
Modality: Mutable

Element: Earth

Season: Summer

Symbol: The Virgin

Birth Dates: August 23 - September 22

Representative Planets: Mercury, Venus, Jupiter

Houses: First, Sixth

Tarot Card: The Hermit (Major Arcana), 8, 9, 10 of Pentacles (Minor Arcana)

The Virgo Zodiac sign is one that holds a powerful sway among the people around them. They have a penetrating mind that allows them to perceive the world in several ways, making them unique problem solvers that can actually adapt according to the situation and find ways where most people would simply give up.

Aside from this, they are also full of wit, often regularly approaching life– and their enemies– with sarcastic barbs and a propensity for jokes. This makes them a rather acquired taste for some people, but that also means the friendships they make are near-permanent in quality.

They are also ruthlessly critical of everything around them. People may think they are cruel, but in reality they only have the best interests of other people at heart– they’re just more willing to spend some time thinking about the ramifications instead of taking the world for granted. 

This powerful mixture of Virgo traits truly makes them remarkable people.

Symbolism and Myth

The Virgo symbol happens to be the Virgin. In ancient times, the virgin was said to be the provider and sustainer of society. They are often said to be the heralds of a great harvest and are often considered to have a direct connection with the gods.

From the Greeks (through Demeter) and even the Virgin Mary of Christianity, the figures associated with virginity are those whose hearts are kind and generous. The more generous they were, the more they became the symbols of worship and even piety.

The virgin is also considered to be holy and therefore accorded a lot of respect. This is likewise consistent with the virtues of the Virgo: authoritative, strong, capable, and more importantly, generous in times of prosperity. 

Modality, Element, Season

Virgo and Mutable Modality

The Virgo zodiac sign is of a mutable nature. This means that they are capable of fitting into any situation and anticipating every scenario that comes their way. It shows the openness of their mind and their willingness to admit being wrong about their opinions when push comes to shove. Indeed, the central aspect of Virgo personality is their pliability.

The modality also represents Virgo’s status as the herald of Autumn. By this time, everything is winding down for more mellow times, and the fact that Virgos are mutable means that they are more than perfect for preparing others for the changes within the years. Problems will pile up, but their ability to solve them is even stronger than the problems themselves.

Virgo and the Earth Element

The preferred element of the Virgo zodiac sign happens to be the earth. It is the habitat that facilitates life for many creatures and is, in fact, the house of many wildlife and even all the other elements. In a way, without the Earth sign, there is no astrology; such is its power and command over all the other signs.

The Earth element also means that Virgos have a rock-solid disposition that allows them to maintain their composure in the face of tough problems. They may sometimes reel in pain at life’s challenges, but the more they are exposed to larger obstacles, the stronger their resolve becomes.

When you combine this with their natural intellect and their propensity for being calculating, there is no problem that they can solve. They can outlast and even adapt to anything that stands in their way.

Virgo and the Summer Season

The astrological sources would put Virgo dates on the birth chart between August 23 and September 22. This places Virgo season in late summer. As the fires of Aries and the advancements of Leo start to mellow out into a more familiar, sustainable theme, a stabilizing sign has to see that the advance to the next season is uninterrupted, or at least as seamless as possible.

The deserving herald of this transitory period is clearly the Virgo, with their association to the life-sustaining nature of the earth. All signs at this point are aware that because the initial hard work has been done, it is time to reap what has been sown. Virgo plays the crucial role of overseeing this process throughout nature with their critical thinking skills to ensure no one oversteps and everyone benefits.

Planetary Relationships

In playing such a vital role within the astrological realm, the Virgo constellation predictably has strong relationships to powerful planets. These planets, in turn, help make Virgo even more coherent and strong. The planets in question are:


Virgo and Mercury

Mercury is a planet that is vital to the Virgo zodiac sign. In general, the planet of communication helps with Virgo’s ability to express themselves. When being critical, Virgos knows that their words matter just as much as their thoughts. This is why they can easily shape language according to the purpose they have set for the occasion: they can either be comforting or hurtful, yet effective in getting their point across.

Aside from this, Mercury is also a planet of technology and innovation. This lends further authority to the Virgo, as it not only elevates them to the needs and demands of modern times it also makes them competent in the areas of business and finance, where technological acumen and innovation work together side by side. Truly, the Virgo zodiac sign is one that stands the test of time.

Virgo and Venus

The Virgo zodiac sign can be seen as antithetical to Venus due to their differences in behavior. Venus loves emotion and creativity and abhors Virgo’s overemphasis on logic and being critical. Since Virgos prefer to express their emotions not by emotional means but through the cutting power of truth itself, Venus and signs inspired by it (such as Pisces) likely won’t see Virgo eye to eye.

However, this doesn’t mean that the division has to be permanent and binding. The hope for Virgo, in this case, lies in their mutability; even though they are effectively rock-solid, they can be surprisingly pliable and perceptive of other people. This is something that they can use in order to create some reconciliation between them and other Venus-inspired signs.

