
Modality: Cardinal

Element: Fire

Season: Spring

Symbol: Ram

Birth Dates: Mar 21 - April 19

Representative Planets: Sun, Mars, Venus, Saturn

Aries Compatibility: Fire and Air signs

Houses: First, Sixth

Tarot Card: Emperor (Major Arcana), 2, 3, 4 of Wands (Minor Arcana)

The Aries zodiac sign serves as a symbol of power, war, and conflict. However, it is also the symbol of energy and desire for victory that humanity possesses in droves. Aries are very sociable and competitive people who will show their true might whenever there are people around as a result of these traits.

But don’t take this to mean they aren’t capable of humanity, for in fact they can read other people’s feelings and adjust to them. More often than not, however, doing so means being able to discipline themselves– a quality which they may sometimes lack.

When they do unleash their true potential, however, they become exactly what many people dream they can be: helpful, courageous, full of energy, and always ready for war. They are reliable sources of strength, and you would be remiss to ignore them.

Symbolism and Myth

As a rule, the Aries zodiac sign relies heavily on a combination of Egyptian and Greek mythologies. The name “Aries” comes from Ares, the Greek God of War, individual courage, and tactics. He stands in stark contrast to Athena, who represents wisdom and strategy in times of war.

The primary Aries symbol happens to be the Ram, which once served as a battle implement throughout history meant to penetrate fortification and punch through enemy gates. The Ram is also an important animal in Greek myth, being responsible for saving the lives of Phrixus and Helle.

Aside from this, they also represent agriculture and life. Egyptian mythology identifies the ram as the symbol of Amon-Ra, the Sun God, who also represents the spring season and vitality. 

In other words, Aries represents both the destructive and regenerative power of creation, symbolized in both the Greek and Egyptian narratives. Both of these elements inform Aries’ other traits.

Modality, Element, Season

Aries and Cardinal Modality

The Cardinal nature of the Aries zodiac sign effectively means that Aries is a sign that leads by example. It is the very sign that kicks off the spring and more or less paves the way for other signs, regardless of their element. True to its symbolism, it is the vanguard– the Ram that allows others to begin their endeavors.

Aside from this, its Cardinal status also means that it’s a guiding sign. This leads people to think of Aries as a sort of role model for other signs to follow, and considering their own extroverted nature, the Cardinal status does fit them quite perfectly.

Aries and the Fire Element

Fire is the element with which the Aries zodiac sign identifies itself. As a whole, fire represents life, energy, rejuvenation, and even to some extent, restoration. Once it starts, it allows us to produce lots of things. It is the symbol of creativity. However, it can also produce destruction if you’re not able to control it– or yourself.

Care must therefore be employed when trying to deal with an Aries. Its elements bring much greatness to all around it, but it must not be allowed to overstep itself with its relentless enthusiasm or even rage. Fire has to be tamed with patience, and so too should Aries.

Aries and the Spring Season

The dominant Aries season is Spring. Aries dates likewise last from March 21 to April 19. Spring is considered to be a season of beginnings and resurgence. From death and decay during the winter months, the spring season means a reawakening and a blossoming of concepts old and new alike.

Consistent with this idea, people of the Aries zodiac sign are most alive during the spring, and tend to be the most focused during this time, because they are imbued with enough productive energy to not only channel their creative energy, but influence others into action. This results in collective action, which can cascade well into the proceeding seasons.

Planetary Relationships

The fiery Aries has a strong connection to various planets within the astrological domain. Each of these planets, in turn, have various effects on the way people of the Aries Zodiac Sign choose to conduct themselves, the Aries constellation, as well as the overall Aries horoscope.

Aries and the Sun

The Aries zodiac sign reveres the Sun and considers it to be the holder of all its energetic powers. This is rightly so; culturally speaking, we associate day time to be about work and being productive. Likewise, Aries are able to soak in the power of the sun to make sure that they are able to stay alert for all of the day’s challenges.


And because of this reverence, they also tend to be energetic even during nighttime, when the Sun has since set. On the other hand, this does mean that they can be quite restless in times where there is no activity. They hate feeling constrained, and the Sun’s burning energy can be considered the very object that lights their path to freedom.

Aries and Venus

Aries serves as a foil to planet Venus— the planet of love. It is antithetical to the principles that Aries lives by: whereas Venus symbolizes luxury, relaxation, and intimacy, Aries prefers war, competition, and evolution. The Aries zodiac sign cannot thrive in a situation of rest, and unfortunately, this is everything that Venus provides.

Aries also sees rest as entrapment. They know that being restful doesn’t lead them anywhere and that resting should only be done sparingly to avoid becoming weak. They avoid Venus to prevent decay.

