with their interactions. This is because like the Earth itself, they want to present a strong outer defense that projects enough strength to make people respect them.

In turn, this makes Taurus Men unable to change their minds. They hold on to their beliefs so dearly that they will frequently deny any hints of change. While this need for stability is commendable, this means they can be difficult when change as a subject is brought up.

Additionally, due to them having a strong emotional core, they can also be quite invested with other people. This can reach a point where they aren’t willing to let go, even when the situation calls for it as being the only logical option left. 

In romance, for example, this means that you can take a while before you move on from the person who once broke your heart. In fact, because of your own stubborn personality, there might be cases where you are unable to let go of the feelings at all.

In general, this means a Taurus is strong, yet inflexible– resilient, yet unyielding.

The Taurus Zodiac Man in Sex

Qualities: Traditional, passionate, stable

Taurus Men tend to have an eye for tradition, and as such, they tend to be the kind of people who stick to what works. In this sense, this means that they typically won’t try to expand their sex life or explore new things.

This can make them quite boring for some partners, especially those with Air signs who often love to see what life has to offer. Although most Taurus Men are ultimately amenable to change in the name of the relationship, it often takes them a while to make the first step.

However, they are nevertheless very passionate about their partner. They can often justify prolonging the sexual nature of the relationship by virtue of their own desire for prolonged intimacy. They will stay because they love being close to their significant other.

As a Taurus Man, you tend to put a lot of emphasis on the initial stages of the sex: the foreplay, and any act that makes extensive use of your senses. Smell, touch, sight– you like being motivated in each of these areas.

This is because you and your partner have an understand that sex is ultimately the apex of intimacy. You both don’t get stimulation from the touch, but from the emotional connection that comes with sharing the same space.

This consequently makes you idealistic when it comes to the kind of partner you want to have for sex. You have a dislike for casual, non-committed arrangements. Thus, you’ll often seek relationships that are both romantic and sexual to the core.


With this in mind, it could be said that Taurus Men ultimately thrive in stable relationships that are charged with a romantic flavor. Their traditional views, combined with their limited adaptability ultimately set them up for intimate sexual moments with their chosen lovers.

The Taurus Zodiac Man in Home and Family

Qualities: Family man, relaxed, affectionate

Consistent with their stable personality, Taurus Men are known for being couch potatoes. They tend to enjoy simple weekends with their families and loved ones. They’ll stay on the couch after a long week of work with maybe a movie or two to entertain themselves.

Aside from this, Taurus Men can really feel too “at-home” sometimes, as they are more likely to simply leave stuff lying around. It isn’t because they dislike hygiene, but because they are fairly sentimental about their property and all the memories associated with holding such things.

Taurus Men are also extremely affectionate at home. When outdoors, they are more guarded and less willing to display emotion. But when alone with their loved ones, they can display a side of them that strangers don’t often have the privilege of seeing.

This means that you often draw the line between public and private life strictly. You may have different rules for your family when you go outdoors in order to display a sense of discipline and respect, but when you are indoors, you are more relaxed about yourself and your conduct with your family.

Needless to say, this means that you have a strong affinity for children. Children often love fathers who dote on them, and since you are an affectionate man at home, your parenting skills and tendencies will work extremely well with your child’s emotional and intellectual development.

That besides, you have just the right amount of strictness when it comes to raising children. You are kind enough to care for them, but not too kind that you’ll let them do what they please. 

You have a strong sense of right and wrong, and you’re willing to use it for your child’s sake. This is easily the best reason why Tauruses make for good fathers.

The Taurus Zodiac Man in Career Paths

Possible Paths: Arts and crafts, farming, writing

Taurus Men are vaunted for their patience and painstaking attention to detail at work. They often do not compromise and will often make sure that only the best outcome is achieved. This means that they will often take their time to guarantee the results, no matter how long it takes them.

Of course, this means that the Taurus Zodiac Man is naturally better at jobs that require patience by default, such as farming or writing. These jobs often require extensive attention to detail and much patience and precision to make sure that everything is in perfect order, so these are jobs worth considering.

Aside from patience, you also have a unique, artistic side to you. This is because you have a down-to-earth and emotionally-sensitive nature. You do not see the movement of cars as mere facts of life, but as an inspiration that could fuel your artistic stock. 

You’re the kind of person who could be working one moment and then suddenly feel an amazing jolt of inspiration the next. While such flashes of creativity ultimately won’t stop you from doing your job, it will certainly help you with your hobbies– or indeed your career if you choose to pursue this medium.

Of course, since you’re a deliberate and careful personality, you naturally abhor taking risks of any kind. You may appreciate the value of taking the first strike, but you’re no Aries in this regard: you will wait until the right timing presents itself.


This also means, however, that you’re going to be quite slow in making money. Rather than opt for fast gains, you’re methodical and will take things step by step until you end up reaching the financial stability you are looking for. In other words, you’re an employee who’s typically after the long-term. 

The Taurus Zodiac Man in the Workplace

Workplace Habits: Focused, follower, traditional

At work, Tauruses are blessed with great focus. They are not so easily distracted by any trivialities. On the contrary, the more pressure there is in front of them, the more they’ll grind to make sure that the work gets accomplished.

Aside from this, they also tend to operate by the book. They are among the most disciplined in that they will stick with company rules and try to overcome problems based on these rules. 

