
Modality: Cardinal

Element: Air

Season: Fall

Symbol: Scales

Birth Dates: September 23 - October 22

Representative Planets: Sun, Venus, Mars, Saturn

Houses: Fifth, Seventh

Tarot Card: Justice (Major Arcana), 2, 3, 4 of Swords (Minor Arcana)

The Libra zodiac sign is one of the most diplomatically-gifted signs in the astrological realm. Afforded in part by the strong adaptive power of the Air element as well as their empathetic capabilities, they are able to create compromises in even the most painful of stalemates. Their ideas about society and humanity are penetrating enough to help reach out to even the most stubborn people.

Aside from this, they’re also one of the signs that are the least susceptible to letting pride get in their way personally. They’ll willingly give others a chance and even surrender their own prosperity at times just to make sure that the larger whole benefits, as they are aware that justice and equity sometimes demand sacrifice. 

They are excellent at assessing the human condition and have penetrating thoughts on what can be done to bring people together.

Symbolism and Myth

The Libra symbol happens to be the Scales. In modern times, it is the very image of the law, with each side of the scale standing on exactly the same dimension and in perfect equilibrium with the other. The equilibrium represents what each state and especially the individual aspires to: justice and harmony. Harmony and balance can be achieved through law. Thus, the law must be impartial.

Its mythology resides in the combination of both Greek and Roman history. Themis is known as the goddess of law and order. She was raised by her parents, Uranus and Gaia, and the Libra constellation is known to be a subordinate of the Virgo sign. Astrologically, one can see the scales not because it is suspended within the vacuum of space, but because it is being held by the maiden.

Modality, Element, Season

Libra and Cardinal Modality

The modality of the Libra zodiac sign happens to be cardinal. This means that they embody the very principles of the Air element, as well as start the autumnal season off. To understand why this is so important, however, we need to briefly discuss why they have a unique role to play in the astrological ecosystem.

As a rule, Air is the symbol of freedom, but what makes them cardinal is that they understand that in order to gain freedom for both yourself and other people, one must be ready to make sacrifices and compromises. In other words, you need to contribute to the freedom of this world in order to be free.

It is for this reason that Libra is the penultimate symbol of freedom. They don’t just exercise it; they facilitate it with their presence and emphasis on harmony.

Libra and the Air Element

The Air element governs the Libra zodiac sign. This element, being the element of refreshing freedom, symbolizes a fundamental human need, as the natural order that every sign fundamentally aspires to. Libra, however, is different in that they are uniquely situated as the bringers of freedom wherever they go.

Consider, for example, their diplomatic skills. Despite being associated with freedom, it is still their foremost concern to look after others. They aren’t self-indulgent, and they can even seem like they’re defeating themselves. However, these Libra traits are there for a reason: it shows everyone that the world is a much freer place when everyone lives freely under the umbrella of justice and fairness.

Libra and the Fall Season

Within the astrological birth chart, the Libra zodiac sign is naturally located between September 23 and October 22. Naturally considered as the Libra season, the Libra dates with the beginning of autumn, where things start to truly mellow down. People in this stage prepare for the long haul on winter days or marvel at the falling leaves.

The beginning of this season naturally means the very “middle” of the natural order of things: during the Spring and Summer, things blossom and begin to fill with life, while in Fall, things begin to rot and we are reminded of natural reality, embedded in the phrase “memento mori–” remember death. The natural optimism sprung forth by the preceding seasons is humbled, and we in turn gain more wisdom and maturity.

Planetary Relationships

The Libra constellation, being the very symbol of balance, has relationships to multiple planets within the solar system. The gravitational pull of these planets and their constant revolution reminds us of the many intricacies of the Libra sign. These include:

Libra and the Sun

The Libra zodiac sign and the Sun have a tenuous relationship in astrology. Despite the Sun being the fundamental planet of positivity and the seeming compatibility between the two, the problem is that Libras have a tendency to go beyond their place, to the point where they end up actually stretching themselves to their breaking point just to bring nourishing light unto other people’s lives.

We should also mention that the Sun is also the planet of passion, which Libra might disagree with in order to preserve harmony. Unlike the fire signs, Libras feel that they should not be too spontaneous about life and simply do things on a whim, as the resulting chaos could end up destroying the very balance of the world. Freedom cannot just be about positivity but also sacrifice and discipline.


Libra and Venus

As a planet, Venus serves as the symbol of prosperity and harmony. For this reason, both it and the Libra zodiac sign have an excellent partnership. Since Libra is primarily geared towards bringing people together, the planet helps Libra along by making sure that when Venus is on the sign, something positive happens to them socially.

