
Modality: Fixed

Element: Air

Season: Winter

Symbol: Water-bearer

Birth Dates: January 20 - February 18

Representative Planets: Sun, Saturn, Uranus

Houses: Eleventh, Twelfth

Tarot Card: Star (Major Arcana), 5, 6, 7 of Swords (Minor Arcana)

The Aquarius zodiac sign is known for being a humanist, first and foremost. Carrying the sign of the water-bearer, they are seen as an important component in maintaining people’s morale and kindness. Wherever they tread, they bring kindness and positivity as a result of their humanism and desire for universal freedom.

However, while they are primarily advocates of human freedom, they too have faults that severely undermine this. For example, they may have a tendency to detach themselves from their emotions, as they think doing so means giving in– and unfortunately, when the facade cracks, they sometimes do so a little too severely.

There is a need, therefore, for the Aquarius zodiac sign to embody the principles of humanism without giving in to the very tendencies that could potentially destroy it in the first place. Their primary onus is to create a balance between their humanistic intellect and their worst emotional tendencies, such that their emotions are actually able to serve as fuel rather than a hindrance to their cause.

Symbolism and Myth

The greatest civilizations in the world were often built besides veritable sources of water such as rivers, and it is from here that the Aquarius constellation gets its prominent symbol: the water-bearer. 

In Ancient Egypt, for example, the water-bearer was seen not just as a mere bringer of water, but also as the very hint of prosperity during the spring season, when the River Nile would flow and provide water to its inhabitants.

The City of Pharaohs and Kings would last for as long as it did by virtue of its association with the water-bearing servant, thus forming the modern Aquarius symbol. And ever since then, the Aquarius constellation has become a hallmark that continues to survive and thrive even in today’s age.

Modality, Element, Season

Aquarius and Fixed Modality

The fixed modality of the Aquarius zodiac sign reflects its representation of the strong, constant version of air. When air blows in a general direction forcefully, it gives off a cooling, breezing effect while potentially throwing things off-balance without proper control. This constant force, on the one hand, is necessary for humanism as it is something that needs to be worked on constantly.

On the other hand, their emotional fervor may imply that some things will eventually be knocked out to the needless detriment of others if Aquarius is not careful. For this reason, therefore, it is reasonable for Aquarius to loosen up a bit and be more gentle when it comes to delivering their core message.

Aquarius and the Air Element

Air is the element that informs many of the Aquarius traits that we know. Their general humanism is a direct result of the fact that humanity aspires to freedom most of all. Without the feeling of freedom and sovereignty, humanity ceases to be, and so by prioritizing the humanistic aspect of existence, they are pursuing freedom for the entire world.

In this quest for freedom, they will meet many like-minded friends, and they will likewise be toppling things in order to make sure that freedom is served. They can be brave if they need to and dynamic in their approach, and because they’re fixed, their commitment will be central to ensure the success of their personal crusade to bring betterment to the world around them. 

Aquarius and the Winter Season

The birth charts of astrology would mark the Aquarius dates as between January 20 and February 18. Collectively, these dates represent the Aquarius season, which takes place just after autumn. Here, temperatures begin to drop more rapidly, encouraging hibernation and resting within the homes. 

This season is generally considered to be a time for breaks and contemplating about hard decisions in life, and the reason why the water-bearer represents this is metaphorical: before the long haul and hibernation season, you need to gather as much resources as possible, so that you are prepared to greet the next Spring without any cost to your person.

Planetary Relationships

The planets in astrology are numerous and all tilt towards certain signs. For the vaunted water-bearer and the Aquarius horoscope, here are the planets in question:

Aquarius and the Sun

The Sun goes against the Aquarius zodiac sign in so many ways. For starters, while they do share the same passionate glow, the Sun also encourages a more aggressive way of dealing with things, akin to the flare and glow of signs like Leo, for example.

This causes Aquarius to sometimes recoil at the pressure brought forth by these signs. The fact that their modality is fixed doesn’t exactly help their case with the Sun, either. The fixation of Aquarius means that there is a part of them that actually wants control, as opposed to the more enterprising Libra and Gemini.


Aquarius and Saturn

Saturn and Aquarius have a superb partnership between them. Since Saturn is known as the planet that provides and encourages order and discipline, and since the Aquarius zodiac sign always has humanism as its primary agenda for the world around them, Saturn will end up furthering Aquarius’ cause with no drawbacks.

This fact allows Aquarius to assume all kinds of positions that they would not normally be able to perform on their own. They can become caretakers, leaders, businessmen, perhaps even politicians. As long as the Aquarius zodiac sign has a strong purpose, everything will be better. 

Aquarius and Uranus

The position of Uranus as Aquarius’ ruler is of considerable historical importance. When it was first discovered, there was widespread chaos within Europe as Republicanism began to sweep up the continent and slowly strangle the Medieval, monarchical social order.

