
Modality: Fixed

Element: Fire

Season: Summer

Symbol: Lion

Birth Dates: July 23 - August 22

Representative Planets: Sun, Saturn

Houses: Fifth, Nine

Tarot Card: Strength (Major Arcana), 5, 6, 7 of Wands (Minor Arcana)

The Leo Zodiac Sign is one of the most famed and exalted signs out in astrology for a good reason: because they were born to be under the glow of the spotlight. They have a unique social capability that allows them to reel people in and blunt the pressure of being in public.

As a result of this natural proclivity and affinity for the crowd, they are also adept with their minds and mouths. They think quickly in a conversation and often turn debates against their opponents before they can even react. Of course, this does mean they also have a tendency to be combative.

As such, the greatest challenge of the Leo zodiac sign will be how to temper their proud nature and how to argue without intimidating other people.

Symbolism and Myth

Numerous civilizations throughout history have associated Lions with ferocity, courage, and power, and nowhere is this more visible than in Greek mythology. In the myths, Heracles was asked by Zeus to perform various tasks prior to his ascension into godhood.

The very first task he had to tackle happened to be the killing of the Nemean Lion: a ferocious beast whose fur was impervious against mortal weapons and durable enough to withstand extreme conditions. In the end, he ended up killing the lion by suffocating it. 

With the Ancient Romans eventually appropriating the Heraclean myth into their own religious zeitgeist and the lion-shaped constellation being recognized thereafter, the “Leo symbol” as we now know it has since become a vital part of astrology. Much like its fur and splendor, all Leos are now seen as mighty, powerful, and even unconquerable.

Modality, Element, Season

Leo and Fixed Modality

The Leo Zodiac sign has a fixed quality. This means that unlike Aries or Sagittarius, they are more stubborn about their ways. They often refuse to yield any ground in an argument or discussion, preferring instead to grind the other side’s arguments down so completely until they are victorious. They seek ways to always assert their authority, and as a result of their persistence, they often succeed.

Negative as this may seem at first, it actually plays a crucial role in the continuation of the seasons. Without the proud fires of Leo, any attempt by the Aries to get things started in spring will immediately fizzle out. The key, therefore, is for Leo to be able to channel their inner fire towards sustenance without burning the entire world around them.

Leo and the Fire Element

The imperious element of Fire is what governs the mighty Leo zodiac sign. Known as the element of pride, those who possess this mighty element are known to be authoritative, full of vigor, and always ready for a fight. The Lion itself is a proud expression of this: combined with their fixed sign, they are possessed with unyielding courage.

Of course, just as it is a symbol of bravery, so is it a symbol of rage. Even though fire is the element of life, it is usually associated with destruction because of the often-uncontrollable tendency of fire signs to focus on their destructive emotions. Control over fire is therefore crucial to keep the Leo together and prevent destroying others. 

Leo and the Summer Season

In the grand astrological birth chart, the Leo zodiac sign occupies the dates within July 23 and August 22. Largely considered as the “Leo season,” it is situated at the very middle of the Summer. At this point, the spring signs (Aries, Taurus, and Gemini) have all done their work in kicking off the year and getting things started for everyone.

With Cancer facilitating the emotional continuation of the year, the role this zodiac sign plays within the Leo dates is to ensure that the positive emotions of the year stay alive and well with their pride, optimism, and energy. 

Their fixed nature means that people will look to them for inspiration within the year. Through their interaction with other signs, Leo will keep the passion alive long enough for meaningful things to happen within the year.

Planetary Relationships

In astrology, every planetary body– from planets to stars– plays a role in defining the cosmos. The Leo constellation is also no different in this regard. In fact, it even interacts with the following planets:

Leo and the Sun

Predictably, the burning heat of the Sun is an important factor for the Leo horoscope. In astrology, the Sun is considered to be both a source and booster of the fire element with its radiant energy and positivity. Under the right conditions, it assists Leo people in their role as vanguards, imbuing them with the courage, intellect and dedication to work through the harsh realities of life with equal fervor.


That being said, it’s also the planet that allows Leos to be leaders. In this regard, Leo’s leadership is unique in that they tend to lead from the front. They don’t sit on desks and behind tables: they go out in the field and assess things on a personal level with their members. And all of this is thanks to their strong relationship with the intimidating yet powerful Sun.

Leo and Saturn

The conflict between the Leo zodiac sign and the planet Saturn is well-known. The problem is that Saturn represents the virtue of discipline and patience– qualities that can often be absent in Leos. As mentioned, they work as vanguards– always getting into trouble first until everyone else can follow them. They work their way through life in a Blitzkrieg-like fashion.