Libra and Mars

The Libra zodiac sign is almost completely incompatible with the belligerent Mars. Libra has a particular bias towards solving things with a more pacifistic approach, and since Mars regularly wants competition and aggression, Mars-related signs may come off strong to them.

Libra and Saturn

Saturn is the planet of discipline, which makes it another prominent partner of the Libra zodiac sign. Its emphasis on fairness is likewise complimented by Libra’s persistent desire for justice. When Saturn is on Libra, they become empowered to take measures to ensure that their relationships are harmonious.

House Rulership

In astrology, the Houses are a crucial component since they help define the revolutions that happen in astrology each year, as well as the Libra horoscope. For Libra, there are two houses of interest here. These are:

Fifth House: The House of Joy

The Libra zodiac sign is one that emphasizes pleasure above anything else. The reason why this is a particularly important house for the Libra isn’t so much because they are hedonistic but because they understand that the secret to happiness is harmonious coexistence with the people around you. They are pacifists through and through, and they will use it to make sure everything works perfectly.

Aside from this, the Fifth House is also known as the house of fulfillment and more permanent joys, and this is the ultimate goal of the Libra: to ensure that everyone is as happy as possible in a world that keeps on changing and offering new obstacles and problems.

Seventh House: The House of Bonds

The Seventh House of Bonds is likewise important for the Libra zodiac sign. Altogether, the reason for this has to do with their social aspect. Libras are characteristically social creatures imbued with the power of Air, which means that they can quickly get used to other people around them. However, it’s not just for themselves: the fact that they have this ability means others too will be drawn by them.

As such, the expected outcome for Libras is that they’ll end up forming partnerships of various kinds with other people. Whether it is transactional or even relational and romantic, Libra will always have something special to offer to other people. Thus, it is only logical that they belong to this particular House.


The Libra zodiac sign has two foundational bases for what we shall call “Libra personality.” The first of these, Justice, is the idea that everything should be fair all around: people should be treated properly and, if necessary, held into account for their actions. This also highlights their impartiality, often appealing to the higher powers of logic and emotion to make things much more even.

The second basis, Peace, refers to the ultimate goal of justice. The notion of justice isn’t just implemented for the sake of it, but because the path to fairness is also the path to make sure that no one fights with each other. This desire for peace gives them empathy and a certain high-mindedness that prevents them from becoming too absorbed in pretenses of realism.

They know that peace is only achieved when one thinks of something greater– and that is what they are willing to do for themselves and everyone around them.


Though all the signs have their individual strengths, Libra has the privilege of being more impactful than most signs. At certain points, this is due to the fact that they are socially palatable to nearly every sign. They tend to be very good at bringing themselves in front of other people and then leaving a good impression on them, ensuring the beginning of healthy friendships.

This may as well be the case because the Libra zodiac sign prefers the gentle harmony of social interaction and compromise. They do not wish to fight, and the world rewards them well for it. Consequently, because of their pacifism and sense of justice, people look to them for aid when it comes to disputes that could potentially damage friendships.

When other people need a third party to act as arbiters, they see Libra as the meeting point– the bridge, so to speak, that helps them mend their problems. Together with the Libra zodiac sign’s penetrating insight, it is difficult to ignore the contributions they bring towards the reunification of lost relationships and even forging new ones despite having a bad start.

Aside from this, they are also obedient and dutiful. When they do certain things, for example, they have a high grasp of the importance of their work. They do not complain about their bosses or do anything reckless on the job, either. They approach things with a stoic approach, only ever calling people out when they become unreasonable.


This friendly approach to work and a powerful work ethic to boot make them great at their careers. To lead, after all, means to follow, and since they have a tendency to excel at this particular task, it is absolutely no stretch to say that they can become quite well-rounded at what they do. Social adaptability and obedience make for a truly powerful combination, and Libras stand at the forefront of this.


Although the Libra zodiac sign’s key strengths are most concentrated on the social aspect, they nevertheless have crucial weaknesses on that front as well. For starters, their pacifism can give way to what some might construe as cowardice. The problem in this case is that it starts to truly show itself when presented with a social dilemma.

For example, when a friend has done something wrong and they are faced with the ethical choice of ratting them out and the weight of the emotional connection they have with said friend, their ironclad resolve to mete out justice may start to crack, as they will feel the strength of their bond with the other person actively getting in the way of them making an objective assessment of the situation.

Their pacifism may also reach an extreme point, such that they’ll refuse to hold people accountable altogether. The emotional burden of indicting someone at any point weighs heavily on the Libra zodiac sign, as they are acutely aware of what happens when you lay down the law or punish others in any way; they might lose their livelihoods, be emotionally hurt, or just feel defeated in general. 

As a result of this, they may incur the wrath of other people who may not appreciate this decisiveness. Particularly compulsive fire signs, for example, may have a tendency to look down on Libras when this weakness surfaces because they will likely not appreciate the material consequences of their indecision. This can lead to rifts and gaps within friendships that are otherwise strong and stable.