Aries and Mars

Mars is Aries’ foremost planet and is, therefore, the center of all its love. It is the planet of war and competition, and it imbues the spirit of Aries signs with the fire to continue pushing onward.

They also have a certain bloodlust about them as a result of the planet’s love of conquest. Where there is life, there is hope, and where there is hope, Aries people know that there is always an opportunity for glory. And they will pounce on that as soon as it appears.

Aries and Saturn

Saturn is yet another foil to the Aries zodiac sign, but for a different reason. Venus serves to pacify Aries with luxury, while Saturn serves to control Aries with rigidity and discipline. While Aries are not by themselves dishonorable, they do dislike being subjected to pointless acts of discipline.

For them, efficiency is everything, and if that means being innovative or breaking away from the status quo, they will gladly do so. Freedom is the means by which they manifest themselves– and indeed, manifest they do.

House Rulership

In astrology, each sign is assigned a house within the birth chart so as to help explain their primary function as well as the purpose they should set for themselves.

First House: The House of Self

Aries occupies the First House on the birth chart: the House of Identity. This is consistent with the fact that Aries is assertive; they want to make sure that their place and their identity is known in the process of delivering on their tasks for the team. 

Aside from this, it also represents their need to make a good impression. As Aries is a momentum-based character, they clearly understand the value of setting up a good impression with the people they’re dealing with to make sure everything goes smoothly.

Sixth House: The House of Health

Aries are also the representatives of the Sixth House of Health. Predictably, this is because of their athletic and energetic nature. They have strong bodies, and they will not hesitate to use it– along with their productive and efficient minds, to make sure that everything proceeds without a hitch.

They usually exercise and take measures to make sure they are at the peak of their prime, and that alone endears them to others and sets a precedent for others to follow a better lifestyle.


Due to their status as spring, Cardinal and fiery, the Aries zodiac sign is often associated with being highly extroverted and sociable. In any social setting, Aries will often try to assert their role by acting as the de facto leader figure. 

Even in circumstances where leadership is not necessary, they will find a way to put themselves ahead of the pack– a crucial component of Aries traits.

They are likewise very energetic, often given to yelling at people positive messages just to get them to make a move. They might be specifically harder on lazy people who aren’t willing to do their part on the team. If need be, they can be disciplinarians in this regard.


They also have a tendency to quickly fizzle out once they have exhausted themselves. There is nothing wrong in this particularly, but it does mean they have less endurance when it comes to certain situations that can damage their momentum in particular.


People blessed with the cardinal fire of the Aries zodiac sign are likewise blessed with great initiative. They are often the first to execute tasks, and when they do, they often do so in such a flawless manner that they often set a precedent for other people to follow. As such, even though they aren’t in leadership positions, they will excel in their line of work simply by virtue of their alacrity and intellect.

This alacrity also forms another aspect of Aries personality: adaptability. You can always expect them to be consistent in their ability to provide high quality work at record speeds, and often, when you ask them to create new concepts or think of fresh ideas, they will likewise be able to come up with something that will knock other people’s socks off.

They are also very capable of socializing with other people. At their core, they know that it’s not just about getting things done the first time, or even as quickly as possible, but also being able to urge people to work and get things done. 

This naturally puts them at the core and center of leadership. If you’re an Aries and you’re still a member, this natural ability to rally others will put you in a leadership position more quickly.

Their efficient approach is also something to behold. When sorting out conflicts, they are quick to get to the heart of the matter. They are not so easily swept into drama, and will speak plainly should they find that you are wasting their time. This ability to stay efficient means that they will always have their heads in the game, and that distractions will have very little effect on their focus.

Having a thorough understanding of social contexts and an eye for efficiency, they are truly ahead in the game for the most part.


Though effective in their ability to communicate and work, those with the Aries zodiac sign can be quite tactless when it comes to criticism or even just expressing their dismay. Instead of being diplomatic about one’s faults, they might resort to telling them, to their faces, that they’re not good enough or just dismiss them as incompetent. 

They might mean well with their sharp tongues, but this can demoralize the people around them instead of improving them outright. In fact, they might even be so put off by the attitude that they’ll prefer not working with Aries if this is possible at all.

They can also be quick-tempered and impulsive, particularly when given a time-limit or stressed out. This can lead them to make poor decisions that can actually endanger themselves and even their teammates and family members. 

It can be anything from rushing things instead of making sure that they’re perfect, or even just spending money instead of saving up and having a much more stable bottom line.