The fact that Saturn exists means that Leos will feel much slower in the proximity of this planet. Each time they sit still and are forced to contemplate, they’ll feel like they’re not being productive or that they’re not doing enough work to be useful to others or themselves. This hints at the primary Leo traits they need to work on: their impatience and impetuousness.

House Rulership

Each sign in astrology has dominion over Houses. Though they may sometimes overlap, each House is crucial in showing the way each sign works in life. Here are Leo’s Houses:

Fifth House: The House of Joy

Central to the Leo zodiac sign is the concept of pleasure and joy, symbolized by the Fifth House. Fundamentally, this is because Leos rely on their emission of positive energy unto the world to be able to function properly. They are capable leaders, and as a result, they need to be charismatic not just in the way they say things, but also in the impression that they instill upon other people.

However, it’s not just external. The Fifth House classification for the Leo zodiac sign also has to do with their inherent curiosity. Their minds love to wander around and look at the world in different ways. To them, knowledge is the very basis of power and joy in life, and as a result, they easily have a preference for the power of the Fifth House.

Ninth House: The House of Contemplation

Without thought, leadership and power are pointless. This is the maxim behind the Leo zodiac sign’s rulership over the Ninth House. It may seem ironic, at first, given that Leos are known for their impatience. However, despite their preference for action, they are in fact, very curious and open-minded people who view the world in different ways and base conclusions based on different outcomes.

This, in turn, means that they contemplate about the state of the world and often try to philosophize their way to better understand the meaning of life. They can then apply this understanding on a wide array of scenarios, including cheering their teammates up when it matters the most.


The Leo zodiac sign has a fiery personality that often likes to lead. They are quintessential rulers with a certain charisma and swagger about them. This swagger then allows them to appeal to the hearts of everyone around, ensuring their strong sense of loyalty. In other words, by sheer authority alone, Leo can influence other people’s decisions.

That besides, another crucial part of Leo personality is the desire for knowledge. In their spare time, you will often find them learning new things simply to boost their knowledge and stock on other people. The more they learn, the greater their grasp of something, the stronger their authority. It also means that they are able to project their energies upon other people better.


One of the primary strengths of the Leo Zodiac sign is its optimistic attitude. They do not let life wear them down. On the contrary, the more sadness there is in the world, the more they’ll feel the need to rebel by showing the world their identity. In the process, this makes them very easy to befriend.

However, people flock to Leo not just because of their own inherent ability to find joy in even the greatest sadness. They also join the sign by virtue of their own charisma. They are genuinely pleasing to look at or be with because they do everything to make sure your opinion of them is positive.

Some people may think that Leos only ride the wave of public opinion as a result of them grooming themselves for the larger society, but in reality, the will of the people and the will of this one sign are one and the same. If everyone else wants a better world, Leos won’t just follow the leader, they’ll be one. They’ll show the world how it’s done.

Aside from this, they are also quite selfless. Individualistic though they may be, they have their bouts of generosity and kindness. When they see someone in need, it triggers within them a desire to help, and even if no one is in need, they’ll likely still find a reason to give to others anyway, simply because they can.

Lastly, they are also surprisingly dedicated towards their goal. They do not have the rock-solid consistency of the Earth sign. However, because they have the fixed modality, their motivations are quite resilient and the flame doesn’t die out quickly, either. 


Likewise, because of their roles as leaders, they will often use this to their advantage and motivate people to continue even as their prospects seem bleak and ready to cave in.


The Leo zodiac sign is a force of nature in its own right. It sways people and perhaps even the entire world towards itself. However, even with this awesome power in their hands, a few weaknesses can still slow their advance and make them feel miserable about themselves and their treatment of others.

For one, they can be extremely arrogant at times. Often, this is because they usually fall within the trappings of leadership. There are times when Leos becomes so sure of themselves that they forget how things can go wrong. As the saying goes, “no plan ever survives first contact with the enemy.”

At times, this is a maxim that Leo tends to forget, and when questioned for this exact manner of thinking, they often invoke their own authority. As such, when their own plans blow up in their faces, they may often regret it and not realize that they have also ended up damaging some of their relationships in the process.

Aside from this, they can also be reckless. Though they are philosophical and are in fact good planners, their enthusiasm sometimes overcomes them and they end up making reckless choices even though their instincts and intellect tell them to stay away.

Granted, they can sometimes get out of a bind by being creative in their solutions, but the fact is that there are times when they can’t, either by sheer circumstance or simply because they do not yet possess the ability to overcome the challenges that result from their choices.