Lastly, their sense of justice can sometimes be warped by their vindictiveness. They can take particular offense to a person’s actions and remember said person for the rest of their lives. This can be bad for the mental health of the Virgo zodiac sign.

Love and Romance

In astrology, Libra compatibility with every other sign is amazingly consistent. They may have some problems sorting out individual differences, but often the strength of their social ability is enough to overcome the many hurdles that could get in the way. For Libra, therefore, the question is not who to avoid, but what sort of relationship they want to get into and what characteristics they expect, as each element differs.

For example, Libras work as a complementary component to fire signs, as they tend to fuel the fire’s momentum and push them onwards. Fire signs often have problems sustaining their flame, but Libra’s Air will give them remarkable momentum and endurance to make sure they don’t just skip through tasks.

As for air and water signs, everything is likewise favorable. Libras work well with the breeze, although at times their divergent paths can cause disruptions in the relationship. Water signs, on the other hand, may have to struggle connecting with Libra’s free mind, but that nonetheless works to their advantage as the emotional connection is guaranteed.

Lastly, for Earth signs, Libra can also help guide them along. Earth signs have a tendency to be stubborn and stay where they are. Libra, therefore, can help lead them inch by inch into better places, allowing them to have even better goals to achieve later.


The career trajectory of a Libra is likewise favorable. Their natural diplomatic skills means that they will always work to ensure that there is harmony within the workplace. If at all possible, they will insert themselves in the middle of the conflict as an arbiter capable of assessing the conflict on multiple sides. This will then result in a notably peaceful workplace.

Aside from their diplomacy, they are also great at raising morale. They are highly sociable, which means that when the team is down, they will often find a way to get their esprit de corps back up. They can be jovial and encouraging when the situation calls for it, and they will explore every possible opportunity to make sure that the mental health and cohesion of the team is well accounted for.

They are also notable hard workers. They are aware that the welfare of the team is bigger than their own individual welfare, and as such, they are willing to give their best to their line of work, knowing that their mistakes could lead to damage all across the board.

However, the same exact attitude can sometimes be a problem when they end up wanting to help others more than they help themselves. The key, therefore is to find a balance between helping the team and maintaining their physical and emotional health.


In terms of astrology and health, Libra has notable traits that you’ll likewise need to pay attention to, especially because Libras tend to go above and beyond their usual functions. Knowing these facts will help them relax:



The best herb for Libra would have to be the Damask Rose. Damask Rose is an herb so connected to Venus that it actually helps you manifest positive energy and gets rid of any problems along the way. It’s a stress reliever and it can even help make your skin softer, making it the perfect self-love herb. Consider using it when you are feeling particularly downcast and it will work wonders.


The temperament of Libra is sanguine– searing hot and passionate, it explains part of the reason why Libras are so socially adept: they are energetic to the core and will have enough of it to actually last an entire day. It also means that they have a tendency to be impulsive, consistent with their passionate approach to life, but that is mitigated by their adaptability.

Body Parts

Being the sign of balance, Libra is a card that predictably governs equilibrium. This means that it governs the lower back and the urinary system. With the kidney cleansing the body of impurity, so too does the Libra cleanse social impurities, making the world a better place in the process. 


The Libra tarot is defined by the 4 cards that govern it. Indeed, as you’ll see with each one of them, they have powerful effects that describe and even fortify Libra’s existing strengths. The cards involved are:

Major Arcana Card

The Justice card is the one that defines Libra the most. As with the actual symbol of the Libra, it too features the scale, which reinforces the purpose of Libra’s sense of justice. Without this crucial component, there is no way for Libra to figure out why they compromise or seek more peaceful ways to end a conflict. Justice, for Libra, is the answer to the question of what makes the world better– and it often works.

Minor Arcana Cards

Aside from Justice, there are three other Minor Arcana cards that govern Libra. For this particular sign, they mostly come from the Suit of Swords. The three cards that help it along are:

Two of Swords

The Two of Swords represents the initial hesitation that a Libra may have about themselves. It is the problem of justice: which side matters most? Which side should carry more weight in any given situation? This is the perennial question that both fuels Libra and reminds them why justice is never an easy thing to achieve.

Three of Swords

The way to justice isn’t laid out to Libra like a carpet. Often, they have to face backstabbing, unscrupulous elements, and all manners of heartbreak simply to overcome themselves. As we are reminded, however, the price is often worth the risk.

Four of Swords

The last card offers a bit more hope: when justice is achieved, rest becomes the priority. This is why Libra aspire to have justice in the world; so that they too may reap the benefits of a fairer, brighter world.


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