Their opinionated attitudes can also make them seem close-minded or unreasonable. Since they are often so sure about their thoughts of other people, it will take some time for them to come around and defeat their own expectations, even when the same person has repeatedly proven themselves. 

For family members, this can make them seem distant and cold– ironic for someone who is supposed to be full of fire and verve.

Like fire, they also have a tendency to just abandon their endeavors quickly if there are no results earlier on. Granted, this is because they have an efficient attitude, but the problem is that some things are in fact more rewarding the more time is spent in dealing with them. 

This naturally means that their interests will be a lot less diverse. They might also be hesitant to take up new career opportunities if they find the progress too slow for their tastes.


Love and Romance

Aries is a generally passionate character who jives well with other extroverted signs. In addition to this, their vaunted leadership skills can also apply in relationships to help keep the fire alive for both themselves and their partner. With their quick wit and ability to start momentums, the budding parts of the romance will definitely stand out.

They are often very communicative about their interests, even eager to share with their partners about them. Some will usually just watch Netflix and chill, but many Aries will prefer the sun and glory that comes with staying outdoors. Their emotional energy is matched only by their physical energy, and they’re not scared to apply it.

In terms of sex, they likewise have much to offer. True to their reputation as initiators, they are often the ones to start intimate moments, though they are also very eager to receive from signs that share their passion. They aren’t afraid to work on their techniques constantly, and will experiment at times to achieve maximal pleasure.

Of course, all of this can only work if the other sign is eager to reciprocate or start the momentum with them, so they are best paired with other fire and air signs, who have the ability to amplify their passions.


People carrying the Aries zodiac sign generally thrive in the spirit of competition and will often use a combination of social skills and personal efficiency to get the job done ahead of the others, or at least set a precedent for the rest of the team. This attitude is perhaps why they are most suited for corporate work, where they can set their sights amidst a competitive place.

When it comes to taking the initiative, no one comes close to Aries. This is due in part to their status as a Cardinal sign. Cardinal signs often represent the beginning, and with them representing the season of spring, that is only bound to amplify their already strong energy within the workplace. They are born morale raisers, and will whip even the most pessimistic of people into shape.

In some cases, they also appear quite intimidating. This is because they have such a knack for doing things that other signs might struggle to catch up with them. However, Aries people don’t need to worry at all about this trait: their intimidating factor is very easily offset by their sociability. They can use their immense social skills to keep people from seeing them as a threat and instead work with them.


In astrology, there are approximately 3 areas of concern that each sign tackles separately. Some herbs and methods suit them more according to their temperament, and they also have some physical vulnerabilities. The Aries zodiac sign holds the following’:


In terms of herbs, peppermint tea, nettles and aloe vera all help the Aries in some way. Peppermint tea allows Aries to cool down and also helps with digestion. Nettles, on the other hand, improves overall circulation, keeping Aries going physically despite stress and internal blood pressure.

Lastly, aloe vera actively helps with skin nourishment and hydration as it allows Aries to cool off their skin. This can be quite useful after being out in the sun for prolonged periods of time and even tend to their daily stresses at work.


Aries has a choleric temperament, which basically means that their bodies are active. To help with their active natures, they have high metabolic levels and are able to absorb more carbohydrates for energy. Consequently, they have athletic constitutions, able to endure heat.

Body Parts

The body parts that Aries Rules involve the spine, the eyes and the head. Predictably, this contributes to Aries’ temper and overactivity. With Mars ruling the sign, they are regularly compelled by their active bodies to go out and use them for whatever activity can allow them to get rid of excess energy, making them suited for work. 


Like every sign, Aries is ruled by certain Tarot cards, which individually help amplify their energy as well as communicate their purpose to all other signs, helping the Aries tarot along further:

Major Arcana Card

The card associated with the Aries Zodiac Sign is the Emperor. True to its nature, it represents both the iron will and the supreme authority of the Aries. It reminds the Aries that they are the foremost leaders of the people around them. The card also shows the priority that all Aries signs should have: honing their skills so that they may someday better others.

Minor Arcana Cards

As the Aries sign has three decans in the astrological constellations, so too are there three Minor Arcana cards representing them. These are:


Two of Wands

In the book of Thoth, the Two of Wands represents one crucial aspect of leadership: planning. All leaders must plan from nothing, so that they may make use of the spring. 

Three of Wands

The Three of Wands represents the second decan, written in the Book of Thoth as virtue. It appears at the height of leadership, when we anticipate the fruit of one’s labor.

Four of Wands

Located in the Aries’ third decan, the watchword for this Card is completion. It represents the achievement and glories of leadership, but also one’s tendency to become arrogant in the face of victory. It is both a celebration and a warning of Aries’ excesses.


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