
Modality: Fixed

Element: Earth

Season: Spring

Symbol: Bull

Birth Dates: April 20 - May 20

Representative Planets: Venus, Mars

Houses: Second House, Fifth House

Tarot Card: Hierophant (Major Arcana), 5, 6, 7 of Pentacles (Minor Arcana)

The Taurus zodiac sign is blessed with a strong disposition and powerful will. When they believe in something, it’s almost impossible to dislodge them from that belief. They are immune to negative criticism and believe in the power of hustling– something that is quite rare among other signs, who only understand it on an intellectual level.

They live by the principles of endurance and generally end up being great people because of it. However, this does make them vulnerable in other areas, such as change and occasionally, even tyranny. They can be quite rigid and authoritative in their approach to discipline.

Thus, the challenge for Tauruses is to find that equilibrium between rigidity and fluidity– the ultimate refinement of the primary Taurus traits.

Symbolism and Myth

The Bull– the foremost Taurus zodiac sign– has served astrology since antiquity as an additional implement to the calendar. Knowing where the constellation was at which time proved crucial to early civilizations in determining the precise appearance of Spring, advising agriculturalists for more crops and priests for religious rituals.

Mythologically, it has also served as the Taurus symbol of prosperity, being the aspect of Zeus (white bull), who in turn was a lover of the beautiful princess Europa. She eventually bore him a son called Minos, who eventually became a king and led his people to financial glory.

These, in turn, helped form our modern opinions of the Taurus constellation and personality. Tauruses are prosperous and endlessly thrifty, able to work through long hours in order to rake in great profits. They also have the dedication and charm of the Bull, which then allows them to succeed in their goals.

Modality, Element, Season

Taurus and Fixed Modality

Fittingly, the stalwart Taurus zodiac sign has a fixed modality. They are known for being capable of great endurance, willingly surviving even the harshest obstacles, and ruthlessly soldiering on in life to achieve their goals. It doesn’t matter how long it takes; they will find a way to stay in their chosen course.

Aside from this, however, they are also capable of great stubbornness. Once they set their sights on something, be it in their career or even how they manage their affairs around the house, it can be quite difficult to persuade them to do otherwise. They like being in positions or relatively authority, where they can impose order.

Taurus as the Earth Element

Taurus’ element is Earth. Like the properties of the earth itself, those of the Taurus zodiac sign have durable personalities that can only be shaken by the most painful experiences. Even so, however, they are still capable of acting with good judgment by the sheer fact that everything around them effectively depends on having a capable mind that transcends tough situations.

That being said, they are also endlessly patient. When they work, they barely complain– unless it is no longer reasonable. They lead structured lives, often for the purpose of making sure that they are prepared enough to deal with any situation. Of course, they do have a preference for making sure that everything is in good order more often than not.

Taurus Dates and Season

The Taurus season and dates within the astrological calendar are April 20 until May 20. These dates, which typically represent the middle of the spring, are all about sustaining momentum and precedents that have already been set by the initiating sign Aries. Everything begins to truly pick up at this particular time, too.

This is because the Taurus zodiac sign at its core is all about maintaining existing momentum and making sure that everything is at stable levels. They represent order, maintained by the rigidity of personal discipline and the assurance that everything is going to be okay as a result of a well-placed system.

Planetary Relationships

In astrology, every sign is connected to certain planets based on a combination of cultural representation as well as existing values. These connections exist both to inform and to remind the sign of their sworn purpose within the astrological realm. This is why we can expect each sign to be consistent enough to hold certain attitudes and sensibilities.

Naturally, Taurus has plenty of connections, too. All of these connections are crucial to dispel misconceptions about the way they function as well as their place within the grand workings of the universe. With Taurus, these planets have particularly strong energy and connections:

Taurus and Venus

Taurus and Venus are nearly one and the same in their purpose. The brightest planet in our solar system represents unity, strength, and love, which are all embodied within Taurus. These three values serve to inform their goals in life, and also why they tend to lean towards some measure of stability: without these goals, there’s no reason to aspire to a stable life.


The weight of that stability is measured by the prosperity everyone feels within it. This is also why families of the Taurus zodiac sign tend to be full of affection and closely-knit; because that prosperity serves to compliment their togetherness. For Taurus, without these ties, there can be no union, no bond, no purpose. And as with the planet itself, these are the traits that make Taurus shine brightly.

Taurus and Mars

Taurus and Mars have a sour relationship for the most part. Effectively serving as the antithesis of conflict, Tauruses prefer to avert their gaze from war and instead focus on maintaining order. Signs that revere Mars (e.g, Aries) will view this sentiment as dictatorial or tyrannical, but from the perspective of the Taurus zodiac sign, it is necessary to sacrifice some measure of personal freedom for happiness.