The fact that it was discovered in such a period of turbulence essentially cemented its status as a planet of liberation, freedom, and even political and social revolution. And with Aquarius representing all of these things under the free banner of humanist virtue, it is ultimately not surprising that the planet has garnered enough respect to be seen as a sub-ruler of the legendary Aquarius horoscope.

House Rulership

All signs would not be complete without their dominion over their respective Houses. For the pertinent Aquarius zodiac sign, there are two. These houses are:

Eleventh House: The Social House

The Eleventh House that governs the Aquarius zodiac sign is known by many as the social house. This is because it signifies the start of friendships as well as the fundamental need for it in order to make the world better for everyone else. The fact that some signs have the Eleventh House means that the cosmos has designated to them the arduous task of bringing people together.

Of course, since this is the case, the Aquarius zodiac sign is logically well-equipped for the challenge. Their air sign means they can communicate with just about anyone and explore avenues that other signs might not dare to tread into, making them highly valuable in the creation of innovative social solutions to the many woes of today’s modern world.

Twelfth House: The House of Instinct

The subconscious house of astrology also happens to be a House over which the Aquarius zodiac sign asserts its rulership. The reason why its particular control of this House is immense happens to be the fact that it is the ultimate instinct of humanity that makes it desire for humanism. 

The love of humanity isn’t just something that lies in a vacuum, but the understanding that to love humanity is to love it entirely. This means being able to acknowledge the unconscious forces that govern each sign. The fact that Aquarius is able to see and interact with these forces effectively explains why they have such an exalted position among astrological circles. 

They are, after all, one of the most sensitive and fluid signs the world has ever seen.


What we consider as “Aquarius personality” is essentially an amalgamation of many traits rallying around one particular constant: humanity. This means that any attitude Aquarius develops tends to vary, but only towards that specific goal. This is why, for example, they are nice to their neighbors. The thing is that they are not nice for the sake of community only, but because they know that to be nice is to be moral and free.

Although, of course, while their hearts scream for freedom and humanity, they are likewise vulnerable to the frailties associated with it. They may, for example, avoid emotional topics altogether as a result of their need to avoid their emotional weaknesses. They know that being emotional can truly shake everything around them, so they avoid it, only to find that they end up failing as a result.

They should therefore feel free to express themselves in order to avoid this pitfall.


The strengths of the Aquarius zodiac sign are numerous, and partly it is due to its inevitable association with air. The key thing to remember here is that their use of freedom is a bit like Libra– it’s a lot less self-indulgent and more geared towards a universalism, and there is a reason for this. 

As with Libra, freedom is not something that is simply exercised; it is also supposed to be defended in order to make sure that freedom remains effective for each human being. This is why Aquarius is a strong sign, because they see freedom as a necessary expression of humanity.


For this reason, they won’t hurt other human beings and they will always think of their own safety and security. They are progressive, advocating for causes such as equal treatment of the people around them. They do not see labels, but instead see people. 

And because they apply this principle with such precision, they inevitably create friendships because of the realization that everyone else wants what they want as well. This coincidence of wants makes them a naturally attractive prospect for having either romantic relationships or friendships.

However, there’s more to it than that. They are also generous with other people and always willing to listen to their concerns. They apply the principles of humanity and keep them to heart, and as such, they will always worry over the way they treat other people. They are abiders of the golden rule, and as a result have a much better understanding of civilization itself.

Lastly, they are also fiercely autonomous. Just as they value independence in others, so too do they value it in themselves. They will do chores and other things their way without imposing on other people, adding further to the harmony that their gentle wind and aura creates.


The problem with Aquarius is that they have an unfortunate tendency to focus only on the logical. To them, freedom can also mean exceeding human ignorance, and while this is certainly a good thing in a lot of cases, it becomes a problem when it actively starts to damage their own emotional health.

What this means is that they can sometimes be particularly insensitive to other people when they try to hide their own feelings of being hurt. This is because to them, emotion is volatile, and because it is, it can hurt their judgment. Unfortunately, by not allowing themselves to get hurt, they are essentially leaving their social abilities out to dry at times.

An example would be them focusing on finding solutions instead of just hearing and listening to other people when they ask for it. They might give unsolicited advice because they want to help mend the other person’s heart and allow them to return to what they do best, and while this is usually a good thing, this can also be a form of gaslighting that could inevitably make them more hurt than they already are.

When they are not gaslighting people, they can sometimes appear introverted and aloof, especially if they don’t think it is worth it to connect with other people. This can go against the principles of humanism too, as to be a humanist is to appreciate the nuances that make us all different as human beings. We are a species of nuance, and the fact that they often turn their gaze away from it is ironically problematic.

Thus, it is crucial for them to make sure that they remain grounded on reality. The cause of humanism can only be forwarded effectively when the people of Aquarius understand the necessity for interaction and humility.

