The Individualogist Team

The Individualogist Team is made up of archetype fanatics, individuation practitioners, and spirituality fans. Our humble group has banded together to deliver thought-provoking, life-changing, and growth-probing wisdom.

12 Archetypes and the Fate of your Business

In today’s world, the one who has a better understanding of the marketplace often wins. As such, when one innovates and creates a good product, this creates a new stream of money commonly referred to as blue oceans. In comparison, red oceans are highly competitive marketplaces where people edge on each other using the same …

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Jungian Perspective

8 Personality Types from a Jungian Perspective

 Just like the 12 jungian archetypes, Carl Jung also created a set of personality types that gives us valuable insight into ourselves. By learning these 8 personality types, we get to have a simple yet effective way of quickly classifying our own nature and even of those around us.  With such knowledge, it becomes a …

8 Personality Types from a Jungian Perspective Read More »

5 Feng Shui Rules that should Never be Broken

In designing your own home, considering Feng Shui rules  is a crucial step in ensuring the good flow of energy. By taking into account these fundamental steps, you are essentially allowing positive energy to flow freely in your house.  While there can be a lot of rules for Feng Shui itself, paying attention to the …

5 Feng Shui Rules that should Never be Broken Read More »

Dream Interpretation from a Hinduist Perspective

As part of our existence, dreams are often perceived as a natural thing. Whether we like it or not, the moment we close our eyes, there’s a good chance that we will be experiencing mental images in our heads. From a psychological perspective, these mental images in the dream state are perceived as direct outcomes …

Dream Interpretation from a Hinduist Perspective Read More »

A 5-Step Spiritual Approach to Finding True Happiness

In today’s world, almost everything is driven by one’s desire for more. Given our capitalist context, the mindset of the people around us is heavily influenced by consumerism itself. For instance, the black Friday sale is something that everyone is waiting for. Even when almost all of us have that 55-inch Smart TV, the black …

A 5-Step Spiritual Approach to Finding True Happiness Read More »

Life after Death: 3 Afterlife Beliefs from different Religions

Settling this old question is truly a gargantuan task. With thinkers and philosophers unable to give a definite answer, the only logical standpoint is for you to make your own choice. Because ultimately, we’re left to our own decisions; examining and pondering on the existent belief and choices can definitely help us answer this question, …

Life after Death: 3 Afterlife Beliefs from different Religions Read More »

How to Unblock Chakras: Warning Signs, Healing, and Meditation

In this guide, we’ll be looking into the warning signs of blocked chakras, as well as how to unblock chakras by leveraging various spiritual healing methods and meditations for unblocking your chakras. While the human body seems to be fully comprised of a physiological structure, one can’t deny the existence of the mind. As a …

How to Unblock Chakras: Warning Signs, Healing, and Meditation Read More »

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