You can also count on them upholding the traditions of your team. In each company, the nuances of each team are decided independently, and in this regard, you can trust the Taurus to always be the cheerleader for your team.

Of course, due to this traditionalist outlook, they can sometimes seem inflexible especially when it comes to novel ideas. No matter how grand these ideas might be, they would often seek to stick with tradition and precedent, namely because they already exist for a reason: they’ve always worked.

They can also be quite sentimental about these ideas, too. Often engaging in arguments relating to change, they will be the first to defend a concept and the last to admit if their strategies have become obsolete.

5 Tips to Become the Best Taurus Zodiac Man

#1: Be adaptable

A problem area for any Taurus Man is adaptability. In your case, this is due to your desire to simply see things stay as they are. While this is a healthy attitude, there are times where change is necessary.

At such times, you need to be able to adapt. This is because your own rigidity could end up harming other people, especially if the change in question could indeed cause harm. 

Meditate on your friends and allies once the ideals you hold become untenable, and rethink your position if need be: they will be infinitely thankful to you for it.

#2: Express yourself more openly

Taurus Men may be emotionally sensitive, but they tend to hold their emotions at bay. They care about how they appear because they are aware of how brutal the world can be once they reveal any sign of weakness.

They are also very focused, to the point where they lock their emotions out. However, this can be problematic with your family members– and even yourself, because hiding your emotions can be stressful.

As such, you should work on expressing yourself and being more open. Your thoughts and ideas can help dispel any pretense and make the world a better place.

#3: Take more risks

The desire for stability is actually a productive attitude to have. However, its downside is that you end up becoming too careful with your decisions. This carefulness can result in opportunities being thrown away permanently and having a slow-leading life.

And while there’s nothing wrong with that, the fact that you still have ambitions at hand means that you should at least be able to take risks. 


This doesn’t mean you should risk everything all the time, of course. Rather, you should take calculated risks: one that you know would indeed pay off. Mitigation will be your greatest ally here.

#4: Explore more things

Traditions are well and good, but for the Taurus Man, this could honestly be a problem. See, this adherence to what’s considered normal can be counterproductive in several ways. 

In terms of intimacy, you may find it hard to keep the relationship exciting due to you sticking only to what works, and in terms of being creative, you can become stagnant by not progressing your artistic and intellectual abilities.

Thus, one step you can take to become the best Taurus Man you can be is for you to get out and try new things. Travel, read and discover yourself more!

#5: Don’t be too uptight with the rules

Another problem you might have as a Taurus Man is your own trademark uptightness. There are times where you can be a bit of a stickler for the rules that you might at times sacrifice the welfare of your teammates and family.

With the latter, especially, you can be a bit too moralistic with your family. Instead of teaching them what’s right and wrong, you might end up simply restricting and making them hate you for your actions.

It’s therefore appropriate that you tone it down just a little. Be more forgiving of their faults and be kinder to them.

Healing Crystals for the Taurus Zodiac Man

#1: Blue Kyanite

The Blue Kyanite is a moonstone that suits Taurus’ convictions quite nicely. As a healing crystal, it is meant to open the floodgates of confidence that Taurus Men may sometimes find hard to do.

With this in mind, this is a crystal great for making an argument, or for expunging the fear you might feel when speaking in front of a crowd. Whenever you need to make a point that needs to be delivered strongly, use this crystal.

Lastly, this is a crystal that helps manifest positive energy. The inner energy within you is directly translated into charm, making this crystal a winning gem.

#2: Clear Quartz

If there is anything that Taurus Men want most, it’s stability, strength and clarity. As such, a crystal that caters to this need will suit them highly.

Clear Quartz is crucial for Taurus because it naturally embodies all these characteristics. In your hands, it will help you carry yourself more strongly and lessen your personal hesitation.

It will also work particularly well if you have anxiety issues and find it difficult to assert yourself in social contexts. The difficulty can become a bit too real at times, so you should use it especially to increase your personal confidence in yourself.

#3: Carnelian

The flamboyant look of the Carnelian makes it a truly special crystal for Taurus Men. As a healing crystal, it serves its purpose by maintaining our positive energy, thereby enhancing your physical health.

It also gives you a little extra “oomph” in your own confidence levels. Tauruses need these crystals especially because the outside world can rattle their strong cores at times.


Lastly, this lessens any pressure or imbalance you might feel internally from external forces. If you’re feeling particularly down by the day’s work, use this crystal to help yourself reenergize and end the day on a positive note.

Final Word

Taurus is a name of strength and dignity. As a Taurus Man, you are unbreakable in your devotion to your inner purpose, and your connection with your friends is likewise full of strength. 

This alone makes you capable of surmounting any problems that may come your way– an armor, so to speak.

However, there are things that can shatter this defense, and sometimes, this very strength can also be your source of weakness and inflexibility, crippling you during the most urgent situations.

You may note, for one, that you have problems taking risks and adapting to situations. This over-cautiousness and traditionalism can sometimes cause you to miss out on life’s rewards.  

Thus, your goal should be to perfect your inner defense, ridding it of flaws while still maintaining the structural integrity that makes up your character. With your optimistic and positive side leading the way, you should have no problem with your life.


Other Zodiac Man


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