Virgo and Jupiter

Jupiter and the Virgo zodiac sign are often seen as enemies– and for the right reasons. The fundamental priority of Virgo is stability itself. Its bias towards the earth and the very principles of order means that they also hate randomness, spontaneity, and at times even opportunity. Rather than rely on luck, they are calculating and will stick instead to a fixed course even if the opportunities are massive.

This can make them particularly irritating for signs that rely on luck and fortune, as they will not agree on how to approach certain situations. It’s possible for them to reach an agreement with Virgo’s adaptability, however even then, the cost of which is sometimes too great. Patience on both sides is therefore the key to making sure this state of affairs doesn’t degenerate into something entirely worse.

House Rulership

The concept of the “House” is very important in astrology as it helps clarify further what one can expect from the sign that rules over it. The Virgo, in this case, has two houses. Here they are:

First House: The House of Identity

The rulership of the Virgo zodiac signs extends on the First House. Known in astrology as the house of identity and selfhood, it is the house that encourages assertiveness and truthfulness in oneself. In a world where everything is expected to be subject to norms and other impediments, some will inevitably try to leave their mark by letting people know who they are.

This is in line with Virgo’s own assertive nature. They are not ones who will simply give way to other people or leave the world around them meekly and passively. Instead, they will defend their ideas until they are exhausted and let people know who they really are. They will likewise encourage others to reveal their true selves and make the world a better place without sacrificing their identity.

Sixth House: The House of Wellness

The House of Health is also part of the Virgo zodiac sign’s domain. The idea behind this lies in the fact that Virgo also symbolizes sustenance. On a personal level, they are always eager to take care of themselves physically and intellectually. They examine information with care and take precautions in order to not become ignorant in life.

Physically, they also make sure that their diets are healthy, and that they have just the right amount of exercise. They also regularly adhere to a strict schedule, sleeping on time and waking up on time. All this means that their bodies and minds will always function optimally and without any hitches or problems. Their core strength lies in their ability to stay consistent, and it will always stay that way.


The Virgo zodiac sign is the epitome of organizational prowess. Part of this has to do with their own bias towards making sure that things are orderly and well-oiled. They have a huge sense of discipline towards themselves and to other people, and while they aren’t exactly as socially open as Leo or Aries, they nevertheless lead others to a life of routine and dedication.

Aside from this, however, they are also loyal and steadfast. When a contingency happens, they won’t turn away and split. Instead, they’ll try to probe the problem relentlessly for any weaknesses and convince you to help each other. Since their methods are usually geared towards helping others, they end up succeeding through a combination of ability and exemplary effort.

In other words, whether knowingly or otherwise, others can at times end up inheriting some parts of the Virgo personality– and that’s mostly a good thing.


One of the key strengths that the Virgo zodiac sign is proud to possess is their unerring ability to adjust to basically anything. They are often the type to get rid of ideas that don’t work without giving it a second thought. Likewise, they are quick to communicate this to their teammates, giving them a strong edge in terms of work.


Aside from this, they’re also good at adjusting themselves. They aren’t normally outgoing. However, they won’t be scared to give themselves time below the spotlight if their attention is called for. If anything, they’ll probably appreciate that someone is likely going to listen to them as a result.

They are also strong problem-solvers. They have a knack for analyzing the fundamentals of any problem, resulting in them being absolutely efficient in solving it. The Virgo zodiac sign is also able to think of multiple scenarios that could potentially make the problem worse. 

This particular fact is helped by their strong desire to maintain order. They want to achieve the best outcomes, and they will do anything for things to remain steady. As a result, this means that not only are they capable of solving problems, they are hard-wired to try and prevent the problem from taking further toll on people. 

As friends, they are also treasured for their loyalty. They do not turn their backs on their friends, and though they may not always show it, they will always think about what’s best for them. They do not shy away from using their immense intellect to try and help their friends get through life’s challenges.

Lastly, they are endlessly tenacious. They do not lose heart right away, and they will even try to act as cheerleaders if everyone else is optimistic about their prospects. They sustain not only life but even willpower. They likewise nurture people’s desire to be the best.


The Virgo zodiac sign may have great strengths, but at certain times, they can become a source of weakness. Think of their critical attitude towards life, for example. In good situations, they can surely be useful in keeping people from being ignorant. They can debate with such fervor that it borders on stunning.

However, they can do the same thing even when people are feeling down. Even when the situation doesn’t call for a debate but for an acknowledgment of feelings, they’ll still do what they do best. This is where they’ll run into certain problems, as some signs are more sensitive to criticism than others.

Aside from this, they can also be too demanding of the people around them. Virgos know that they are capable individuals and that they can make serious strides if given enough time. However, they may also think of others the same way and be of the opinion that their pacing is much like their own.

As such, they can be particularly demanding parents or leaders to others. Now, this could work if the individual in question is receptive to discipline, but sometimes, Virgos will need to abandon the whip in favor of a more nurturing approach. In other words, they’ll need to be the maiden to others in an emotional sense in order to overcome this problem.