Love and Romance

Aquarius compatibility is quite well-known across the board here. In general, they tend to thrive with signs who understand their personal quest for freedom, and luckily in astrology there are 3 particular elements that accommodate the refreshing air of the Aquarian water-bearer.

Water signs, for one, can appreciate the Water-bearing Aquarius zodiac sign because they are emotionally receptive and creative themselves. In fact, they can even serve to help Aquarius better express themselves, especially when they’re being too aloof or emotional about something.

The fire signs are also great for Aquarius; their relatively spontaneous approach suits with the freethinking core of the Air element. They will routinely introduce new things to each other in order to create a much better relationship and approach for everyone else.

Other air signs will naturally love the refreshing nature of Aquarius. In this case, true to their water-bearing symbol, the Aquarius zodiac sign will undoubtedly help them out by replenishing their interest and vigor in times of exhaustion and dire need. This makes them invaluable.

However, for earth signs, things might get rocky. Aquarians hate being controlled much like any other earth sign, which means their limiting presence can provoke arguments.


The career of the Aquarius zodiac sign is also no small thing. As a rule, they are very capable workers who often think outside the box in pursuit of their philosophy. They can criticize things and think of better solutions to problems, making their minds a sought-after prize.


They also have a surprisingly strong work ethic. Having a humanist approach means that they will almost always display consistency, as they are aware that the team and everyone around them by extension benefits from someone who performs at their most optimal function.

They also tend to like being an unassuming figure, which makes them jive with every other employee. Their particular emphasis on having a more friendly approach also means that they can also act as mediators when in conflict, although they are admittedly less capable than Libra in this regard.

This is because of their characteristic aloofness. Though they are friendly and have a social energy, we must not forget that they tend to act on their own and can sometimes overstep others. This is why there is a need for them to always go back to their humanistic nature to make sure they don’t stray from the goals of their team.


Health in astrology is divided into three areas of concentration: Medicine, temperament and the body parts associated with the sign. Each of these communicate the physical and even spiritual needs of the sign in question, and luckily for us, there’s a lot to dig into for Aquarius. Here’s what needs to be done:


Rosemary is the prime medicine for Aquarians. The calming effects that it has on the brain as well as its unique fragrance and aroma will allow Aquarius to stay productive in tense situations by maintaining a calm disposition. The ensuing calm will also relieve tension in the muscles and add to their ability to retain memories. In other words, this is something that directly increases productivity.


The Aquarius Zodiac sign is of a sanguine temperament. This means that their bodies are typically active and outgoing, which may well be a good thing because they are the heralds of nature’s calmest season. For the Aquarians, the need to function at a time of rest is essential, so they are naturally geared for energetic work. 

They also, however, experience the most tension as a result of their constitution, being prone to muscle aches and even migraines.

Body Parts

The parts associated with the water-bearer involve the legs, as they are often one of the first parts in the body to move autonomously. Aquarians are known to be outgoing, and the fact that their legs are their greatest source of strength means that they will use them to quickly accomplish tasks or get to places– like the wind.


Tarot cards, in general, have played a significant part in astrology for their imagery and their precision. For the Aquarius Tarot, this is even more important, as it sheds light into certain strengths and weaknesses. Here are the cards that describe the Aquarians best:

Major Arcana Card

The Water-bearer is best represented by the shining Star card itself. We may note that the card itself depicts an Aquarian-esque bearer of water gathering resources under the watchful, yet peaceful gaze of the night sky and the lone star watching above. 

This hints at the innate purpose of the Aquarius– to find peace by means of deep, philosophical thought and purpose, which is also the life mission of every other Aquarian, but also intuition and sensitivity, as shown by her having one foot on water and the other on dry land.

Minor Arcana Cards

For the Aquarius Zodiac sign, the suit that supplies the three minor arcana cards that represent it is that of the Swords. Collectively, they are about the use of power to achieve what one wants, but there is always more to it than that. Here’s what they mean for Aquarius individually:

Five of Swords

The desire of Aquarius may be noble, but this is exactly why something as grim as the Five of Swords shows itself on the Aquarius horoscope. Battle and conflict are unfortunate obstacles on the path to humanism and peace, and the need to wade between all these explains the Aquarian’s purpose in life.

Six of Swords

The Six of Swords shows the dominant theme of Aquarius. Destined to face the first signs of upheaval in the winter months, they are meant to face great challenges and even a degree of personal sadness. This explains why Aquarius can be aloof, yet also shows what sort of challenge they need to overcome to be better people.

Seven of Swords

The Seven of Swords is a card of lies and theft. Unfortunate as it may be, this is why Aquarius has a few enemies from time to time. Humanity comes in all shapes, sizes, and attitudes– even those that Aquarius may not be able to tolerate. For this reason, they have to be the bigger people to be truly humanistic.



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