That happiness relies on the backbone that is discipline, which Mars signs can sometimes hate. Ultimately, therefore, it is the duty of the planet of love to make sure that these signs, with their rebellious, free-thinking attitudes, are still accommodated within the confined spaces of groups and communities without strangling their own free will, which they value above all else.

House Rulership

Each birth chart in astrology has Houses that accommodate each of the signs’ personal sensibilities. Just like the planets, they also serve to provide further context for the identity and purpose of the signs, informing the Taurus horoscope in the process.

The more closely linked they are with a House, the more they are defined by that identity, and the more they can contribute to the world in their own way. For Taurus, the following are the Houses associated with its birth chart:

Second House: The House of Security

Those among the Taurus zodiac sign are at home with the Second House. In astrology, the Second House is said to be the House of material possessions, prosperity, and security. This is just as well because Taurus is a very organized character: they make sure that their bases are always secure and inviolate, free from the troubles of wasteful expenditure.

Needless to say, this also means that Taurus is a fiercely protective character, particularly of the people they love. As parents, they tend to dote on their children and try to do everything to make sure the family is having a good time under their care. Since Venus also holds sway, it amplifies the feelings of security manifold.

Fifth House: The House of Joy

Taurus also has a place in the Fifth House. This is the House that outlines human pleasure as its central goal. The manner in which one feels happiness doesn’t matter in this area: whether it’s sexual fulfillment or even in terms of career, this is the bedrock upon which Taurus wants to rest.

Of course, there is something deeper to this, too. In general, the House represents the sense of joy that comes with accomplishing your teleological purpose. This explains the Taurus zodiac sign’s endurance and willingness to do anything in order to achieve order– for it is order that affords them joy and stability.


People who have the Taurus zodiac sign are known for carrying with them an immense amount of patience. Whether it’s about career or simply letting the occasional slip-up pass by without incident, Taurus personality is often dictated by their ability to simply power through the harshest of times with unequaled stoicism.

In fact, it doesn’t just stop there. Often, the stoicism they invoke is so inspiring that even others who might be more inclined to give up could learn from their own courage. More than that, they are also very dedicated people, able to stick in one place where many might consider leaving, and they are also very affectionate.

This affection, naturally, causes them to be a bit like disciplinarians among their loved ones. If no one steps up in the family, they will do their part instead, and in the process, the order they impose becomes the norm and the imperative that everyone around them has to follow strictly.


One of Taurus’ best strengths happens to be their ability to stay consistent with everything. Every day, they lead their lives by routine, so you can always tell what they’re going to do next. This is useful for people who aren’t Tauruses because it means that they have at least one friend that they can reasonably predict.

Of course, it’s not just for them. This is one edge that those of the Taurus zodiac sign have because it helps them stay on constant track of the task at hand. They will always try to perform high-quality work, and they are the type to always go to work punctually. If they ever skip, they’ll likely have a very good reason for it, and they won’t go behind you for it either.

They are also empathetic souls who can really connect with other people on an emotional level. They are humble and grounded, so you can always expect them to never become arrogant. Even when they have all the success in the world, they will gladly tell you that they are still eager to learn about everything.


Suffice it to say, this personality effectively endears them to everyone, as people often care more about those who do not self-aggrandize themselves. And since they make it their business to care about others, they will naturally have a lot of good friends who will likewise reciprocate their consistency.

Lastly, they usually have a jolt of creativity about them. They tend to be very expressive of themselves, and due to their status as an earth sign, they are not afraid to stand their ground when confronted with an argument. When they debate, you can expect them to be well-read and understanding of the subject matter.

As such, should you be on the receiving end, you should honor this with careful preparation of your own. Otherwise, they might simply plow through your arguments without mercy.


Ironically enough, it is the very faith that those within the Taurus zodiac sign have in their own abilities that serves as their very flaw. The thing is, though they are consistent, they are also quite sure of themselves– sometimes a little too sure. This can lead them to make decisions that are questionable, especially when the times call for adaptation.

This can also make them a poor team player. Though they aren’t as individualistic as some of the other signs, they can be quite difficult to argue with because they will always insist that they are right. This stems from their need to discipline people, and their inability to control it at times can be a bit overwhelming to take in.

They might also be liable to carry grudges for prolonged periods. They may be capable of loving someone for a long time, but if they are upset, they can carry hatred in their hearts even longer. The more they hold on to it, the more clouded their judgments and decisions in life become, making things much worse for them.

Another prominent weakness is their tendency to fight change. They are creatures of habit and are quite proud of that. The moment anything tampers with these routines, such as the changing times, the more inclined they are to dig in. This is fine if they’re not hurting anyone, however, at times, they do.

They can also be quite rigid in their advice to other people. This doesn’t mean they’re not wise enough to understand the difference behind their own experiences, but they do tend to insist people to hold on, even though they are inclined to let go and try other avenues that life might provide them.