They can also be quite indecisive at certain times. This isn’t so much the result of their low self-esteem, but because they routinely expect more from themselves. This also means that they’ll take their time thinking of the most effective approach, sometimes to the point where they’ll end up missing crucial opportunities.

Overall, it could be said that the Virgo zodiac sign has a powerful yet at times indecisive personality. Their only enemy is themselves, and because they are powerful, they’re more than capable of giving themselves a hard time.

Love and Romance

The criteria surrounding Virgo compatibility is delightfully dense, as each of the signs and modes can interact with the mutable, Earth-based Virgo zodiac sign quite differently. Thankfully, however, there’s a broader, simpler way of assessing compatibility with other signs.

In general, Virgo works especially well with other Earth signs. Aside from this being true of other elements liking similar ones, Virgo has the mutable mode. This means that they can adapt to the stubborn Earth signs and even guide them towards becoming more reasonable. Together, they are also remarkably resilient: a true power couple.

They can also work remarkably well with Water and Air signs. Virgo’s emotional potential as well as their adaptability, means that they can do wonders with these creative forces. Air signs can recommend new activities to try out, while Water signs can act as an emotional vector for Virgo whenever stress accumulates.

Of course, this means that they are also quite bad with Fire signs. Simply put, the incompatibility between aggression and order is simply too great. Virgos could work with them through their adaptable nature, but it can be difficult for them because they’ll regularly think they deny their selfhood with more spontaneous forces like Aries and Sagittarius.



Career-wise, Virgo is among the best. They have a unique eye for organizing certain things and are generally innovative in their line of work. If you need them to file certain things in a certain way, they will happily do it. This can be useful, especially in leadership roles, as the larger the number of things they have to process, the more effective they are.

Aside from this, they are also very persistent. For as long as there is work, they will remain devoted to their duty and refuse to distract themselves with any of the pleasures that other signs might take. They love to work and display it with their endless tenacity and desire to finish the task as cleanly and completely as possible. They’ll especially excel the more time you give them since it gives them more room.

Lastly, they are consistent in two ways: work ethic and longevity. For the former, they are always going to work with the same quality you would expect. Even when situations are tense, they’ll try to meet the quota they have set for both themselves and as their employer demands. The end result is that they are always reliable at work. 

They’ll also stay in the company and be as loyal as they can possibly be. This helps both with their resume and rapport.


Those blessed with the Virgo sign are usually healthy enough on their own, however astrology can help even further. There are three broad areas that they need to pay attention to in order to stay at the top of their game. These are:


Virgos are often subject to a lot of stress as a result of their dedication to work. As such, they need to destress using skullcaps. Skullcaps are great at helping Virgos fall asleep after a particularly long day. They are also useful for removing anxiety and helping them become more resolute with their decisions. 

The medicinal effects of this particular herb therefore makes it the perfect compliment to Virgo’s signature stoic approach to life.


The Virgo zodiac sign is known for having a melancholic constitution. This can make them seem aloof and out of touch with other people, and is also consistent with their signature cold approach. Other signs, however, need to understand that this doesn’t mean Virgos are emotionless. Rather, they prefer to hide these emotions simply as a matter of principle.

Body Parts

Virgo’s role as sustainer makes the digestive system — the stomach and intestines — their primary body parts of concern. Digestion mirrors order, and when this order is disrupted by various stressors, it can become difficult for Virgo physically. This makes the care of their digestive system a primary concern.


The Virgo tarot, like all the other astrological signs, carries a total of 4 cards in their repertoire: one major and 3 minor arcana cards. All of these cards say something useful about the Virgo personality, and are thus an important component in the Virgo horoscope. These are:

Major Arcana Card

The Hermit is the principal card of the Virgo. It is generally tagged as a card of philosophical and contemplative, but also alone– traits that generally fall within the Virgo’s purview. This propensity towards philosophy also makes them pure in their own way and assures people that they always have a unique view of any situation at any given time.

Minor Arcana Cards

The one crucial aspect of the Virgo is that they are ultimately a sign geared towards prosperity and stability. For this reason, they ultimately have minor arcana cards within the Suit of Pentacles. The pentacular cards in question are the following:

Eight of Pentacles

The Eight of Pentacles represents the initial stages of a Virgo’s struggles in life: work, work and endless work. This is reflective in their no-nonsense attitude towards it, as they are aware that the more they work and the less they focus on things outside of it, the quicker their advance will be towards a more desirable and fruitful outcome later in their lives.

Nine of Pentacles

The Nine of Pentacles shows Virgo’s later abundance, particularly in their adult life. Here, the first vestiges of stability are achieved, and their goal in life is to maintain that stability in order to have a strong and constant supply of joy and happiness for their future and present woes.

Ten of Pentacles

The Ten of Pentacles represents both the aspiration and apex of Virgo’s lifestyle. When they grow old, the stability will remain there not just for themselves, but even for later generations as well.


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