The end result is that sometimes, they end up stumbling. The worst part is that they might also blame other people as a result of their arrogance, even though they’re completely responsible for their own pain. Overcoming this pride is therefore the signature challenge for the Leo zodiac sign.

Love and Romance

The good thing about astrology is that romances are rather straightforward. In the case of Leo compatibility, they tend to get along well with fire signs, not just because they are of the same element, but because they tend to simply create bigger flames when next to each other.

Their spontaneous, loud, and fiery natures make Leos pair well with the likes of Aries and Sagittarius, and because their elemental connection is so strong, they can even ignore their modalities and simply get along by virtue of their shared passions. Such is the strength of their relationships that they can fuel themselves endlessly.

Air signs are also at home with Leo, as well. This is due to the fact that their freedom-loving energy can match and even sometimes control the flames emitted by the Leo. As a result, you end up having a couple that can work on the right things and does well together through their shared goals.

Earth and water signs need to be wary, to some extent. While Earth can provide stability, the problem is that generally, the fires of Leo can be destructive to their more static and mellow natures, respectively. Control is needed in order to maintain romantic relationships with these signs.


Career-wise, the Leo zodiac sign is a go-getting juggernaut. They tend to assert themselves a lot within the office, making them perfect for leadership roles. Their motivational speeches and their firebrand attitudes make them the perfect fit for companies that require courage and bravery.

Aside from this, they are also incredibly talented and holistic, exploring office work and constantly looking for ways to make themselves more efficient on the job. They aren’t afraid to try new ideas and execute them. This means that they are innovative and well-equipped for a good challenge.

However, they can also overstep themselves at times. Make no mistake; their ability to seize opportunities is incredible, but there are times when this simply falls flat, and unfortunately, when that happens, Leos can be next to useless unless they are within the leadership role themselves.

This can also demoralize Leo at times, as they constantly need validation and authority in order to function properly. This means, therefore, that Leos need to control themselves in situations where things are too hectic. They need to step back and think, and even be ready to relinquish control and admit they can’t do it at times.


As long as Leo can control their pride, there is nothing they can’t accomplish.


With Leo’s impetuous nature, you can never be too careful about physical and emotional health. In astrology, there are 3 areas for this particular part of the sign, so beware of each of these important areas:


For Leo, the medicine of choice happens to be rosehips. The basic principle is that it actually acts as a destressor, prevents inflammation and even blood clots, ensuring good circulation. This is a boon to the fact that Leos have a natural tendency to be aggressive and therefore prone to high blood pressure.

Aside from rosehips, they can also use chamomile. This herb also lowers blood pressure and acts as a calming agent that helps Leos pick themselves up and not lose a nerve due to their daily activities.


The temperament of a Leo is notably choleric. In many classifications, this means that they are dry but also fiery and full of vigor. They carry within them much pride and will not hesitate to use it. Accordingly, however, this can create stress, especially if their pride is proven wrong.

Body Parts

The one part associated with the Leo sign is fittingly one of the most important ones: the heart and to a lesser extent, the entire circulatory system. Responsible for pumping blood into the various parts of the body, it — along with our blood itself — serves as the crucial station that sustains our existence. This also matches with the status of Leo as the sustainer of life and leader of people.


The strong lion is ruled by 4 different cards from the Tarot set. Each card in the Leo tarot is meant to represent the power and reasoning behind the powers and weaknesses of the Leo zodiac sign. Here are the cards in question:

Major Arcana Card

The Major Arcana card associated with Leo is the Strength card. In the same card, one may notice the image of a woman caressing a lion as if they were her pet. This illustrates the strength of heart that humanity so often tries to reach but only the likes of Leo can grasp. To be strong is to stand among lions and be on equal terms with them. To face your fears and be better: that is true Strength.

Minor Arcana Cards

The Minor Arcana cards may seem truly minor as the name suggests, but the reality is far different. Each card holds key information about Leo, and as such, they must be taken into consideration when knowing the sign and addressing its weaknesses. The cards are:

Five of Wands

The Five of Wands is a card of protracted conflict and chaos. On the surface, this may seem like a bad sign, but this also shows one of Leo’s best qualities: the ability to thrive in adversity and constantly grow regardless of social difficulties. They will excel in conflict and have every right to be proud of it.

Six of Wands

The Six of Wands is the result of Leo’s constant hard work: victory and splendor. Because of their relentlessness and tendency to get better in trouble, their lives tend to gravitate towards achieving their goals and attaining true success. 

Seven of Wands

Lastly, the Seven of Wands is the backbone of Leo: courage. The card shows a man trying to fight off a few other wands while remaining steady and resolute. This, in turn, shows the secret of Leo’s tenacity.

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