Lastly, their motivation only lasts as long as there is stability. The moment things change, they’ll sometimes exhibit the qualities of the fiery Aries, and be less enthusiastic even when dedication really matters. Sometimes, they may think the need for stability outweighs the need for adaptability.

Love and Romance

Just as they’re stable at work, they are also very stable when it comes to love. They are consistent with being sweet towards their partner, and they will often try to aim for the long game when it comes to relationships, with flings occasionally leaving them feeling quite used, especially after seeing the other person becomes a routine.

Taurus compatibility also leans towards the more mellow Water signs. Since Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer are all emotionally attuned and have a gift for reading other people. They naturally fuel the life-giving properties of the Earth sign that Taurus is so associated with. Whenever they feel down, they will be there to lift them up.

Conversely, they may not like the fire signs so much, partly because they do not like their rapidly changing demeanor and their tendency to give up even before things could pick up. They appreciate it when people tend to grind and don’t give up easily, and as such, they are better off with other Earth signs.

Of course, despite the obvious match between such signs, they must be careful that their stubbornness doesn’t end up poisoning the relationship dynamic. Two stubborn personalities make for a lethal combination, after all, since they will rarely compromise with one another.


When it comes to career, the first thing that the Taurus zodiac sign will depend on is the prospect of tenure. They will want to stay at their jobs for a long time, and they will likewise reinforce it with solid performance all around. They are excellent at staying loyal to their companies, and often as a result. They have an upward career trajectory.

Likewise, this trajectory is the direct result of them actually being very careful with their habits and their work. These are people who depend on routine and timeliness, so when it comes to work, it can in fact be one of their biggest highlights. They will always report on time without any issues.


They also have a knack for working creatively. However, they might need a guide, as they might not like change all too much. They like to innovate, but for them to thrive, being mindful of transitions and changes as a result of their innovations is extremely important. Proper communication is the key for one to hone their creative talents.

They are also great at being leaders, instilling a sense of discipline that other signs might tend to miss. They do not care as much about personal glory as they care about simply getting things done, and they are beloved for this specific attitude..


Taurus has three areas of priority in terms of health, and all of which have a noticeable impact in the way they take care of their bodies. It also gives you an insight as to how you can regulate yourself if you are a Taurus. Here are the areas in question:


There are several recommended herbs for Taurus. The first of these is Cayenne pepper, which helps in relaxation and also fueling Taurus’ warm energy towards other people. 

Another crucial herb is poke root, as it actually removes impurities within the body. This can be particularly important for Taurus as they are often stressed; as stress accumulates, their immune system weakens. The herb serves as a supplementary aid that helps deal with occasional infections. 


Having the Taurus zodiac sign generally means having a tendency to have poor internal regulation and a more melancholic temperament than other signs. This means that in general, they are more susceptible to catching a cold, or otherwise getting struck by the awful cold seasons. This is consistent with the fact that Taurus is a spring sign that relies on warmth to function more effectively.

Body Parts

The body parts associated with the Taurus sign are that of the throat, lower jaw, and the neck. Their strong affinity for these body parts means that they are generally more receptive to physical warmth, and will therefore function in warmer areas. This helps them with an attitude that allows them to dig in even in the face of much heat.


Just as each sign has planets and houses dedicated to its individual glory, so too does a sign have Tarot cards that represent its disposition. These cards are likewise crucial, as they help inform readers of one’s leanings. Here are the cards for Taurus tarot readings:

Major Arcana Card

The card most linked to the Taurus zodiac sign is the Hierophant. The fifth card of the Major Arcana says everything that one needs to know about the Taurus: the symbol of the Pope represents piety and authority, and the foundation of this piety, rooted in the trappings of Christian faith, happens to be universal love.

As such, this explains once more why Tauruses are fueled by a sense of authority and discipline. To them, these are the representations of love that allow people to always return to the faith and rely upon its power. Even those who go astray can come back, with the knowledge that faith brings stability.

Minor Arcana Cards

Aside from the Hierophant, there are three other cards that represent the strength and will of the Taurus. These cards happen to occupy the Suit of Pentacles– the primary symbol of prosperity within Tarot decks. 

Five of Pentacles

Beneath the firm demeanor of the Taurus is the slightest hint of hesitation– something that they have to deal with consciously in order to truly be able to protect others. Fittingly, this hint is blatantly obvious in the Fifth Pentacular card, which in itself hints that Tauruses always feel the weight of their every decision in mind.

Six of Pentacles

From the fifth card of fear and worry, however, we strike a more positive note with the Sixth card of Pentacles, which represents victory and success. The moment success begins is the moment the purpose of Taurus becomes clear: to protect that success and the momentum it carries.

Seven of Pentacles

Taurus once again circles back to contemplation on the 7th Pentacular card, for this card represents their fear of failure. Failure is a necessary disruption of order, and as such, they want to succeed as much as possible. Their driving force is strong and solid like the earth.

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